MochaB (Signed) on Sep 04, 2008 10:31 pm (Author's Note)
my other favorite author!! haha. :o) i hope your computer gets back to top shape again. i lurk daily on jjb and i hope your roomie situation gets worked out. been there. incredibly frustrating. anyway, i got my fingers crossed for you and all us other college students, and i hope we are able to stay sane (or as sane as we can) during the semester. haha. :o)

Author's Response: *Gives you a HUGE hug* Serisously, this year isn't starting off too great so it means a lot to have your words of encouragement. And yes girl, I hope I stay sane throughout it all too (haha). Again thank you for always being such an awesome reader and reviewer, I appreciate it so much. Btw, I was reading your little bio on here and I'm a Pisces too! Just thought I would let you know (haha).

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