Comments For Displaced Deception
alimera (Signed) on Sep 30, 2007 11:13 am (Why Should I Worry?)
thank you, there is a God. lo ho to the rescue!! i hope she gets to him and they apologize and things go back to normal--but something tells me you'd rather keep the drama going and instead of making up lauren gets into a spat with maura and once again justin takes her side...ugh my mind is swimming. whatever, just update again soon please!

Author's Response: What ever would give you that thought? :P Are you saying I like drama more than my characters? Haha maybe. Update is up and I hope you like it dear! - Amanda

lesanne (Signed) on Sep 30, 2007 10:42 am (Why Should I Worry?)
oh man. and this is where the story really starts.

Author's Response: True that! Stay tuned for'll be there I promise! Lol - Amanda

Sassy Spacey (Signed) on Sep 30, 2007 02:22 am (In a World of My Own)
Hmmm :-/ I'm glad Justin feels like a schmuck, he's acting like one too. Very interesting chapter. I can't wait to see what happens. I like how Lauren and Trace are on talking terms. I can't wait to see where this goes! awesome job as usual! -Traci

Author's Response: Thanks Traci, I'm glad you liked it. Yeah Justin is the world's biggest idiot, I've just decided. And yeah the Lauren/Trace friendship makes me happy. Glad you like it as well! Update coming soon! - Amanda

Wendy87 (Signed) on Sep 29, 2007 09:12 pm (Something There)
good storie i luv it

Liz (Signed) on Sep 29, 2007 08:17 am (In a World of My Own)

Honestly if he slept with her I'd jump into your story, Bitch Slap him and then bitch slap her! Oh my goood, I can't believe him- well I mean I can but UGH.

 I love how coherent I am when it comes to this story- It's impressive I know.

 Anyway- You need to tell your drama peeps that they aren't allowed to take up all your time cause you need to update this ASAP.

AMAZING. As usual!

Author's Response: I hope my drama peeps didn't take up too much time. I try to get the updates out as soon as possible so yeah...thanks for the love and I have a feeling Justin and Maura would be very beaten if I allowed everyone who wants to beat them up into my story to do so. Ha. - Amanda

Miskayte (Signed) on Sep 28, 2007 08:57 pm (In a World of My Own)
That little bitch Maura I wouldda straggled her ass if he was my man

Author's Response: Believe me, Lauren was close to doing it if Justin hadn't stepped in a few chapters back. It remains to be seen if Lauren will strangle Maura in future chapteres. I'll keep y'all posted with updates. Thanks for the love! - Amanda

smrkks (Signed) on Sep 28, 2007 07:05 pm (In a World of My Own)
oh jesus what a fucking idiot. as if he wasn't trashed enough already... the curse of being drunk and heartbroken. and, christ, i wish to heaven and back that i couldnt identify so strongly with lauren right now- minus all of the actual feb brawl. but the whole loving someone depsite lots and lots of better judgment blahblahblah. it was great, though. and yay for trace. he used to be such a douche and it's nice to see that he's changed.

Author's Response: Thanks Stace! I'm glad Trace got over his doucheness and Lauren has someone other than Geek!Elliot to chill with. And Justin really isn't going to win any prizes for his intelligence. And I think a lot of people can relate to Lauren...poor girl. Thanks for the love. Go update your shit! - Amanda

ChaseznLuccaLover (Signed) on Sep 28, 2007 05:38 pm (In a World of My Own)

Of course the first girl he kisses since Lauren, just has to Maura... stupid drunk Justin!!

I like that Trace and Lauren are still able to be friends, some what gives me hope for Justin and Lauren to eventually make their way back together. If only they weren't so stubborn! But if they weren't that way, they wouldn't be the characters I love so much!!!

Excellent chapter as always! 

Miraclebabe (Signed) on Sep 28, 2007 04:43 pm (In a World of My Own)
I am completely torn between doing what I want to do( killing you,i'm allowed trust me) and doing what's right( letting you finish writing this story so you can make things right) After much consideration i'm goona do a selfless act and let you liveb ut by all means fix thiss shit and fast. Have everybody lost it Justin need his ass kicked and Lauren need to just whip the hell out of Maura i mean work her ass over double time.

Author's Response: Thanks for sparing my life. We'll see if Lauren gets around to schooling both Maura and Justin lol. Update coming soon lady! Thanks for the love - Amanda

danie (Signed) on Sep 28, 2007 04:24 pm (In a World of My Own)
i was like aw hell yeah its on and poppin now. lauren's gonna fucking find out and i'm be like that's what the bitches get meaning maura and justin if you didn't know that. he's all i feel so comfortable with her and i trust her, i wonder how much he's gonna trust her when he aint as fucking drunk in the morning. you should let her kick maura's ass, i seriously wanna read that and maybe a bitch slap out of this solar system for justin. i'm just violent like that.

Author's Response: Everyone is getting so violent reading this story! Maybe I should just stop and enroll y'all into anger mangement classes instead lol. I kid, I kid. Who knows...I think I have a vat of baby oil and skimpy underthings for Lauren and Maura to wear for the next chapter so they can duke it out. Justin would LOVE that. Come to think of it, so would Trace and Marty lol. - Amanda

Chelsia (Signed) on Sep 28, 2007 04:20 pm (In a World of My Own)
ugh...i was rooting for the sober part of justin to win out but at least the phone call stopped everything. justin and maura = BAD IDEA...and lauren..oh poor lauren. i feel for her

Author's Response: I think we're all feeling for Lauren...I'm sure some of us have been there before. ha. Thanks for the love Chelsia! - Amanda

Madcrazychick (Signed) on Sep 28, 2007 02:42 pm (In a World of My Own)
I don’t know who moved first, or if I stumbled as I leaned in closer or if she tripped or what the fuck…because suddenly her lips are on mine and I’m kind of…wait what was going on? I didn't even need to read about the almost sexing Maura part, because in my mind, Maura was already a dead woman. lol As soon as I read that line, I was like, alcohol, Justin, you. Doesn't matter who's to blame, Maura, you're dead, cause as soon as Lauren finds out, coma of sadness be damned, she is going to freakin kill your ass! You're dead, you're dead, you're dead! lol But then if/when Lauren finds out she'd probably kill Justin too and that's no good. And maybe in her drunken-ness Maura did just trip and fall and Justin's lips cushioned her fall and it was hot in that hallway--a brush of Justin's lips will raise temperatures--so that's why she was going to take her shirt off and she was still just being helpful like with the ham sandwich thing by then helping Justin to stay cool by trying to take his shirt off too. Maura's so nice, I don't know why Lauren would think those awful things about her.
If you find a way to redeem Maura after all this, you'll be truly amazing. lol Anyways onto things that don't make me want to commit homicide, lol, love Trace and Loho's relationship. She needed him to be Switzerland...but with this new development, I wonder if he'll stay Switzerland. And what happened with Theo? Maybe I missed it, but did Justin confront him about the stealing? Or had he locked himself in a Disney World before that could happen?

Author's Response: Once again, you amaze me lol. And I know...Lauren totally has the wrong idea about Maura. She is totally the true hero of this story! And yeah, Justin had locked himself up in his Disney World when Theo came back to get his stuff. Trace basically sent him on his way and since he didn't know about the whole Theo might have stolen shit/Maura might have stolen shit issue until later, Theo might have gotten off the hook. But that might be discussed in due course. Love you miss lady! - Amanda

Hollie (Signed) on Sep 28, 2007 12:05 pm (In a World of My Own)
Oh yes, I knew Maura wasn;t going to have any trouble accepting that break up or urging Justin to move on. she screamed bunny boiler even before she started stealing shit. Also, Justin is a dumb ass.

Author's Response: I so love the Fatal Attraction reference you just pulled Hollie. are awesome. Go update Lovelight, huh? I am not liking me some Ken and Sophie right now lol - Amanda

Kathleenie (Signed) on Sep 28, 2007 11:32 am (Something There)

Oh man, I don't want Justin to have to tell Lauren about the Maura kiss ever...but the truth must come out. How awful!
Also, I have grown to love the relationship between Trace and Lauren. So cute!

Fantastic chapter--please update soon.

angel_from_africa (Signed) on Sep 28, 2007 10:28 am (In a World of My Own)
OMG!! Lovely chapter.. AGAIN!! Keep up the good work and again.. I hate maura!!

Author's Response: Thanks sweety, I'm glad you liked it. Yeah Maura isn't pulling the popular votes now, huh? haha - Amanda

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