As the video played, I watched Josh for his reaction. When it finished, he looked at me as the DJ took control of the music once again. Josh and I started to wander around the room. We caught up with the Backstreet Boys, Britney, Aaron Carter and many, many others. I chatted with the people I already knew, the technicians and the many other people I had worked with on the album. Josh asked me to dance, so we danced to a few songs. Then Lance asked to cut in during one of them.

“How do you feel, Melody?” He asked me.

“It hasn’t sunk in yet, but I think I’ll survive. That was some really nice things you said earlier, thank you.” I said as I twirled around to the music. We finished the dance, and Josh said he needed a break, but I still felt like dancing, so I went and found Chris and Joey. I spent some time tiring myself out dancing with them. When I had finally had enough, I went to the bathroom and took a minute to look at myself in the mirror. When I was done, I went back to the party and searched around for Josh. I found him near the bar. I went up to him.

“You haven’t been drinking, have you?” I asked him. He looked at me.

“Only some club soda. Why?”

“You know how I feel about alcohol, and besides, I need to talk to you, is there anywhere private we could talk?” I asked him, looking into his eyes.

“Yeah, come on.” Josh led me to a room on the other side of the building and opened the door. Inside was a music studio.

“Nobody should come looking for us in here,” he said as he shut the door and sat on the piano bench. I pulled a stool up next to him, and sat down to face him. I took a deep breath.

“Josh, I love you.” I said and looked into his eyes. I saw them change from a puzzled stare to one of surprise awe and finally dissolve into love as he registered what I had said.

“I love you too, Melody.” he leaned over to me and we shared the most passionate, sensual kiss I’ve ever known. Probably the most sensual kiss in the history of man. I leaned into Josh, and he pulled me onto the bench with him. By the time we finished, we were both so dizzy we almost fell off the bench. We held onto each other so we wouldn’t fall. I rested in his arms and tried to control my breathing.

“Thank you lord for this angel. Mel, I know how hard that was for you to say. I love you.” he muttered.

“I love you too, Josh, and I always will.”

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