Comments For Her First Mistake
Maggie (Signed) on Sep 23, 2007 03:45 pm (First Impressions)
I totally don't want you to think I haven't been reviewing your story because I ignoring it, I just haven't had time with school. I LOVE it and you're doing such a wonderful job.

Author's Response: thank you :)  I don't think you've been ignoring it, either!  Life gets busy, believe me girl, I get that :)  I'm just glad you're liking it.  I means so much to me to hear that from someone I admire :)

smrkks (Signed) on Aug 29, 2007 12:06 am (First Impressions)
im so excited for this one.. looks greatt great greatt!!

Author's Response: I'm excited that you're excited, if that makes sense. :) 

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