crash coincidence (Signed) on Jun 08, 2007 12:54 am (Chapter 10)
wow. that was seriously intense and yet so GOOD. i'm go glad she stood up to her mother like that. go gia :) fantastic AJ :) and get online girl so i can help you with your site!1

Author's Response: Thanks :) it was intense to write too.  I've become so attatched to Gia and JT...I'm glad you liked it!  and I'm trying to get wireless sucks and it's a toss up if I'll be able to get on or not!

smrkks (Signed) on Jun 06, 2007 05:13 pm (Chapter 10)
god what a nasty bitch (not you hahhah you're the shit for all your updates) but REALLY i would have punched her in the fucking face. and i totally share justin's pain... can we get a sexual now? as in like asap? k thanks. lol loved it as usual.

Author's Response: Geez...aren't you demanding! :)  I have to say I always look forward to what you're going to leave me, it's always entertaining.  And I know I'm the shit ;), lol.  Thanks for the comments Stace, and I'll work on the sex for ya!

alimera (Signed) on Jun 06, 2007 02:32 pm (Chapter 10)
oh dear. what a horrible woman! good for gia! she doesn't need a mother like that in her life. and justin is there for her too. i'm loving it, hope to get an update soon!

Author's Response: She is a horrible woman, but we won't have to deal with her anymore :)  Thanks for all the reviews, it's so great to know I have people liking my writing.  And it makes me smile to know you like it!

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