creativechaos (Signed) on Jul 16, 2013 05:45 am (Chapter 13)

"If you survive one day, you’ll get to the next day. And if you survive that day, you’ll go on and so forth."

This is pretty much our motto now.

"Cancer isn’t pretty. It’s gritty, raw and real."

Amen, sista. Thank you for not sugarcoating it. <3

theusagirl (Signed) on Jul 14, 2013 10:56 pm (Chapter 13)

The thought of JC losing his frightening. But hey its fanfiction.

Now, I'm glad that he's gonna take this treatment step by step, and is looking forward for it to be over, the part of his mom crying wishing for him to talk was sad, and I liked that he wrote a heartfelt letter for her.. :) That was really thoughful.

Good chapter..thanks for the update..

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