Josh’s rehearsals became longer and more frequent. I took it much more easier at seven months along. The Grammies were coming up, and I couldn’t believe that I was going to go to them. I was enjoying being pregnant, but I was dying to find out if Josh and I had a daughter or a son. In a few days, Josh and I were going to leave for the Grammies, like we did for the People’s Choice. I took Mom with me shopping, looking for yet more maternity clothes. Josh was going to join us later, after lunch, to do some shopping for the baby and also for some birthdays we had coming up. Mom left us at lunchtime, taking the bags of things we got out to Josh’s car for us. Josh and I headed to a department store, where I found this one really cute top that I wanted to try on. I waddled into the dressing room with it. I felt a sharp pain in my abdomen. I gasped loudly as I doubled over, sinking to the floor. Not being able to get up, I started pounding on the walls of the room. The sales lady came running to me, and opened the door. Josh was right behind her. He took one look at my tear-stained face and told the sales lady to call an ambulance. Josh stayed by my side as we waited for the ambulance, and he held my hand on the way to the hospital. When we got there, he had to stay in the waiting room and fill out papers while they rushed me into the treatment area. They took my blood pressure, drew blood, and stuck an IV into my arm. They asked me many questions, I guess to make sure I wasn’t delusional. When they finished with all they could immediately do, they left. I was alone for a few hours, excluding the many check-ins the nurses did. My doctor finally came in and looked me over.
“Melody, we believe that you were experiencing something we call premature labor. It’s common for some women, and you will be fine. I’m slightly worried because of how early this is. I’m going to make you go on bed rest. You’ll only be allowed out of bed for ten minutes everyday, including bathroom time. I don’t want to risk you going into labor too early.” my doctor went on to explain any of my questions about it, and then left.
Shortly after my doctor left, Josh was allowed in to see me. I could tell by the look on his face that my doctor had told him the diagnosis. He looked terrible, like he was only a jumble of nerves. I smiled at him.
“Well, I guess there is always next year for the Grammies.” I said. Josh smiled weakly.
“Oh Mel. I was so afraid that I might lose you. I’m so relieved that you’re going to be alright. I was afraid that they would come to me and tell me to choose between you and the baby. I couldn’t even imagine life without you. I love you.” he said as he sat down in the chair next to my bed.
“Oh Josh. I love you too. I’m going to be alright. I just can’t go anywhere.” tears welled up in my eyes.
“I wouldn’t change anything in my life. I wouldn’t even do any of it over if it meant that I’d never meet you.”
Josh looked down at me, with a tear rolling down his face.
“You mean that?” he asked.
“I do. You are the best thing that has ever happened to me. You are my very soul.” I let the tears I’ve been holding in roll down my face. Josh reaches up and wipes the tears away. I pull his arm across my body, and he leans to me. We share a passionate kiss.

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