theusagirl (Signed) on May 09, 2015 10:18 pm (Chapter 26)

Yayness! :D

And thats right JC always got the jokes last, that PPV interview is one of my FAVES! Among many other *NSYNC things..LOL

But anyway these lines here:  “You know how in the movies the love interests get into an argument and realize afterward how much they mean to each other? That’s what I feel right now and I didn’t expect it.”

I agree! They argue then they share a deep passionate KISS! *swoons* ;) that JC and Jenna are getting along great, JC needs Jenna in his life, he feels SO much better with her..without her, his life gets completely out of order and starts to fall apart..but I would like to know if something else is bothering Jenna...besides her getting fired, hmm..

Good update..hope you are well... :) 

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