Comments For Spoiled
lostinadreamx (Signed) on Oct 21, 2008 08:19 pm (Happy Birthday Pixie!)

That was so adorable. Cheyenne is a lucky kid. she had such an adorable little party! She's really the light in that family, especially for Justin and Kiki.

Now, let me say that Kiki going to JUSTIN to comfort her was a clear cut sign that she still cares. I loved how you described that her troubles just seemed meaningless after being close to him. That girl cares about him, is in love with him! She just needs to come clean with it nd embrace it. 


I love that little happy family. Theyre so sweet together. Kiki and Justin discplining Cheyenne was cute. Justin was so emotional. Haha, CHeyenne has him wrapped around his finger. 


And the name change! He got so teary eyed, it almost made me a little teary eyed. Cute chap!

Author's Response: You are so right - Kiki needs to be honest with not only Justin, but more importantly, herself. Like Justin, she still feels the exact same way she felt three years ago. Nothing has changed for either of them, the only difference is one is more willing to express it than the other. On Kiki's end, her denial is going to get her in trouble. She's starting to send some mixed signals, don't you think?

Despite all this, Cheyenne's party is like proof that Justin and Kiki can always look beyond themselves and give their daughter the support to make her safe, happy and well behaved.

So you like the name change huh? Good, but I bet there's a another name change you're looking forward to ;)

Thanx for the review girl!

mzmillion (Signed) on Oct 18, 2008 10:36 pm (Happy Birthday Pixie!)
Great Great Story, I read the whole thing over the past few days I can't wait for more.... I just want Kiki and Justin to get it on again...hhahahahaha... the sexual tension between them is coming off in steams...

Author's Response: Welcome new reader - I'm glad you're enjoying the story so far and I totally agree with you. Justin and Kiki need to stop ignoring and deny what they still feel for each other and get to makin' siblings for Cheyenne. LoL. But the more the sexually tension builds the hotter its going to be when they explode right? ;)

Thanx for the review. I hope you continue to enjoy what I have in store for this story.

kahnechick85 (Signed) on Oct 12, 2008 06:57 pm (Happy Birthday Pixie!)
Aww that was adorable. I'm glad that everything went so well. They are such a cute little family. Cameron needs to go away and they need to get back together. I can't wait to see what's gonna happen next. PMS

Author's Response: Justin, Cheyenne and Kiki definitely make the cutest family, but they still have to get to that point where they are an actual family. You could say Cameron's one of those obstacles in the way of that, but she's pretty much the last thought in Justin's mind now-a-days. But she is still there and if Justin and Kiki continue to gravitate towards each other like they have, its going to become a problem.

Thanx for the R&R!

alimera (Signed) on Oct 12, 2008 08:52 am (Happy Birthday Pixie!)
Aww, little Cheyenne had a birthday I'm sure she will never forget...and now she's an official Timberlake! So adorable. Update again soon!

Author's Response: You're right - even though this was her second birthday, it was probably more monumental than the first.

Yup there's one more Timberlake in the bunch. Hmmm maybe there'll be a third ;)

Thanx for reviewing!

SJane (Signed) on Oct 12, 2008 06:00 am (Happy Birthday Pixie!)
ph family fun time i just love it. I think after the name change it felt like everything is slowly comming back together now if only justin and Kiki somehow get back together hint hint lmao

great update Luv

Author's Response: Don't worry I got the hint ;) and let's just say I like happy endings so there will be another Timberlake in that trio one day. But its going to take a lengthy and bumpy road before they get there. Make sure you stay tuned ;)

Glad you enjoyed the happy fluffiness in this chapter. Thanx u 4 the review girl!

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