Comments For Everything To You
champ (Signed) on Feb 06, 2010 11:38 pm (Found You Out)
keep the updates coming

Author's Response:

glad to know you like it :)

thanks for reviewing <3

azchickadee (Signed) on Feb 02, 2010 06:16 pm (Found You Out)

I totally feel like that ALL the time! It always seems like the inspiration is flowing when I have a million and a half things to do and NO time to write, but then when I DO have time to write...nothing.  lol.  very frustrating.

Awesome chapter!  Loved the whole sleep-over/falling asleep together thing :)  And Justin is killing me!  Do you think he's really as smooth and charming in real life as we all make him out to be in our stories?  lol...can't wait to see what happens next! 

Author's Response: I do wonder that. I mean, he seems that way in interviews and what not, but...that's celeb mode. Hopefully, I will get the chance to figure it out one day. hahaha.

AmberW (Signed) on Feb 02, 2010 06:23 am (Found You Out)
Great job!! I like how you're not just throwing Allie and JT together-that happens a lot in fic.  Keep on writing!

Author's Response:

thank you!

i've been writing ff for about 10 years on and off now, and i've never been one to do that. it's just not realistic.  you don't just meet and bam you're in love and everything is roses, you know? lol.

a lot of fic's do it because the authors either don't know how to pace stuff or just don't plot well enough. i'm a picky reader. it takes a lot to turn me on to a fic b/c i tend to pull it apart. 

i know that my stuff isn't perfect. AT ALL. but I appreciate it when someone takes the time to leave a little feedback, so thank you SO much! <3 


Tink (Signed) on Feb 02, 2010 03:35 am (Found You Out)
Can't wait to read more, great story

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