Comments For Murphy's Law
Vegas Chick (Signed) on Nov 14, 2007 07:47 am (Chapter 4)

Oh why do I have a feel that Justin will show up the next day and think that they slept together. Oh this is just to good. I can't wait to know what happens next and I want to know what Justin was saying into her neck. I want to guess that he was tellig her that he has the hots for her, and has had them since he hired her. lol...Just my Update again soon...I want to know who is she going to end up with. Maybe they can just have a I would. lol



wittylyricst27 (Signed) on Nov 14, 2007 01:15 am (Chapter 4)
dude. Update And make it FAST!

Bobbilynn (Signed) on Nov 14, 2007 12:30 am (Chapter 4)
Oh my gosh, I think I have found my most favorite story everrrrr.  She better choose who we all know who I enjoy most!  Hahahaha.

Author's Response: Awww yay! It's always nice to know that one of my favoritist (shoosh it's a new word) authors likes my stories. I think you know damn well who she'll PROBABLY end up with, doesn't mean she can't have some fun!

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