Author's Chapter Notes:
This chapter is in two parts because there was a lot to cover! See disclaimer on part two!

"Okay, I bet you don't know this one. Meet Cathy, who's lived most everywhere, from Zanzibar to Barclay Square....'"

I couldn't help but laugh while JC sang TV theme songs, dancing in his seat, jazz hands and all. He pointed at me with those cheesy, double fisted thumbs up signs, waiting for me to pick up the next line. It was a game we'd been playing for the past hour, passing the time during the eight hour drive from South Carolina to Maryland.

"You're kidding, right? That's so easy! But Patty's only seen the sights a girl can see from Brooklyn Heights! What a crazy pair. They're cousins..."

"Identical cousins and you'll find..."

"They laugh alike, they walk alike, at times they even talk alike. You'll lose your mind..."

"When cousins.... Are two of a kiiiiiiinnd!"

JC ended the song in a Broadway-esque flourish, his hands in my face for a brief moment, a big showy grin on his face. I loved being able to get him to sing, even if it was TV theme songs and show tunes. I loved his voice. I missed it, a lot.

"Too bad we're not out of the car. You could do a little soft-shoe right there."

"Don't tempt me. I'll do it." 

His eyes traveled to the view outside his window. Mostly cars, and road but some trees and hills, off in the distance as I pushed the car along a stretch of I-95 North. We were just shy of Baltimore, and according to the GPS, Bowie was just beyond that. JC slept for a peaceful four hours, fully reclined in the passenger seat as soon as we pulled out of the parking lot at the hotel.   

"You look better." His hand rested in its usual spot on my thigh, just above my knee. From time to time I'd lay my hand over his and give him a pat and a squeeze.            

"Thanks. I feel better. I miss sleeping in a moving vehicle."

"Ahhh, which must have been great. All stretched out on a bed..."

"A bed the size of a drawer," he said with a snort. "It was awesome."

"Yeah. But the gentle rocking back and forth. How soothing."

"Until Chris' dog decided he liked my bed better."

I smiled at the memory of Chris' constant companion during the early tour days, a pug that was so ugly he was cute. "Busta! He must have known you like dogs."

"Busta was lucky I like dogs. There is nothing like waking up to that sick dog breath in your face."

We fell silent as a sign announced that we were a mere 50 miles from Baltimore.

"You tired? You want me to drive?"

"We're almost there, now. The time to ask was when you woke up three hours ago." I shook my head, full of energy and wide awake.  "I got some coffee while you were passed out. Relax."

He did just that, stretching his legs out in front of him, crossing them at the ankles, reclining a little. Tell-tale signs of nervousness-chewing on his thumbnail, a heavily creased brow-were popping up every few minutes the closer we came to Baltimore.

"So, what do you listen to, when you're stressed out?"

"Depends on what kind of stressed I am. Like, work stress, music stress? The opposite of what I'm working on. If I'm writing pop, I listen to something hard. Something more alternative, I might go with some jazz. It just depends." He rolled his head toward me and squeezed my knee. "Why? Do I seem stressed out?"

"A little." I glanced at him quickly, and then again, really wishing I could just stare at him for a good five minutes. Those baby blues were bright and shiny now, and wide open. His lashes were curled at the tip, just enough. His nose, his chin, those lips-good God, those lips! I loved everything about that face staring at me.

"Hey, are you... okay? You said, last night that you were nervous about coming here. Bowie."

He sucked in a deep breath and let it out slowly. His breath stuttered, like he was shaking, a little. I looked over at him, a few times, to make sure he was okay. "It's not so much Bowie, as it is DC. You know? But...yeah. I'm alright. It's something I have to do, I think."

I didn't know what to say that would bring him comfort. If there was something he had to do or see, it seemed more like a personal conquest than showing his girlfriend around a town he used to live in. He'd stood by my side for more than a year, not being able to do much to help, except to be there. The least I could do was return the favor. The most I could do was love him through it.

I tapped his hand again and gave him a squeeze back. "Well, I'm just here. If you need me, I'm here."

JC stared out of the window, more of the city coming into view, now. He chewed his lip and then chewed his thumb and shifted, moving his seat to an upright position.

"Counting on it," he said quietly. "I'm gonna need you."


Just outside of Baltimore, we stopped to eat and switch places. Traffic on the Beltway was at a little more than standstill, but really not much different than Atlanta or LA traffic so it didn't stress either of us out anymore than traffic at home, would.

"I think you'll like our hotel," he said, glancing over at me. Being a tease.

My eyes instinctively rolled, but I hid it from him. I was far more interested in the city skyline and the glow that the late afternoon sun was giving off-reflecting off of the glass of tall buildings, cars as they raced by.

 "M'kay, I'll bite. Why do you say that?"

"Because, my little history buff, it's in the Historic District of Annapolis.  We have time to walk around tonight. Then I have someone I want you to meet."

I grinned and clapped a few times before I could stop myself, just out of excitement and giddy happiness. Our trip was so much fun, so far. It was only day two, but if the driving was as easy as it had been the last few days and the company was as great, my ‘road trip hell' curse would be a thing of the past. 

JC crept down a moderately busy street lined with red brick buildings until he found what he was looking for-a tall, stately building with a forest green canopy. He turned in under the canopy and stopped in front of a set of sliding doors that showed off the brightly lit guest lobby, gleaming marble floors and sturdy but comfortable looking couches and chairs surrounding several lit fireplaces.

He left the keys in ignition and hopped out, then bent back into the car. "Go check us in. I'll unload. It's under your name."

I passed the Porter as he rushed out, rolling cart in tow, dressed in crisp uniform and ready smile. JC was already at the trunk of the car setting our baggage out. The front desk attendant was a perky, chatty young woman who moved quickly and efficiently-until she looked at the American Express card. She read it and then read it again, and then her eyes slowly rose to meet mine.

I gave her a small smile and she smiled back but still seemed confused. "Is something wrong?"

"Uhm. Just." She hesitated and read the card again. "This isn't your card and... I don't want to get into trouble if it's like, stolen or something."

"It's not. But I understand. I'll go get him-"

"Oh... ma'am!" She was red, so red with light splotches around her neck. "I'd be so embarrassed if he was really out there. I mean... you're... with him? Right?"

"Look, it's fine. I'll just go get him, really. It's fine." I turned on my heel and walked back out, through the sliding doors and out to the car.

"All set?"

"Not yet," I said, smirking. "Front desk chick thinks I stole your credit card, or something."

JC's head popped up and his eyes opened wide. "What? I've stayed here, before. Are you serious?"

"Yeah, I'm serious. She won't run the card."

He tossed the key at the valet, threw an arm over my shoulder and walked with me back inside the hotel. "I should just put your name it, and then I can leave it with you."

Did he not realize what random comments like that did to me? I fought the urge to tell him I had my own American Express card, thank you very much, and I couldn't see needing his, ever... but I bit my tongue. Almost bit it off, I bit so hard, and kept walking.

"Hi, there," he said, arriving at the front desk and turning on the charm. The smile, the low, gentle voice, the sparking eyes. "We'd like to finish checking in, now."

The clerk looked up from her keyboard and jumped back a little, but quickly recovered. She ran the credit card, slid the check in sheet over to me, then folded the carbon copy and slid it into a hotel envelope that already held two keycards.

"M-m-m-my apologies," she stammered. "I'm so sorry, I-I-I-"

"Was just being cautious. No problem." He gave her a nod and stepped back from the counter, reaching for my hand. "Thanks," he called out to her as we followed the Porter to the elevator.

I made a decision, walking into the fourth hotel room that I had ever shared with JC-I was never traveling without him. At least not without his input. We stood in the middle of a luxurious suite at the back of the hotel, overlooking the Annapolis Harbor. Everything was in great taste, from the plush pile of the carpet to the Queen Anne chairs to the arched windows and doorways. Two French doors led to a patio where a table for two was set in front of a spectacular skyline. I couldn't wait to stand out there after the sunset and watch the evening lights twinkle.

The porter unloaded our bags and silently wheeled his cart out. JC closed the door behind him and then leaned against it, hands in the pockets of his jeans, one foot crossed over the other, almost half a smile on his face. Just watching.

I made my rounds in the room, checking out the pieces of art hanging on the wall. The room was supposed to be ‘regatta' style, so there were paintings of boats and ships and yachts hung throughout the room. I hadn't noticed he was watching me until I looked for him.

"So..." He pushed off of the door and sauntered toward me, slid his arms around my waist and pulled me closer to him. My hand slipped up his arms and over his shoulders, meeting at the back of his neck, near those tiny hairs at his nape that I loved to play with.

"So... yes?"

He was coming closer. And closer. And then sweet, plump lips landed on mine and kissed me, so sweetly. Feather soft. I tipped my head and rose up onto my toes and pressed my lips against him, demanding more. Needing more.

He gave me more.

After a few breathless, passionate moments, he pulled back. "Tell me that if I had reserved us at Super 8 that you'd still kiss me that way."

"Ha," I laughed. "You, sweet, delusional man. If we were at the Travelodge, I'd still want to drag you into the bedroom and show you a thing or two."

I laughed again, but not a cute giggle, a deep, evil, tempting one from the bottom of my throat. His eyebrows rose and fell in surprise... or excitement, maybe both. 

"Well--" Kiss. "We should-" Kiss. "Change and then-" Kiss. "Serena, wait. Dammit."

JC laughed, but didn't fight very hard as he was being pulled into the bedroom, toward the giant bed with an elegant white bedspread. I climbed up onto the bed and laid across it. He followed, his weight sinking onto me, his mouth on me, sucking, licking, kissing at whatever skin he could find.

"Honey," I heard-more felt--against my neck. 

"Hm?" I just barely answered, in complete bliss.

He lifted his head and cupped my face, his thumb making a gentle sweep across my cheek. "Did you try to have sex with me, last night?"

I burst into laughter, remembering my failed attempt to get him in the mood. "Yeah! I did. You weren't into it. I think you wanted to be, but it wasn't happening."

He laughed a little, blushed a little. "I kind of remember that. If you try again tonight, I promise you'll get what you want."

"Mmm..." I stretched my neck to reach his lips, to kiss him, one more time. "You make a lot of promises."

"I've kept every single one, haven't I? I intend to keep keeping them. Including the one where I said we could take a walk around here." He sat up, pulling me up with him. "Let's go look at some stuff."

"You're paying me back for Denver," I grumbled, following him to the shower. "I guess I shouldn't be so mean to you."

"We're learning lessons and everything. What a useful trip, we're on."


The sunset off of the Annapolis Harbor was nothing short of lovely and exciting and breathtaking, all at once. I'd never imagined him to be such a fan of nature, of sunrises and sunsets and shapes in clouds and the ways that field grasses bent in the wind, but he was. I loved learning little things about him, things that reshaped everything I thought I knew about him. Everything I ever gleaned from a magazine article or a TV interview or an account of knowing him or working with him seemed flat and one dimensional. Knowing him brought everything to life, gave him depth and showed off so many facets, he sparkled like a diamond. I was never as grateful as I was that night, standing hand in hand with him, watching the sky turn dark and the lights come on and the nightlife begin to move, that I ended up on that flight with him. It had changed my life. 

"Like, look at this building right here. It was built in... probably the 1600's. Look at the brickwork. I mean, they don't build buildings like this anymore."

We stood in front of a building that was very old but seemed to be in great condition, just a few blocks from the hotel. Something about the past, especially it if was preserved well, was mesmerizing, to me. I could stare at a centuries old building for hours, imagining it in its heyday.

JC reached out and ran a finger along the brick, mindlessly wiping some of the dust on his jeans, tipping his head back to stare up toward the top of the building.

"I love like, classic architecture. So much skill, so much intricacy-I mean there were no easy ways to throw up a building back then, you know? Just... the brilliance of engineering is amazing."

"Definitely, and you can tell the workmanship was quality because the building is still standing!" I smacked against the brick with my palm and laughed, mostly because JC was laughing at my passionate reply. "I know, I sound crazy, but history is crazy! Stories are still being told through every brick and every pane of glass. I love guessing what used to happen in these buildings, making up the stories."

"So..." he nodded his head back in the direction of the hotel. "Why didn't you go into History or Preservation or something? Why Marketing? I mean, not that Marketing is bad, but... you obviously love everything about the past."

I pondered his question for a few minutes. It was one I asked myself often, especially when I was standing in one of the oldest cities in America, looking at a gorgeous red brick, likely hand built structure. 

"You know what? That's a damn good question. Only thing I can think of is that... maybe I didn't want to ruin my love by making it my job? I don't know. Kind of lame, I guess. Considering what you do."

"Not really. Some days I wonder why I still do what I do, in the business I'm in. You're allowed to not know. Just, if you did know, I wanted to hear the answer. Figured it had to be a good one."

JC's cell phone rang in his pocket, loud and shrill. He dug it out and his face lit up at the display.

"Hey, man... Yeah, we're in town, in Annapolis, where are you... well come on out, we'll have some drinks...I know, I know, don't start, man... no, really. There's someone I want you to meet...we'll meet you in the lounge at the Loews... what? ... I'll be the one with the pretty girl..."  JC stopped walking and laughed loudly at whatever the caller on the other end was saying. "Yeah, yeah... that looks like this guy you used to know..... see you in a few."

The call ended and he stared at the phone a few seconds, grinning away.

"Our date for the evening?"

"Yeah, he'll be here in a few and we'll eat."  He laughed, a short little ‘heh', and then said, "You have to be hungry. You haven't eaten in hours."

"I love how you make me out to be a pig, when you eat way more than I do."

"No, I love being with a woman that likes to eat. Do you know what it's like to pay for a nice dinner and she just picks at it, eats three bites and says she's full, doesn't want a to-go box and then wants to curl her bones up next to you?" He frowned and narrowed his eyes, wagging his head from side to side.

"And when she heads home, she'll stop and get a burger and onion rings and a shake and eat it in her underwear in front of the TV." I laughed, only because I'd done it before. "Or... what about when you're looking forward to taking someone someplace nice, and all they order is like, a side salad-"

"-and water! Come on." He huffed a breath and tossed his hands up and let them drop again, one of them falling over my shoulder as we stepped into the lounge. "No, I like that you eat. Love that you eat. Then I don't feel so bad about being a pig."

Out of nowhere, a man in a dark suit and tie appeared at the Host stand. "How many in your party tonight?"

"Four but we're waiting on two."

"Feel free to wait in the bar, if you like." The guy sort of sounded like Ben Stein, but not so deep. "Or, take a seat in our waiting area." And then he disappeared, again.

"Pleasant guy," JC remarked, settling into one of the leather couches outside of the lounge. I sat next to him, as close as I could get without sitting on his lap. He laid an arm across the top of the cushions behind me.

"So, who is this person you want me to meet?"

"You'll find out when he gets here. Patience, sweetie." He dropped a kiss on the tip of my nose as I pouted.

"So not fair."

"Who said life was fair?"

"All's fair in love and war. It's been said."

"I've never found that to be true. Not at all."

We bantered back and forth, on the merits of fairness in love and life, until a shadow blocked the lights from above and a strange voice interrupted.

"Hey, I'm lookin' for a Joshua. Do you know a Joshua Shaz-ezz?"

"I don't believe it," JC said, standing and wrapping his arms around a shorter, stocky man with a buzz cut and graying temples. Like JC, his eyes crinkled up around the sides, a great companion to his warm smile. They hugged and slapped backs for a few moments, and then each of them stepped back. JC curled an arm around my waist-his friend joined hands with a stunning brunette, just a touch taller than him.

"This guy..." JC said, pointing at him, grinning widely. "This guy is the whole reason I do what I do. This is Kacy Combs, my friend from way back. We danced together, and that led to me doing MMC and... the rest is history."

"It certainly is! Great to meet you." I nodded and smiled, very excited to meet this particular childhood friend. Kacy was probably as close as I was going to get to knowing what JC was really like as a child, before he was famous, before anyone knew who Joshua Scott Chasez was.

"I've heard a lot about you, reconnecting with Josh over the last few weeks." He grinned, and shoved a hand in his pocket. "Oh, and I got a pretty girl of my own. This is my wife Misty. Misty, honey-met one of my oldest friends. You probably know him as JC Chasez."

Misty smiled and muttered a greeting and then scooted a little behind Kacy. I totally understood the feeling. I let the both of them walk back into the lounge, chattering away and I dropped back and walked next to Misty.

"So, do you still live in the area, or are you visiting?"

"Uh, well, we have a home here but we kind of travel all over. Kacy runs a lot of dance tours and stuff so we stay in LA or New York or Chicago or...wherever. A lot."

She paused and cleared her throat, shot her eyes over to the two long lost friends and smiled. "They haven't seen each other in a good... five or six years. It might be a long night."

I glanced over at them and my smile matched hers. "So long as they have a good time, I can't complain, I guess."


"You know, it was like pulling teeth to get him to talk at school, but after school, like when we would go to dance rehearsal and stuff, he would not. shut. up. I mean, really."

"That hasn't changed."

The entire table erupted in laughter as Kacy skillfully told story after story of pre-fame "Josh." JC wasn't even embarrassed, laughing along with every story, adding bits of his own input. My interest was piqued when they talked about the day they went to the audition for the Mickey Mouse Club. 

"I mean, the thing was, the kid wanted it. And he kicked ass. People still ask me, after all this time, if I'm mad that he made it and I didn't. And after all this time... Fuck Yes! He got on a TV show! He joined a boy band! He made millions of dollars! I'm pissed!"

Kacy threw a fake punch at JC's shoulder and both men collapsed into laughter, faces red, fists pounding the table, making water glasses jump. After they calmed, bits of conversation back and forth started to show me the depth of their decades-long friendship and the success that had nearly ended it. Kacy mentioned, several times, that JC was the one who had encouraged him to keep dancing, to study professionally. And even when he had graduated with his BFA in Dance, JC pushed him to do more with his talent than just teach at local colleges.

"I mean, this guy was talking worldwide. I couldn't even think that big, back then. I thought I was at the highest height I could reach, you know?" He sipped on his drink, something dark and strong, and shook his head. "Nope. Josh was determined that I was going to reach my potential. Or die trying."

"And I was right, because now Kacy is the National Director of like, what? Four different Dance Tours or something like that?"

"Something like that," he said, blushing a little, shrugging it off. "So what's the plan tomorrow? You said you had some places you had to go. I got a little surprise for tomorrow night, if you're free."

JC looked over at me-I don't know why, he had all the plans in his head. I just smiled at him and said, "Whatever you want to do, I'm cool."

He swung his head back over to Kacy. "We'll give you a call. I'm going to some of the uh... the old places tomorrow. We'll see how we feel when we get back to this side of town."

"Oh." Kacy's face fell a little. He set his drink down and laid a hand over JC's shoulder. "You sure, man? It's been awhile, right?"

"Yeah." He stared right at me, his eyes boring into mine with laser point precision. "I'll be alright."


"Oh. My. God."

The elevator doors had just closed, carrying us upstairs to our room. Kacy and his wife were on the way to their car. Finally. I leaned against the mirrored walls and closed my eyes.

"You thought I talked a lot, huh?"

My eyes fluttered open, settling on him in the corner of the box. "Don't get me wrong. Kacy is... great. Love him."

JC's laugh was apparent, just under the surface as he said, "He just has a lot of nerve talking about someone never shutting up."


The bell rang and the doors slid open, spilling us out onto our floor. We shuffled down the hall toward our room, JC in front of me, nearly dragging me as I forced my tired body the few feet to our room.

"I will follow him..."  I sang, softly.

JC chuckled and picked up the line, doing a little dance down the hall. "Follow him wherever he may go..."

"There isn't an ocean too deep... or a mountain so high it can keep. Keep me away..."

His chuckle bounced and echoed off of the walls down the long hallway. "I told you I'd do a dance."

"Yet another promise you have kept."

Just a few more doors and then we were standing in front of our room. I dug the key cards out of my purse and handed him one. He turned to me, gave me a slow wink and a sexy smile as he slid the plastic card into the slot.

"I'm gonna be keeping another one as soon as we get in this room."

I perked a little, then. "Now, that's a promise I can wake up for."

A long, hot shower and a relaxing rubdown later, we crawled under what must have been some obscenely high quality sheets. JC snapped the lamps off and the room was instantly dark, pitch black except for the very dim lights coming from the skyline in the distance.

It started with a kiss, just a peck. And then another and then another and then everything I wanted the night before came rushing back and piled on top of everything I'd been wanting all day and for the past few hours. I was on fire with need and want for him-and he was moving too slow, for me.

I rolled us over and sat on top, pinned his arms to the mattress next to his head and ravaged his lips, his cheeks, his neck and chest. He was trying-not very hard-to move his hands and to roll us back over but I was adamant about staying in control.

"Want... to touch you..." was all he managed to get out before I crushed his lips with mine.

"Mmmmph..." was the last thing I heard from him before he surrendered, before all he could get out were grunts and moans, before the only movement he could make was to thrust, and then stiffen, and then shudder.

When I was finished, and had my fill of him, I sank onto his chest, relishing the feeling of sweaty skin on skin, riding the rise and fall of his heavy breathing, feeling his hot breath on my neck, and, finally, his hands traveling my body as high and as low as they could go.

"Have I ever told you that I love you?"

"Mmmm," I moaned. "Once or twice."

"Just making sure I've said it. Because. I do."

"I love you, too," I said, but it was muffled into his neck.

"You plan on sleeping up there?"



I felt his hands on my back, rubbing and soothing. Hypnotic, coupled with the thump-thump of his heartbeat. The last thing I remember is falling asleep on top of him.

When I woke up, it was morning. And I was in the same place.

Chapter End Notes:
cont'd next!

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Story Tags: missionary oral girlontop love outdoorsex makeupsex hotel boyfriendjc postsync showersex boybands christmas vacation producerjc