Comments For Cat, Mouse.
a_moments_grace (Signed) on May 12, 2011 02:06 pm (Tick, tick, boom.)
This was not terrible, lol.  I would have punched Justin, too. Using a little girl to get what he wants, sheesh!  He's too devious for his own good :) 

Author's Response:

awww thank you for saying it's not terrible. i was really worried that it would be awful but i knew that i had to post soon. you and somethingblue42 are the only ones still reading it seems but i want to keep updating as soon as possible for you guys because i always look forward to your comments. thank you so much for reading! & you have no idea just how devious JT really is... ;)

SomethingBlue42 (Anonymous) on May 12, 2011 08:15 am (Tick, tick, boom.)
HAHAHAHA OMG SHE PUNCHED HIM!!!! I literally laughed out loud at that. This story makes me so giddy I swear! Lovelovelove it! Update soon!

Author's Response: ahahahaha! & i literally laughed out loud at this comment. your comments probably make me giddier than this story makes you giddy (if that makes any sense, lol). honestly i appreciate you reading each and every update, it means so much to me i feel like i can't thank you enough. i'm so glad that you're enjoying the story seeing as though... it is your xmas present; & i already know what's going to happen in the next chapter i just have to write it so an update will definitely be posted soon!

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