Comments For Start It Up
Unicornmaiden13 (Signed) on Aug 02, 2014 09:58 am (Chapter 2)

That's funny stuff, and it sounds like just the sort of thing the guys would do. I like the mention of how Chris is the smallest but far from the weakest. Much as I love all the guys, if I could only pick one to meet face-to-face, I'd have to side with Chris.

Nice job, mate! Keep it up. 

Author's Response: Thanks! I love Chris, but would be scared to meet him. He's so unpredictable! I wouldn't ever be able to tell when he is or isn't joking! But that's what I love about the guys. They genuinely were being themselves. (Except for you Mr.Bass, how could you keep your hilarious, sweet, adorable true self from us for all those years?)

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