Author's Chapter Notes:
Hey Everyone! So I'm back. I was planning on taking a break from writing...but I kind of missed it. I plan to update often, however don't hate me if it takes a couple of days. I'm trying to get my life all situated out right now and I'm in the process of moving to a different city. Let's just say my life's a little crazy. But I missed writing and hearing from everyone. So this story I'm going to write it in Justin's point of view. It's kind of about his life...I hope you like it. Please review and let me know what you all think! Have a good one! -Whit
Do you ever feel like if you don’t get away, you’re going to completely lose it? That everything and everyone is on your last nerve. Yeah…that’s my life right now. I feel like no matter what I do it’s just not good enough because people feel they deserve more from me. Do you know how draining that type of lifestyle can be? Everyone knows when I work out, eat, sleep, travel and date. My life has absolutely no privacy. It’s to the point where I’ve completely forgotten who I am and what my life was like before all of this.

I’ve started to go numb to everything now. I live day to day just going through the motions, not really caring about anything or anyone. I live my life because I have to; I have obligations to live up to…not because I want to. I don’t get to take a day off just because…I’m on-call twenty-four hours a day not just to my manager, but my record label, my publicist and especially my fans. Don’t get me wrong, I love my fans…I’d be nothing without them. But sometimes you just need to be alone; lately those times are becoming more frequent.

Life wasn’t always like this but sometimes I forget or maybe it’s just too hard to think back to when my life had meaning…meaning beyond how many albums or tickets I sell…I’m talking about where you live each day to just feel alive, to live for something or someone, to make your life worth while.

Basically my life has been a whirlwind since the release of my latest album. I’ve been on the road for months and been doing promotion from the minute I wake up till the minute my head hits the pillow at night. I’m completely burnt out. I guess that’s the reason I’m laying awake in an unfamiliar bed, at a hotel on the beaches of North Carolina. Why North Carolina? I guess I wanted to be as far away from Los Angeles as possible and spending my vacation on the opposite coast sounded like a good idea to me.

I can hear the sound of waves lapping against the shore and something about that sound is so relaxing and exhilarating at the same time. Knowing I’m thousands of miles away from the headaches and stress of my life is enough to make me get out of bed. I know that the minute I walk out that door, I don’t have to be the THE Justin Timberlake…I can just be Justin and that’s invigorating.

Stretching my arms above my head, I slowly walked towards the balcony and opened the wooden doors. I’m immediately hit with a breeze from the ocean and the smell of salt water attacks my nose. My eyes are immediately drawn to two little kids playing in the sand below. They must be around five years old and clearly best friends…the little girl is running around the boy’s head which is protruding out from the sand. She’s laughing hysterically as he’s trying desperately to get out from underneath and her smile is contagious. They are the epitome of innocence and what I wouldn’t give to regain some of that. To not have a care in the world and just be a kid again. Shaking those thoughts from my head, I walked back inside and hopped into the shower. Hoping the water would wash away the pain from this past year.

After getting cleaned up, I decided to head down to the hotel’s restaurant for some breakfast. Filling my stomach with enough food to last me all day, I went down to the beach. Desperately needing to just be alone, I walked along the water’s edge and let the waves run over my feet. It was refreshing to be able to walk alone on the beach and not have to worry if anyone would recognize me. I could be completely free here.

So, I know what you must be thinking...this guy lives a life that most people would dream of and he’s got more money than he knows what to do with. What an ungrateful bastard? That’s severely not the case. I am extremely grateful for my life and my job but sometimes a person just needs alone time. That’s what this vacation is supposed to be about. Last week, I called my manager, Johnny and told him I would be gone for three months, I didn’t want to talk business and unless something was an emergency, I’d prefer to be left alone period. I needed to recharge my batteries and getting as far away from Los Angeles would be the only way to do it.

Once I had walked up and down the beach several times, I decided to go back towards the hotel, maybe grab a surfboard and hit the waves. Mindlessly, I walked up the beach completely caught up in my thoughts; I didn’t even notice the girl walking through with a million papers in her hands. Suddenly, she collided hard with my chest and the papers went flying everywhere. She landed with a thud onto the sand and I immediately outstretched my hand to help her up.

“I’m so sorry…I should’ve been paying attention.” I mumbled as she slipped her hand into mine and stood up.

“No, it’s my fault sir. I was too busy thinking about other things and didn’t pay attention to where I was going.” She said as she bent down and started collecting her papers.

I bent down and started gathering some papers and handed them to her. She smiled at me and it was nice to actually have someone genuinely appreciate a small gesture. “Here you go.”

“Thank you. I’m sorry again sir. Enjoy your stay at the Radisson.” It was in that moment that I noticed her attire. Obviously she’s an employee here, I guess the polo with Radisson clearly written across the chest, should’ve given that away. But I guess I’m not that perceptive at first glance.

“Wait, what’s your name?” I don’t know why I just blurted that out.

“Alyssa.” She answers before turning away and walking towards the events building. I watched her walk away until she finally disappeared behind the doors. Shaking that encounter from my thoughts, I continued on my way back to the hotel and headed upstairs to retrieve my surfboard. This vacation was exactly what I needed.

I spent nearly the entire afternoon out in the ocean. There’s nothing better than being out in the middle of the water just waiting to catch the big wave, to feel the wind and feel that water splashing around you. It’s an amazing feeling; I don’t even know how to describe it, so we’ll leave it at that, just amazing.

I decided to sit down on the beach and watch the sunset. I couldn’t even tell you the last time I had time to enjoy a sunset. Settling into the sand, I stretched my arms back and propped myself up. This place was so calming…how could anyone not want to move here permanently?

“So you like to surf and you enjoy watching the sun before it sets?” A voice broke through my thoughts.

Turning my head, I looked up to see who was interrupting my peaceful moment. “I never get the time to enjoy moments like these, so I thought I’d take the time today.” I explained when I recognized Alyssa.

She knelt down beside me and smiled. “I guess I get to see it everyday…I don’t really pay much attention to it anymore.”

“I feel sorry for you then because this place is beautiful. How can you not take time out each day and just be thankful?”

She shrugged her shoulders. “Next time, I’ll remember that.”

“I bet you will.” I smiled at her and turned my attention back to the ocean.

“Well, I’ll let you enjoy your sunset. Just wanted to say sorry again for earlier, I promise to pay more attention to where I’m going next time.” Alyssa went to get up and I stopped her. I don’t really know why, I don’t even know this girl.

“So what do you do here Alyssa?”

“I’m the event and promotions coordinator for the hotel. Basically anything going on here I’m in charge of.” She said while repositioning herself in the sand beside me.

“That sounds interesting…”

“Yeah, so far I enjoy it…I just graduated from college so this is kind of my first real job.” She begins to dust the sand off her legs and looks up towards me. “So, what’s your name?”

“Justin.” I smiled at her and outstretched my hand.

She quickly slipped hers into mine and shook. “Nice to meet you Justin. Do you mind if I ask you why you’re staying at the Radisson? I mean no offense but rarely do we get celebrities that stay here.”

“So if you know I’m a celebrity…why’d you ask for my name?”

“Because that’s the polite thing to do.” She smiled at me and I couldn’t help but take in her face. She was really pretty in that girl next door kind of way. Her hair was wavy from the ocean and humidity and her blue eyes shone brightly. She was still decked out in her polo and white shorts, but she was still cute. Obviously, she was around my age being she just graduated from school and it was nice to know I wasn’t the only one my age around here. Basically this hotel was filled with retired couples and families, doesn’t leave many people to hang out with.

“I guess I just needed a break from my life in Los Angeles. I needed a vacation.”

“That’s understandable…how long are you staying at the Radisson?”

“I’ll be here till August 15th. So for the next three months, we can continue to bump into each other.” Was I flirting with her? Oh man, I think I just did.

Alyssa stood from her spot and brushed the sand off her legs. “Well stop by the events building next time you’re out. Have a good night Justin.”

“Bye Alyssa.” With that, she turned and walked back towards the hotel before heading into the parking lot and getting into her car. I watched her car drive off before standing up and deciding to head back into the hotel. I was seriously exhausted from my exertion in the water today and I couldn’t wait to lie down in my bed. Maybe tomorrow I’ll make a stop at Alyssa’s office. I don’t know why but who said I couldn’t make friends here? I seriously need to stop over thinking things and just go to sleep.

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Story Tags: daddyj