Comments For Stand By Me
azchicakdee (Anonymous) on Nov 16, 2010 10:33 pm ("Salute me and I'm putting my foot up your ass.")

okay, here are my thoughts in order as I'm reading the chapter:

1.  eeeek!!  JC's falling in love!!!  *squeal*

2. aw!  Mama Lynn.  I love that woman.

3. OMG! What I wouldn't give to be able to sit like that, right next to JC, while he's playing the piano.  Guh!  *dies* 

4. and now I'm crying.  Music of My Heart is my FAVORITE Nsync song.  I get goosebumps every time I hear it and imagining Justin and JC singing it like they are in this chapter was just as incredible.

5. damn. cock-blocked.

6. hahaha at Justin's couched vs grounded comments

7. aw, crap.  did you HAVE to end it like that?!  sigh.  It's gonna get rough here for awhile isn't it?  okay *steals herself*  I'm ready.  I think.  I hope I'm ready.  I hope we're ALL ready...

love, love, love!  THANK YOU for updating.  You are amazing :)

roseinvisible (Signed) on Nov 16, 2010 05:57 pm ("Salute me and I'm putting my foot up your ass.")
Yayyyyyyyyyyyyy! I love the JC/Justin bromance.

jersey_tenn (Signed) on Nov 16, 2010 03:21 pm ("Salute me and I'm putting my foot up your ass.")

I know you said this wasn't a sad chapter, and it really isn't. That doesn't stop me from crying from beginning to end. But, I must admit that I have silent tears rolling down my face amidst laughter. His sarcasm is endearing. And, the humor from those around him is heartbreaking. Like Justin saying "string bean ass" or "frail ass", it really does add comfort to such a tough situation. The mere thought of him ill evokes this sick feeling in the pit of my stomach that is hard to shake. But, then, you make it all better with this:

“I totally just cock-blocked you, didn’t I?”

LOL. Great job mama!

kacavendam (Anonymous) on Nov 16, 2010 06:35 am ("Salute me and I'm putting my foot up your ass.")

Well it's nice to see that the time away from pens you have used to update thank you for that:)

''I totally just cock-blocked you, didn’t I?”-loved this sentence. first time I heard it

Keediluv (Signed) on Nov 16, 2010 04:19 am ("Salute me and I'm putting my foot up your ass.")
So the thought of him being sick still evokes a scary emotion deep inside me but again, you have a way with words that is extraordinary.  Thanks for giving him a good Christmas. Him singing would put me at ease and I'm glad it helped him.  I can't wait for things to pop off between he and Lauren.  Good chapter mama! :)

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