Comments For Displaced Deception
Lynn (Signed) on Aug 20, 2007 10:57 pm (A Most Befuddling Thing)
wow, i don't like this new chick nd the fact that she looked familiar to Lauren...well that's fishy! Update Girl!

Author's Response: Lol...what is it with everybody not liking Maura? She isn't that bad! lol Updates coming soon Lynn! Thanks - Amanda

danie (Signed) on Aug 12, 2007 08:49 pm (A Most Befuddling Thing)
if justin cheats i'm gonna bitch about that whenever or if he evens thinks about it. i would just dump his ass and get it over with now so i wouldn't have to deal with the drama.

Author's Response: You're just going to have to wait and see if he cheats are not. Not going to give all the goods up front! But I'm glad you're liking the story and thanks for the reivew! - Amanda

Madcrazychick (Signed) on Jul 09, 2007 12:53 pm (A Most Befuddling Thing)
Man, I just knew that her picking a pretty bitch to be his PA was a bad move. You don't leave a beautiful woman alone with your man like that. And maybe Maura's not even doing anything yet, but apparently Justin's already feeling some kinda way about her, which is all wrong for the torture he's supposed to be putting her through. And if I was Lauren there's no way I would've done that stuff that Maura's supposed to be handling, even if I wanted to still do it, because I like getting credit for what I do. lol And there's no way I could just sit back, do the work, and watch some other woman stack up points with my man...who she's about to be spending a bunch of time with, sans moi. And it wasn't until this chapter that I started to not like her. I mean, I get it, getting attacked by a dog at a young age would be traumatic, but c'mon now...the dog wasn't even doing anything. Suck it up, bia! lol Yes, I'm very sympathetic. Lo-ho did say something earlier about Maura looking familiar, like maybe she was at one of his parties, so who knows maybe she lied about the two big pre-interview questions and probably the first time they (Justin and Maura) met in the parking lot, he was probably holding all on Lauren cause his ass probably was just as into her as Trace and Marty was. Oh, lord, for Maura's sake I hope she's not really doing anything, cause forget the wrath of Justin, Lo-ho can be a friggin' psycho. haha Love it so far, update soon!

Author's Response: This is me loving your long reviews! Thanks sweet lady. Glad you're liking the story so far and updates are on their way! - Amanda

crash coincidence (Signed) on Jun 26, 2007 09:37 pm (A Most Befuddling Thing)
fab fab fab. i miss the special previews.....guess this means i'm going to have to be online more so ican get them again. definately can do.

Author's Response: Yeah you are gonnna have to be online more because I miss you. I hate it when you pick up and move across country and don't have Inet for a few days. Hopefully now it'll be good Inet and we don't have to sit there wait for the other to come back online. And I'm glad you can do it elsewise I was going to fly out to wherever it is you moved your butt to and log you on myself! :P - Amanda

alimera (Signed) on Jun 26, 2007 01:56 pm (A Most Befuddling Thing)
oh boy, i don't like it when they fight. update again soon!

Author's Response: I LOVE it when they fight, makes for hilarity and good verb skillz on my part. :) Please scratch that last part, I just woke up and have no idea what I'm saying lol. Thanks for the review! - Amanda

Sassy Spacey (Signed) on Jun 26, 2007 01:47 am (A Most Befuddling Thing)
OoOo. Not good. I had a feeling. Awesome job once again! Glad you had a chance to update, I was missing the story :-P. LoL. I LOVE the Elliot and Theodore nerdiness :) Hehe. Can't wait to see what is to come! :) -Traci

Author's Response: I'm glad SOMEONE likes the Theo/Elliot nerdiness going on. They're men after my own heart. And hopefully I can write and produce an update sooner than you think. I didn't expect the business that eludes summer to come bite me on the ass this week. I need to find time to write! Much love Traci, thanks for reading as always! - Amanda

nameless (Signed) on Jun 26, 2007 12:15 am (A Most Befuddling Thing)
Dun, dun, dun...JT and Maura better not be doing anything stupid or Lauren will have to kick their asses.

Author's Response: You know it! Thanks for reading and an update is coming up soon :) - Amanda

Kathleenie (Signed) on Jun 25, 2007 11:42 pm (A Most Befuddling Thing)
Dammit. I hate Maura. I don't want Justin and Lauren to have troubles. I'm dreading the next chapter already...

Author's Response: Don't dread...anticipate! And Maura really hasn't done anything except hate dogs. Granted she hasn't done anything...yet. *insert evil laugh here* - Amanda

Ambs07 (Signed) on Jun 25, 2007 06:30 pm (A Most Befuddling Thing)

I love this story to peices already, but you alreayd know that, i've always loved Lauren an Justin. So keep updating! can't wait for more.

Author's Response: Thanks Amber! I'll update as often as possible :) - Amanda

Vessy (Signed) on Jun 25, 2007 03:08 pm (A Most Befuddling Thing)
i love it, can't wait for more!

Author's Response: More is on the way! - Amanda

MissTasha (Signed) on Jun 25, 2007 02:32 pm (A Most Befuddling Thing)
Uh-oh. Lauren's going to kill him if he's doing something sneaky. And she should have kept the dog if it's her house, too. Maura doesn't live there so she can just get over it. I love where this story is going so far. Please update soon. 

Author's Response: Well you know how Justin is. He's not much of a sharer and Brennan and Buckley are his babies so getting another one might have freaked him out. Update is coming soon...I just have to find time to write it lol - Amanda

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