Comments For Lovelight
MissTasha (Signed) on Oct 07, 2007 04:57 pm (Toxic)
Awkward. What exactly was she afraid he was going to say? She’s being so weird. Chelsea, stop being weird. You’re scaring the poor boy. Please update soon.  

Author's Response: hahaha, we women do scare boys. It's our job

a_moments_grace (Signed) on Oct 07, 2007 04:37 pm (Toxic)

So I've been having a horrible day (not spending copious amounts of money Chelsea style bad...but bad enough) and seeing this was updated just made me a little bit happier. 


Author's Response: Glad I helped :o)

LaLa (Signed) on Oct 01, 2007 02:18 am (Lovelight)

Author's Response: Maybe ;o)

jaye2kaye (Signed) on Sep 30, 2007 11:59 pm (Lovelight)

what?!?! she fired her?! the bitch fired her?! that is not fair at all!! even though it's technically kennedy's fault, i'll assume her intentions were good, although that might not be the case knowing your writing style. speaking of, these are by far the best character arcs in a fanfiction that i have ever read...ever. you make the characters and the day to day living of their lives believable instead of contrived like some authors end up doing sometimes.  oh, and the Trace that you've written is my new favorite person. YOU ROCK!!!

reviewer smiles cheesily and adoringly hoping flattery goes far enough for a speedy

Author's Response: Flattery will get you nowhere... oh who am i kidding, flattery will get you everywhere *lol* sorry it wasn't speedier, but shifts suck!!

Jamie Lynn (Signed) on Sep 30, 2007 10:55 pm (Lovelight)
Mmm mm mm...his lips tasting like Choclate Cake is a big bonus. Since MOST of us women have a weakness for Choclate...and Justin Timberlake. LOL. I loved this chapter and I loved even more that you updated so quickly. You're a pretty awesome gal! Can't wait for the next one.

Author's Response: I just liked the idea of kissing a guy who tasted like chocolate. Ho wbetter to get a dose of the sweet stuff?

aswift (Signed) on Sep 30, 2007 10:07 pm (Lovelight)
Awwwwww!!! He's so sweet!! I really hope they can be together!  I just can't believe her friends.  That's not right.

Author's Response: I didn't think so either. Friends can be strange!

Vanessa (Signed) on Sep 30, 2007 08:48 pm (Lovelight)
" I don't fucking care if it breaks the Girl Code because Sophie just smashed that into a million damn pieces" 
Oh hell yes. I've been waiting for that!!
Meep, they are too cute. :)

Author's Response: :o)

westernway (Signed) on Sep 30, 2007 08:12 pm (Lovelight) how about I write you into DD2 kicking Maura's ass and you write me into yours kicking Kennedy's? Granted her not working for Sophie anymore means more working for Justin and being with him...but then again there could be added stress and yeah...make this okay. 
And maybe throw in some Chelsea/Justin baybays lol

Author's Response: You have a deal there... well, maybe not on the "baybays" but the ass kicking *lol*

Madcrazychick (Signed) on Sep 30, 2007 05:58 pm (Lovelight)
Well, I never thought Sophie was going to be the one to cut their professional ties. But I'm soooo glad she did! And it only took feeling like she's been betrayed by her two best friends to realize that Justin's a good guy. And not just any good guy, but a good guy for her. I loved their little couple-y moments at the end, she just better not start having doubts. Keep the lovelight shining bright. No more hot/cold! Just hot, hot, en fuego! lol Loved it. Update soon!

Author's Response: Honestly, the things one has to go through to see Justin Timberlake as a decent human being... and yeah, i thought it might surprise a few people if Sophie fired her rather than Chelsea finally throwing in the towel!!

a_moments_grace (Signed) on Sep 30, 2007 04:24 pm (Lovelight)

Oh...I'm not really sure how I should react to this chapter.  I mean, I feel horrible for Chels, but then...she and Justin hooking up is always a good thing...gah

You make me so confused, lol

Author's Response: That's the idea *lol*

alimera (Signed) on Sep 30, 2007 03:59 pm (Lovelight)
omg, best last line EVER. hmm, sophie fired her because of kennedy? is there something there i'm missing? or was it that simple? hmm...i'm intrigued. update again soon!

Author's Response: Maybe it was that simple and maybe it wasn't. read on...

MissTasha (Signed) on Sep 30, 2007 03:15 pm (Lovelight)
What the hell kind of friend is so wrapped up in not liking someone that they screw their friend over in the process? I get that Kennedy hates Sophie's guts but what a self-centered biotch. And I love, love, love how sweet Justin is with Chelsea. Hopefully now she'll realize that they should start getting official. Justin seems ready now she just needs to catch up. Please update soon.

Author's Response: He is a sweetie, isn't he? i'm so mean to him!

lance_fan_4eva (Signed) on Sep 30, 2007 02:33 pm (Lovelight)
OMG  more soon!  I hope she royally bitches Kennedy out!

Author's Response: Can;t confirm or deny, i'm afraid!

lesanne (Signed) on Sep 30, 2007 02:03 pm (Lovelight)
oh my goodness YES! i know this is drama what with chelsea not having a job, but i am still so, so excited. because now things can progress and move forward!

Author's Response: Hahaha. So she's unemployed, but she's getting it on - glass half full *lol*

lesanne (Signed) on Sep 30, 2007 10:19 am (Monsoon)
i really like them together which worries me because usually when i like a couple, you mess things up for them. please don't do that.

Author's Response: Me? Do that? Yeah, I'm kidding nobody here.

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