Comments For Deep Detestation
glowbug917 (Signed) on Mar 10, 2011 09:34 am (1. The Meeting )

Um...that something he actually wore. And thought he looked good in. Oh wow. Excuse me a moment while I process that. 

Anyway, I can't remember if I ever reviewed either of the predecessors to this lovely new batch of lunacy you're cooking up, but I loved 'em both and can't wait to see how exactly Lauren never murdered him.  

Author's Response:

I know. Kate and I literally scoured WOJ and found that picture and it was perfect - so douchetastic.

 I don't know how Lauren didn't murder him either. And there is plenty of lunacy coming up. Lord. This poor girl. x

a_moments_grace (Signed) on Mar 09, 2011 04:51 pm (1. The Meeting )
I'm so excited :)

Author's Response: Me too! I've missed these two a lot. x

sweetangie (Anonymous) on Mar 09, 2011 09:00 am (1. The Meeting )
Oh I love it already!! Love your stories!!

Author's Response: Thank you so much! I'm glad you're liking it so far. Stay tuned for more insanity :) x

angel_from_africa (Signed) on Mar 08, 2011 12:03 pm (1. The Meeting )
yay!! You're back!! I am so looking forward to this!!

Author's Response: It's good to hear from you! How you been? I'm excited to be back and writing this and giving Lauren hell. Poor thing. x

katethegreat (Signed) on Mar 08, 2011 02:11 am (1. The Meeting )

lauren not losing her damn mind in traffic is just amazing. i just keeo waiting for her be like 'fuck every one on this highway!'

and as you already know, the harry potter thing was just fantastic. 

and wiggins. lmfao.

i am so, so, so glad i helped this along!

Author's Response: I feel like I need to buy an animal and name him Wiggins. If my car wasn't already named, it would probably be called that. Or maybe I'll add to his name so he can be Mr. Darcy Wiggins. I like that. I am glad you helped this along too, ladyface. x

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