“Mom, could I get another glass of milk?” I ask into the baby monitor next to me. I hear Mom call up the stairs that she’ll be right there. I turn the television on to the channel that will air the Grammies. Josh was reluctant to go, leaving me home alone. Mom stepped in and said that she would stay here, helping me. I told Josh that If I won the award I was up for to accept it for me. The phone rang. I picked it up.
“How’s my sweet Melody?” I hear.
“I’m doing fine, Josh. Where are you? I’m watching the red carpet. I don’t see you yet.”
“We’re here, in the line of limos. We’ll be out soon.” Mom came up and put the milk next to me, and mouthed ‘Who is it?’ I mouthed back that it was Josh.
“We’re getting out now, Mel.” Josh said into the phone. I watched the TV screen, watching the guys get out of their limo. Josh was the last one out. He looked funny being there without a date, and on his phone. I smiled.
“You won’t believe this, but there is this guy all dressed up on the red carpet, he’s dateless AND he’s on his cell. How tacky.” I said into the phone. I saw Josh laugh. He walks up towards the building with the guys. I told him to stop and talk to the people that were doing the coverage that I was watching. Josh stopped the guys, and they all answered questions about how excited they were to be there. They asked Josh how I was doing, and they wanted to know where I was. I listened as Josh answered them.
“Melody is doing great. She wasn’t able to come here tonight, and babe, ‘Something Like You’.” I hear it from both the television and the phone.
As they walk away, I tell him how sweet he was. As he walked into the building, we said our love you’s and hung up. I watched as the guys won their first Grammy. When my category comes up, Josh called me. When they announced my name, I let out a scream. Josh walked up to the podium.
“Excuse my phone, but I’m going to say Melody’s speech straight from her own mouth.” he went on, repeating everything I said. I was sure that this little trick was going to go down in history as a first.
Mom was sitting next to me, laughing as Josh thanked himself for me. I started laughing too, watching it on the TV. I was so happy I was taping it, our child could laugh at Daddy thanking himself for loving Mommy.
The next day, Josh arrived home again. I showed him the tape of him thanking himself, and we both had a good laugh.

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