theusagirl (Signed) on Sep 03, 2013 06:05 pm (Chapter 15)

UGH! JC's mom can be smothering..he and Jenna are just friends, that's all.. *sigh*

Poor JC, I hate seeing him sick like that.. :( I'm glad that Jenna did come over for a visit though, thats what JC needs some good company.. :)

Nicely done on this chapter..thanks for the update..

creativechaos (Signed) on Sep 01, 2013 03:21 am (Chapter 15)

Poor JC. I know what he's going through in this chapter being so sick. :(

Also, I loved how Lance was there for his friend when he had to shave his hair. That's always unexpectedly rough.

Hoping you get inspired for the next chapter again soon! 

DiamondDoss (Signed) on Aug 31, 2013 09:34 pm (Chapter 15)
I cant say I know what JC is going through, but just reading the side effects had me cringing. And as far as his mom..she's being his mom, even as Tyler's annoying. I hope Jenna and he can talk and visit sometime when he feels better. Great chapter!! I am so glad the juices got flowing good for you. :)

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