Comments For Start It Up
Unicornmaiden13 (Signed) on Aug 17, 2014 06:17 pm (Chapter 41)

"Do you really think he loves me?"

Ummmm...I'd say the answer is about as obvious as if the question had been, "Does the sun really rise in the east?" Of course, he loves you, Libby, you little nitwit! 

And for goodness' sake, when is Clare gonna know the real story about Alyson and JC? How much longer is the poor girl gonna be kept in the dark? You'd think they'd have at least dropped a hint by now. 

Author's Response:

Clare is so stubborn. I've written the showdown between JC and her and it gets pretty heated. She needs to listen, but she doesn't trust him enough to let him in, and everyone else is afraid of getting in the middle.

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