Comments For Yesterday
meggie (Signed) on Jun 17, 2009 06:32 pm (Coming to Terms)
omg!! i need to know what happens!!

violet (Signed) on Jul 17, 2008 10:48 am (Coming to Terms)
I can't explain it, but a broken-hearted!Justin just kills me. He's so pitiful but still has that edge that says 'leave me alone' that is just all the more alluring. And I hope you get your muse back, like, now, so you can finish. *nudges*

kahnechick85 (Signed) on Jul 13, 2008 12:09 am (Coming to Terms)
I love this already. I can't wait to see what's gonna happen next. I feel bad for both of them, especially if Amiee did drug him. I can't wait to see what she has to say. PMS

SJane (Signed) on Jul 12, 2008 03:39 am (Coming to Terms)
Man this story just keeps getting better and better...well not for justin.
The glimpse back at there meeting was just cute as esp when he called her a whore lmao

Author's Response: Haha, i know right? i'm a big fan of germany and the language (i'm partially fluent in german) soooo it was fun to add that in. Thank you!

MissTasha (Signed) on Jul 12, 2008 12:07 am (Coming to Terms)
I'm alwyas happy to rock someone's world. I don't like Justin any more than I did before but I'm a little more sympathetic because he is remorseful about his actions. Speaking of actions, what exactly happened with little miss Aimee? I wonder if he really slept with her or if she's just a lying skank. Hmmmmmmm. I'm hoping for the latter because I want a Justin/Janelle reconcilliation. Please update soon.

Author's Response: Hmmmmm we'll have to see! Thank you for rocking my world! hahaha

DaniD (Signed) on Jul 11, 2008 11:35 pm (Coming to Terms)

*grumble* OK...I might feel a tinsy bit sorry for Justin. There is obviously something fishy going on with what happened. HE truly seems remorseful and confused..

STILL...It sounds like he was opening himself up for something like that to happen. I mean I don't CARE who she was..showing up late at night with a bottle of wine on his doorstep..Just the two of them? Just how dense IS he?! The fact that he had been hanging out with her alot? Not cool.. 

Just PLEASE don't let Aimee be pregnant. If she was trying to hurt Ellie..then getting pregnant would be the worst she could do. Meanwhile..poor Ellie is off hurt and  pregnant while seperated from her baby's Father. Time they will NEVER get back.

Again...I LOVE this story! It just draws me in, and really hits the emotions. I can't wait to see what happens next!

Author's Response: I know I know...for some reason Justin just pulls on my heartstrings. I tried to write it a different way and I just couldn't do it. But thank you for reviewing and you'll see what happens sooooooon! (Hopefully tomorrow!)

JoJo (Anonymous) on Jul 11, 2008 11:33 pm (Coming to Terms)
Hmmm...a twist. Something's fishy with Aimee...can't wait to see what happens.

Author's Response: Yessssss, I am almost done with the next part! Expect it tomorrow :)

lostinadreamx (Signed) on Jul 11, 2008 11:30 pm (Coming to Terms)
Oh man.... Aimee's a bitch! How could she do that to someone she called her best friend? I hope someone messes her up. lol. great story. i love it so far!

Author's Response: yea, you always have to have an evil person, right? haha thanks for reviewing!

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