Comments For Some You Give Away
alee_92 (Signed) on Mar 16, 2013 04:57 pm (One)
I can't wait for the rest!!!!

Author's Response: Gosh I'm trying...horrible writers block :(

DossboughtmeDiamonds (Signed) on Dec 28, 2012 11:07 am (Twelve)
Oh.My.Freaking...Holyfoshizzleness. Court!! I sat and read all of this so far last night and today. Absolutely amazing. I want to know what happens like NOW. Yesterday...Five minutes ago!!!

Author's Response: LOL wow oh man now i guess i HAVE to finish this.  Thanks for lighting the fire under my ass.  I sure did need it.

mollyanna5 (Signed) on Dec 21, 2012 10:50 pm (Twelve)
I was so excited when I saw this story was back!!! I love the opening with them standing there picking anyplace to go!! Thank you for the update :)

Author's Response: Thank you! Hopefully I'll have another chapter soon!

MochaB (Signed) on Dec 21, 2012 07:31 pm (Twelve)
*sigh* finally. So glad she finally owned up to her feelings and realized that they both equally need each other.  They may be dealing with different issues, but they need each other. Justin putting himself and his emotions out there... So sweet.  She is very back and forth though and pessimistic (and i get why) so I know it sure ain't smooth sailing from here on out, but I can't wait to read how their relationship progresses. So please continue! 

Author's Response: Yeah, they totally need each other and I it took me such a long time to write out this chapter. I have a few idea of what I want to happen, just am having a hard time getting it all out. So glad you liked the chapter though...more soon I hope.

mollyanna5 (Signed) on Oct 23, 2012 01:46 am (Eleven)
I'm totally missing this story! I hope you are well :)

Author's Response: So so sorry to keep you waiting like this...if you read my fall challenge story I hope you think it was worth it, because it's all I've been focusing on for the past two months haha. More soon, I'll try my best, and I hope you are well too!

MochaB (Signed) on Sep 28, 2012 12:06 am (Eleven)
I'm really loving this so far. Very different. She sure is frustrating though, but I'm glad Justin has gotten to her a little bit to where she at least confessed she has feelings for him. Can't wait to see what he has in store for her. Keep it coming!! :o)

Author's Response: THank you so much. I'm flattered, it means alot...yes Fiona is a very frustrating character lol. I will try to have more soon! Thank you again!

creativechaos (Signed) on Sep 22, 2012 06:08 pm (Eleven)

Yes, Justin! It's been nice knowing Wayne but I hope he's out of the picture! lol

Can't wait until you update again, I'm still hooked. 

Author's Response: I hope so Sorry taht I havent updated in a while as I was really focused on my fall challenge story. Hopefully now I'll be able to get a couple of more chaps in before I start on SS. Hope you are well :)

mollyanna5 (Signed) on Sep 12, 2012 11:58 am (Eleven)
Yes! She's giving him his day!! Kick Wayne to the curb and put a muzzle on Trace! lol Thanks for the update :)

Author's Response: No prob!

mollyanna5 (Anonymous) on Sep 04, 2012 04:32 pm (Ten)

I'm so glad Fi admitted she has feelings for him, even if she does make him sweat a little :)

Goodbye Jess!!

Author's Response: hehe yes! Love me some Fi, hopefully I"ll have more sono!

lizzy99 (Signed) on Sep 04, 2012 03:17 pm (Ten)
I've been following this story since the start and i looooove it, it's excellent and so real, great job. But, really? he's back with Jessica?, anyway keep updating :)

BTW, I love Jennifer Lawrence

Author's Response: So glad you love it! Yeah...Jessica lol. We all saw for ourselves how that turned out in the real world, guess youll have to read on to see what happens. Sorry it took so long to respond. That fall challenge story really kept my focus!

creativechaos (Signed) on Sep 03, 2012 01:00 pm (Eight)

Yeah. You have this story posted for what, a week, and it manages to catch my eye, and of course I have to catch the story at the exact time that you end with the worst cliffhanger imaginable. Figures that's my luck, right?

Just...OMG. No words except "please update soon".  

Author's Response: lol okay first off so glad you decided to read this. secondly, i know, i'm a killer with those cliffhangers.  I'm writing the next chapter as we I hope you keep reading! thank you and more soon!

Keediluv (Signed) on Sep 02, 2012 06:33 pm (Eight)

I don't even know what to say!!! I knew it was coming (I just felt it), but I didn't think it'd happen so soon! Especially after she'd tried so hard. My heart aches for her, because I don't know how someone bounces back from a pain that gut wrenching.

My heart hurts,


Author's Response:

 Aw Ki I seems all up in the air right now, but you know how I roll ;) Keep reading. Oh, and I was thinking about you today when I realized Miss Tamia's new album is out. I love her! I hope you've heard it and if you haven't I can send you a link :) Hope the hurricane situation is going okay for you.

Joanne (Anonymous) on Sep 01, 2012 04:37 pm (Eight)
OMG I can't believe it... tears..... please update I have to have more and know what happens to her.

Author's Response: more is coming soon i promise!

JoJo (Signed) on Sep 01, 2012 05:03 am (Eight)
Ok so first I have to say I'm so glad you're writing another one so soon...second I LOVE this...and finally third, you just totally broke my heart with this update! The worst part is that she didn't even get to say goodbye to her daughter before she passed. OMG TISSUE PLEASE!! update again soon!!

Author's Response: so glad you love it! I know...its sad :( I'm working on an update now! Hope you keep reading!

dani86 (Anonymous) on Aug 31, 2012 04:16 pm (Eight)
No why do you do this everytime!!!!! So sad poor kenz and fi im heartbroken for them but great chaper. However I am a little mad at Fiona for pushing him away like that. Anyway sad but amazing chapter please update soon and is there anyway we can get pics of what she looks like?

Author's Response: eep sorry. thank you for reading! I'm working on another update now sorry its taking so long i'm just trying to get it right

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