Comments For Deep Detestation
glowbug917 (Signed) on Mar 12, 2011 03:02 am (2. The First Day)

Well she's just surrounded by douches isn't she? The "I just don't like his face" line had me dying, by the way. In fact, every description of Trace. 

But seriously, folks. I kind of want Lauren to feed Justin the dog food. That would make my life. Mix it up in a salad, call it a Mediterranian and shove it down his throat.

And give Lauren a hug while you're at it. And a big shot of Jameson.  

Author's Response:

Trace is a beautiful little pocket troll that lives in the back pocket of all my William Rast jeans. Every so often he will speak up and give me descriptions to write. Usually it will be things like 'I am a tall, dark, and handsome gentleman' to which I will respond, 'fuck that. you wear Ed Hardy and have a knock off Jack Daniels tattoo on your arm. Sit down, squirt.'

Bwahaha. I didn't think about giving him the dog food. That would make my life as well. Maybe in the future, because you know Justin is going to do something stupid that will warrant dog food beind shoved down his windpipe. 

And Lauren and I will do a big shot of Jameson. She will need it for the next chapter. Oooh lord. x

katethegreat (Signed) on Mar 11, 2011 10:21 pm (2. The First Day)

is it bad that i really love trace for thoroughly enjoying lauren getting in trouble? cause i really do.

i can so just see justin throwing this diva bitch fit and pouting while everyone else gets to chow down and he sits there, food-less. 

and as you already know, trace telling lauren not to curse owns my soul. 

now, i demand more!

Author's Response:

girl how can you demand more? for real :P

And yeah, Trace is my own personal troll that I pull out of my pocket for special occassions. But you knew this. 

Justin Diva Bitch Fits are my faaaavorite. x

Hollie (Signed) on Mar 11, 2011 05:09 pm (2. The First Day)

On the one hand, you are evil for going away for so long and depriving me. On the other, you are awesome for this.


Hmm... we'll call it even

Author's Response: Hollie! I'm glad I'm back in your good graces. Real life (school, moving countries, moving countries again, Justin being uninspiring) got in the way and yes. But I am back and ready to torture these poor characters again. Ha. I've missed you! Glad to see you weren't a loser like me and disappeared. x

a_moments_grace (Signed) on Mar 11, 2011 02:54 pm (2. The First Day)
What a spoiled brat! If I were Lauren, I'd have slapped him and been done with it!

Author's Response: He is such a self entitled loser. Thankfully, Lauren is above that. Glad you're liking it dear! :) x

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