Comments For Spoiled
alimera (Signed) on Jun 23, 2008 08:34 am (Released)
Wow, a nice loooooooong chapter, loved it. Hmm. I don't know if I like Justin and Cameron staying together. I'm not sure how that's going to work, but if she's nice and understanding then I guess it might. I'm glad Kiki let Justin stay with them though...he does need to feel close to his daughter. Update again soon!

Author's Response: I'm glad you enjoyed the long update. For minute there I wasn't sure it would fit and I'd have to break it up. Thankfully it was all good. I would say my writing style reflects my personality. I'm a motor mouth - I talk a lot, so I write a lot. LOL.

Yes Cameron and Justin are still together and she is dealing pretty well with the situation. Is Cameron ready to take on stepmotherhood, will Justin even ask her to take on the new role? Hmm?

A lot of questions still need to be asnwered, some still have to be asked. Relationships are about to be tested if not changed all together. So stay tuned to see what happens! Thanx 4 the review!

Tink (Signed) on Jun 21, 2008 06:15 pm (Released)
I love this story, so glad you updated. Update again soon, can't wait to read more

Author's Response: My fingers are already working hard on the next update, so more's on the way. Thanx 4 R&R!

DaniD (Signed) on Jun 21, 2008 12:50 pm (Released)

ohh...the 3AM updates are the BEST! ;)

Well all I can say is that was pretty heartwarming. The party with the "inner circle" was perfect. Everything it should be. It's good that Justin see's what he's been missing all this time. He is learning a lesson, and that's what makes us humans better people. We screw up, and we learn.

Of course Justin couldn't get comfortable back at his own house. When he left that condo he left his family there..and I don't just mean Cheyenne. He may not be ready to face it but there is more between him and Kiki than a daughter. They are a family. 

I know she's an innocent bystander but I got a little satisfaction from Cameron's jealousy. (that's not nice of me I know) Can't blame her for her jealousy...and I have a feeling that it's going to get worse.I don't believe Justin will be stopping his time with Cheyenne AND Kiki.

I have said this before..but I think a little love interest for Kiki might be in order soon. Might be what Justin needs to get his head out of his ass.??

You know I ador this..and it's as if each chapter is better than the last!

Author's Response: Justin is also learning about family and how important it is - how family sticks together and leans on each other. He's got this new big family that has a great time together - eating good food and have good laughs, but he's also got his own family whether or not he realizes it right now. You hit the nail right on the head when you talked about him and Kiki being more than just parents together. Sooner or later they're both going to have to open their eyes and see that.

I swear you're like reading my mind when it comes to this story. Cameron's the odd man out right now - its easy to feel a little bit sorry for her, its got to feel very uncomfortable. Justin's not about to let anything keep him from his daughter (Kiki too? *shrugging my shoulders* Can't confirm that right now *wicked grin*)so if she complains it'll just cause friction in her relationship with him and make her look bad. She's in a complicated position and I can't say how, but its not going to get better.

Love interest for Kiki huh? Shai's still around remember? ;)

I'm glad you enjoyed this chapter and I hope you continue to like each one after the other. Thanx 4 the review!

SJane (Signed) on Jun 21, 2008 11:09 am (Released)
I'm so happy that they have finally turned a healthy corner. I'm not sure how I feel about cameron getting along with every1 lol I want some old school kiki and justin time hehe

Author's Response: The most I can say without giving anything away is that right now Cameron's nice-ness is her being polite, just like Kiki and the inner circle's nice-ness (is that even a word?) is out of politeness. How long can that last though?

As far as old sckool Justin and Kiki goes - ;) The two do have a history of gravitation towards each other no matter what don't they?

lostinadreamx (Signed) on Jun 21, 2008 09:05 am (Released)

UGH?! Cameron has to be nice?! this is NOT cool. I wanted her to be the villian so I could hate her. Gah, this just got really complicated :(

Omg that scene where Cheyenne called Justin Daddy was so cute. I could almost picture the excitment in his face. That little girl has really chnaged him for the better and thank god for it.

Now... that last part is driving me crazy. She let him in the house and theyre sleeping in the same bed... with the baby? i mean... GAH! I want to slap the sense into them. It's OKAY to admit that there is still something there. They should ACT on it too! lol.Can't wait for the drama to explode soon. hehe. Update soon!

Author's Response: Sorry, but Cameron's not a vilian. The truth is Cameron's the weirdest character in my story. She's important, but then again she's not. It's like you said: complicated. You'll see :D

Justin and Cheyenne have such an adorable relationship. They are steady growing closer and closer. Having a child is definitely changing Justin, he's growing up and learning what really matters in life.

That scene in Kiki's bedroom is such a representation of hers and Justin's relationship. I wish I could elaborate on that, but it might give away what's in store for them in the near future. The most I can tell you is that you're probably going to want to smack the two of them even more in the up and coming chapters. Drama, drama, drama is on the horizon. I just hope I don't drive you too crazy. LoL.

As always, thanx for reviewing!!!

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