Comments For Murphy's Law
atina23 (Signed) on Mar 13, 2008 08:13 pm (Chapter 5)
I love this story. 

soxy58 (Signed) on Mar 13, 2008 05:58 pm (Chapter 5)
I'm wicked excited you updated this again! :)

Tash2 (Signed) on Nov 15, 2007 07:20 pm (Prolouge)

I'm team Justin all the way and not that it matters but what was he sayin cause i luv how he was sayin it More soon please.

Vegas Chick (Signed) on Nov 14, 2007 07:47 am (Chapter 4)

Oh why do I have a feel that Justin will show up the next day and think that they slept together. Oh this is just to good. I can't wait to know what happens next and I want to know what Justin was saying into her neck. I want to guess that he was tellig her that he has the hots for her, and has had them since he hired her. lol...Just my Update again soon...I want to know who is she going to end up with. Maybe they can just have a I would. lol



wittylyricst27 (Signed) on Nov 14, 2007 01:15 am (Chapter 4)
dude. Update And make it FAST!

Bobbilynn (Signed) on Nov 14, 2007 12:30 am (Chapter 4)
Oh my gosh, I think I have found my most favorite story everrrrr.  She better choose who we all know who I enjoy most!  Hahahaha.

Author's Response: Awww yay! It's always nice to know that one of my favoritist (shoosh it's a new word) authors likes my stories. I think you know damn well who she'll PROBABLY end up with, doesn't mean she can't have some fun!

soxy58 (Signed) on Sep 11, 2007 10:33 pm (Chapter 3)
Ooooh the tour with both boys! I wouldn't object to sampling among the two gentlemen before she made a decision! hehe

Vegas Chick (Signed) on Sep 11, 2007 08:14 pm (Chapter 3)

Wow you must be on a roll!!! I dont mind one bit !!! This was so good though...Oh boy a tour with both. I wonder how this is going to go down...It doesnt look like it is going to be to pretty. But so much drama How I am looking forward to it. And I cant wait to find out how this night turns out this should be really good...I hope they have a that I would so love to read!!! lol I wont rush you so update when you can...I will be sitting in my room wait to read your next chapter!



a_moments_grace (Signed) on Sep 11, 2007 06:46 pm (Chapter 3)
Ooh...a tour with both boys.  This really could be interesting.  Personally, I'm rooting for a JT/Robyne hookup...but that's just me :)

Author's Response: Lol...I may just have her do a hook up with each of them before she decides...come on, what woman (and some men) wouldn't jump at that chance lol.

Gigi (Signed) on Sep 11, 2007 05:22 pm (Chapter 3)

Yeah real interesting I'm betting.

Chelsia (Signed) on Sep 10, 2007 08:46 am (Chapter 2)
yay another chapter :) i love this tattoo game they're playing. it can only lead to good.... :)

Vegas Chick (Signed) on Sep 10, 2007 01:09 am (Chapter 2)

Wow this was an exciting chapter....and so funny..I can't wait to see what Justin thinks...I also have this feeling that the party is going to be for her birthday for some I right? But I was sad that I read the last line, hope it wont take to long for the next update.



a_moments_grace (Signed) on Sep 09, 2007 08:47 pm (Chapter 2)
Ooh, I'm excited about this one :)

Vegas Chick (Signed) on Sep 05, 2007 03:16 pm (Prolouge)

If I had them going after me I would be thanking god for the rest of my Well I will be looking for that update.



Author's Response: You and me both man lol.

Vegas Chick (Signed) on Sep 05, 2007 02:46 pm (Chapter 1)

Really good story so far...I like. Though I feel I have read this story before, is this story new or did u have it posted somewher e else? Anywho cant wait for the next update...hope its soon



Author's Response: Thanks for reading. It's a new story so it could be that there's something similar posted somewhere. I think Bobbilyn has one with JC and Justin and the girl is torn between them kinda deal, popular concept, who wouldn't two good looking men fighting over them lol. Next update should be in a couple days.

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