“Do you have any plans for dinner?” Josh asked me after a few hours of talking and playing with Amanda.

“I was thinking of picking up some fast food on the way home maybe. Why?”

“We never did get our lunch yesterday. How does Chinese sound? I know this one place that has awesome food and then maybe we could go see a movie.” he suggested. I think for a moment.

“Sounds good to me. Let me get some food out for Amanda in case she gets hungry while we’re gone.” Josh gets two small plastic bowls out and I fill one up with water and the other with food. I make sure the litter box was ready and then Josh and I left in his car.  As we get out of the car at the restaurant, he tells me that this is a celebratory date, and it’s all on him.

“I feel weird to let you do that. Let me pay for something.” I keep urging him.

“You can repay me later. You’ll know what I mean later.” he adds when he sees the look on my face. We sit down at a booth in the back of the restaurant and place orders. As we sit in a comfortable silence as we wait for our food. We make some small talk as we eat. When we finished, Josh paid the check and we went to the movie theater. Josh handed me some money and told me to go buy some drinks and he’ll meet me at the concessions. I bought us some pops and he came over to me and we went to a theater. The sign out in front of it said something about a wedding.

“What movie are we seeing?” I ask him as we sit down into two seats in the back row of the theater.

My Big Fat Greek Wedding, which has Joey in it, actually.” Josh says as he takes his drink from me. I put a piece of gum into my mouth, I can feel this one piece of broccoli stuck in my teeth near the back of my mouth. I offer Josh a piece. He shakes his head no. The movie starts and we laugh at the same parts of the movie. When the main character nearly kills herself when the guy walks into her work, Josh leans over to me.

“Melody?” He whispers.

“Huh?” I ask.

“Will you be my girlfriend?”

I turn and look at him, into his deep, beautiful, serious blue eyes.

“Ok.” I manage to say.

Josh leaned in and kissed me lightly on the lips. When I didn’t protest, he reached for more. When I responded, he put his left hand on my cheek and caressed it with his thumb. I reached behind his head and brought him closer to me. After what seemed like an eternity, we surfaced for air. I felt a little light headed and dizzy. Josh was also gasping for air. His right hand found my left one and we held hands as we looked into each other’s eyes.

“Thank you, Melody. You don’t know how happy I am now.” he whispered at me. We eventually went back to the movie, and I can’t remember much from the rest of the movie. I felt like I was floating on air.

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