Comments For Lovelight
Fionnuala (Signed) on Oct 25, 2007 11:31 pm (If It's Hurting You)
People who drink Budweiser are weird. Just sayin'.

Author's Response: I think drinking beer is weird full stop, but that's just me who thinks it taste like a certain bodily fluid of similar colouring. Enough said.

alimera (Signed) on Oct 25, 2007 03:27 pm (If It's Hurting You)
oh, just man up and talk to her you big baby!! jeez!! update again soon!

Author's Response: Oh, don't count on him doing that just yet. He's a stubborn boy *lol*

jaye2kaye (Signed) on Oct 24, 2007 01:00 am (If It's Hurting You)
i'm a little disappointed in chelsea for kind of dismissing her role in this, but at least she's trying to make amends.  i think justin should have more time to think this over so they don't end up back in the same pattern, when they get back together. they are getting back together, right?  they have to, don't they?

Author's Response: Not necessarily ;o)

JustinsAngel (Signed) on Oct 23, 2007 10:54 pm (If It's Hurting You)
Chelsea and Justin need to fet back together...Update soon

Author's Response: :o)

lance_fan_4eva (Signed) on Oct 23, 2007 06:48 pm (If It's Hurting You)
GAH....I'd LOVE to smack Justin upside the head for being an idiot!  Can't wait for more!

Author's Response: There's a few people worth smacking upside their heads in this story *lol*

Jamie Lynn (Signed) on Oct 23, 2007 06:34 pm (If It's Hurting You)
LOL. Justin would be a horrible monk. But a sexy one at that.

Author's Response: He would be a dreadful monk. That and it'd be such a waste to the female gender...

lesanne (Signed) on Oct 23, 2007 06:29 pm (If It's Hurting You)
i hate it when people don't respond to text messages and have been dealing with that all too often lately. i especially hate it when it is boys who don't respond to text messages. but that's another story entirely.

anyways. i still (mostly) side with justin. although i am back to kind of liking chelsea. damnit.

Author's Response: I despise people who ignore text messages too. And I'm glad you're kind of liking Chelsea again, because if you're annoyed with her one minute and liking her the next i'm doing my job *lol*

MissTasha (Signed) on Oct 23, 2007 03:25 pm (If It's Hurting You)

Chelsea's still being stubborn I see. If she has time to hang with Trace she has time to go see Justin. I think that Justin has made the vast majority of the effort put forth in their relationship and it's time she do the same. He has every reason to be afraid of rejection, seeing as how Chelsea's never been up front about her feelings and is unpredictable. Justin has made it abundantly clear how interested he is in her, so she shouldn't be afraid of talking to him. She's established the power role and the ball's in her court because of it. She has to fix this, not Justin. And she has to try harder to get it done. Please update soon.  

Author's Response: Is it, i wonder, any good her having time to see Justin if Justin is refusing to talk to her?

a_moments_grace (Signed) on Oct 23, 2007 02:31 pm (If It's Hurting You)

Ahhh...."women and their wily ways" yes yes, Justin, I'm so glad you've realized this, lol.

And I think he would look horrible as a monk, isn't there some strange hair-code thing?  you know, bald on top and hair around the sides? like that creepy gym teacher I had in middle school...not like you know who I'm talking about...

ah...I'm babbling. 


Author's Response: You are, but you're cute :o)

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