Megan (Anonymous) on Apr 25, 2014 09:28 pm (Chapter 20)
Well shit that was a hell of an update! Cliff hanger much lol?? Can't wait to read more :)

theusagirl (Signed) on Apr 23, 2014 09:12 pm (Chapter 20)

WHO?! Ok! Who is Derek, if that slimeball is making Jenna do things to make JC hurt, then he's gonna have to deal with me.. *balls fist*

*SIGH* But why did JC's mass tumor remain the same after surgery?? WHY?? :( I hope things comes good in the end..

But thank you for updating, its been a good while..I'll be looking forward to the next update..

musiccrazedjazzy (Signed) on Apr 21, 2014 05:13 pm (Chapter 20)
sad thing this happens to a lot of people with chronic and terminal illnesses. to the point. I sure hope that JC can work it all out with her.

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