Bringing home Arabella seemed surreal. I knew it would take some time to adjust.
Josh’s parents and siblings were coming to stay for a few days. The thought of meeting his mother made me nervous. Josh and I have been together for almost a year, but because his mom lived in Maryland, I hadn’t met her yet.
Josh seemed totally taken by Arabella. Almost every time I saw him when I was awake, he was carrying Arabella around and singing softly to her. The look on his face every time he saw her was one of pure love. It made me realize all over again why I loved him so much.
When we went to pick up his family at the airport, we left Arabella at home with mom. Josh held my hand as we waited for them to get off the plane.
“MOM! DAD! TJ! HEATHER!” he yelled over all the noise. Four people came over to us. The older couple hugged him as his siblings said hello to me. Then Josh introduced us. We headed to the car since none of them checked in luggage. When we arrived at home, I introduced them all to my mother.
Karen, his mother, picked up Arabella and started cooing at her. The four of them took turns holding her and cooing over her.
That night in bed, I turned to Josh.
“Why do I feel like your mom doesn’t like me?” I asked him.
“She didn’t want me to tell you, but she went out and bought Melody of Life when it came out, she wanted to get to know you. She knew how I felt about you, and since the two of you hadn’t met, she felt that she might be able to get to know the girl that had swept her son clean off his feet by listening to her music. She feels like she knows you, that’s all. Trust me. If she didn’t like you, you’d know.” he said. He leaned over and kissed me.
“I love you.” he said, rolling over and falling asleep.

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