Comments For Spoiled
Tink (Signed) on Feb 11, 2008 11:32 am (Cheyenne)
Can't wait to read more, please post again soon!!

Author's Response: I'm already working on the next two chapters actually so hopefully they'll both be up soon. Thanx!

SweetTeaPi16 (Signed) on Feb 11, 2008 12:14 am (Cheyenne)
Justin better get his ass in gear and break it off with Cameron before his daughter can actually form full sentences. He's pissin' me off with this 'I'm scared' crap. He needs to be a man and take responsbility for what he's done!

Author's Response: HAHAHA Cameron's only been around for like two seconds and you already want her to get the boot. That's too funny. But Justin got to get himself correct with his daughter first, then he can worry about if Ms. Diaz is stepmom material. Thanx 4 your review!

Gigi (Signed) on Feb 10, 2008 08:35 pm (Cheyenne)
I loved Grandma Sadie! I feel sorry for poor Joey.

Author's Response: Grandma Sadie don't play. Justin better stay clear of her until he gets it together cause she's got a belt with his name on it. Joey, Joey, Joey. Yes, I too feel sorry for him, BUT he did say the wrong thing at the wrong time. Thanx 4 the R&R!

MissM69 (Signed) on Feb 10, 2008 07:54 pm (Cheyenne)

Justin come here *slap* wake up before is too late :D

Great chapter ^^

Author's Response: He might need a couple of those slaps before that happens. Thanx 4 the R&R!

LaLa (Signed) on Feb 10, 2008 03:51 pm (Cheyenne)
Yes! I was so excited to see an update can't wait for more.

Author's Response: I know I did not want a month to go by before I updated again, but school started again and I just got stuck on what I wanted to do with this chapter. But I finally got through it and I'm glad that you liked this update. I'm working on the next two chapters now and hopefully it won't be another month before at least one of them is posted. Thanx 4 the R&R!

kahnechick85 (Signed) on Feb 10, 2008 03:29 pm (Cheyenne)
Aww I'm so glad that Justin's family have been so supportive, even though he's being a retard. I love this and I can't wait to see what's gonna happen next. PMS.

Author's Response: Yeah Justin's family aren't about to let his stupidity get in the way of being a part of Cheyenne's life or supporting Kiki. I'm glad you liked this chapter and I hope you enjoy what's coming next. Thanx 4 the R&R!

lostinadreamx (Signed) on Feb 10, 2008 11:08 am (Cheyenne)

awww this was so bittersweet. kiki really needed justin and she was extending an olive branch to him, and of course he has to go mess it up. I think I've mentioned it before but he needs a smack. A really hard one across the head.

 I wonder what would happen if the media got ahold of this? Would Justin's behavior change? Hmm. Good work. I love how Lynn is always there for Kiki and Cheyenne Jocelyn (beautiful name by the way) Sorry for the long review. I loved it :P 

Author's Response: Yeah Justin did pass right by his chance to make ammends when Lynn called, but he's still letting his fears/stupidity/selfishness get the best of him. He's running out of chances to do the right thing not only for Cheyenne, but himself. rnrnJustin doesn't want the public to know he's a loser absentee father, but it really wouldn't make a difference. You can be an absentee parent and be living in the same house as your child. Its ironic but Justin wants to be a real father, he's just afraid that he won't be able to do it and he'd rather run and hide than stick around and try. In his mind he thinks its worse to let Cheyenne get attached before he finds out that he can't be a good father and leaves as opposed to never being there in the first place and therefore, "sparing" her. He doesn't understand that both cases are just as bad.rnrnLynn has always like Kiki and now she can relate what she's going through so she wants giving Kiki whatever support she needs. rnrnI couldn't decide which name I wanted to give the baby so I choose both. If my heart wasn't so set on another name for my future daughter I would probably use Jocelyn myself.rnrnDon't apologize for the long review as you can see I've wrote a long response, but that's only because I'm a motor mouth LOL! Thanx for your review and I'm glad you're enjoying the read!

JoJo (Anonymous) on Feb 10, 2008 06:11 am (Cheyenne)
Justin seriously needs to get over his fear and grow a pair and become a father!! love this story...can't wait to read more!

Author's Response: You said it. He's going to mess around too long and then its going to be too late. I'm glad you likey and thanx for the R&R!

DaniD (Signed) on Feb 10, 2008 03:17 am (Cheyenne)

OMG LuLu! I swear to you that I was just thinking about this story today. I was wishing for an update! lol Guess wishes can come true!

I read ALOT of different fan fiction, of all different types and I mean ALOT..I'm even attempting to author my first story in a different genera..Anyway my point is this...

This is currently THE best fan fic I am reading, and I'd say one of the best I have ever read. Enough said.

About this chapter..I adored it!..I love how strong you have made Kiki in this story.The fact she can put aside her bitterness enough not to take it out on the people that love Justin the most...that takes a strong person.

Loved the interaction between the families! I can't help but anticipate Justin realizing not only is he missing out on love and a beautiful daughter, but he is literaly on the outside looking in of his own family.

HIS family is having get togethers and cookouts, and it's now centered around the "Golden Child" and that child is not him! He has been dethroned by Cheyenne! HA...Take that Justin.. *snicker*  When he finally gets his head out of his oh how is he going to dig himself out??

Ok..Long winded review..but I want to encourage you keep going and hopefully inspiration will hit you again soon ;D


Author's Response: I know, the day before I posted I was looking at the word file for this chapter thinking that I had get it done because it had been too long since I last updated. Looks like my timing was perfect. LoL.rnrnNow on to Ms. Kiki - she was raised by a strong woman and mother, so she couldn't imaging being anything less. She's determined to stay positive especially seeing as she's going to be her daughter's only parent. She doesn't want her anger or the hurt that she still feels to get to Cheyenne. And part of that is letting Justin's family have access to Cheyenne, keeping them away would only hurt her in the long run and she's not about to hurt her own child. Cheyenne's the innocent one in all, she shouldn't have to pay for Justin's screw up and Kiki's doing what she has to, to protect her daughter. rnrnYou are so right about Justin and the distance that he's putting between himself and his own family by this choice his made and its is hurting him as much as abandoning his child is. He's burned some bridges that he's going to have to rebuild when he finally wakes the hell up. Don't worry about the long review, long/short doesn't matter to me, its still a great motivator. So thank you for the review, I'm working on the next two chapters already. :P

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