The next morning, I woke up because my pillow was wet. I turned my head to see why the pillow was wet and saw Amanda on it, with some balls of wet fur pressed up against her belly. I sat up and turned to look at her.
“Oh Amanda! I’m sorry I didn’t know that you were expecting!” I whispered to her. I got up and sat on Josh’s bed.
“Josh, hon, get up. Amanda had kittens!” I say to him, shaking him awake.
Josh sat up immediately.
“What?” he asked me.
“Amanda had kittens. Five of them, look!” I say, pointing to my bed. Josh turned to look at her. As Josh and I watched, she had another one. She pushed it out and then once it was out, she leaned back and licked the sac off the baby.
“I hope I know what to do when it’s time for ours to come.” I whisper to Josh.
“You will, Mel, you will.” he said, putting his arm around my waist.
When the kitten found it’s way to Amanda’s belly, Josh and I went to the front of the bus, where our phones were. Josh got on his, calling by the sounds of it, Joey. Joey must have called Lance, because the next thing I knew, my phone was ringing. Lance told me to call my vet, and to ask her what to do, until then, leave Amanda alone. I called Amanda’s vet and asked her what we should do. The vet told us to leave Amanda alone, but make sure she gets plenty of fluids and food.
I went to sit on Josh’s bed to check on Amanda. She seemed to be doing fine. Feeling inspired, I found the journal my mother gave me and started to write.
When I had finished it, I went back to find Josh. I found him at the table with the phone still at his ear.
“Honey, if you keep that thing attached to your ear, you won’t be around to see your child grow up.” I said, sitting down across from him. He threw me a glance, then told the person he was talking to that he had to go, and that he hoped to see them soon. I gave Josh my journal. He read through the song, then looked up at me.
“Hon, I think this is the best song you’ve written so far. It’s just awesome. Love you.” he said.
“Love you too.” I said, smiling at him.
The rest of the trip out to LA was uneventful. Johnny had our hotel arrangements changed so we could bring Amanda and her kittens in with us. Josh and I were happy to arrive in LA. Those beds were very small.


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