When Josh and I reached our destination, I went into the bathroom and took off my strapless gown and put on some lingerie. I took out the few bobby pins that were in my hair and sauntered out into the room where Josh was standing by the bed. I took a good look at what he was wearing and started to laugh.
“Where did you get those?” I asked him. He was wearing a pair of boxers that had pictures of a ball and chain on them.
“Joey. Where else?” he said.
“And you still wore them?” I said laughing. Josh shrugged his shoulders sheepishly.
I walked up to him and pressed myself against him. I kissed him and he returned the feelings. We lost ourselves to the feelings of love and desire. It felt a bit weird to be making love with Josh for the first time in such a long time, but it also felt so special at the same time.
The night flew by and we enjoyed our first days as a married couple to the fullest. We lounged around and enjoyed each other’s company, and just relaxed.
I woke up first on his birthday. I lied there watching him sleep, thinking of how far we had come in the past year. We had found out that I was pregnant, gotten engaged, I had given birth to our now four month old daughter, and we had gotten married. Josh stirred a bit and I closed the distance between us and kissed his nose.
“Happy birthday sweetie. Love you.” I whispered to him. Josh opened his eyes.
“I turn 27 today.” He said.
“Yep.” I said and leaned back in and kissed him. Pretty soon we were making our own fun when breakfast arrived. I answered the door in my robe and we realized how hungry we were so we ate quickly and then returned to our fun. Around lunchtime, we put on our bathing suits and went to the beach for a swim. We spent the afternoon there entertaining ourselves both on the beach and in the water. When the beach bored us, we went back to the hotel to shower all the sand off. Who knew that burying each other would put sand in the oddest places? When we were dressed, we headed to a restaurant for dinner.
“Mel?” Josh asked after the waiter had taken our orders.
“I’ve been thinking about this for a while. I want to make a solo album. Justin’s was a big hit, and I realized recently that I have all this music inside me, why don’t I let it out?”
“Oh, Josh! That’s great! You know I’ve been working on mine, so we could work on them together!” I said. Our food arrived. We ate in silence for a few moments.
“I really think I’ve matured a lot since Illusions came out. I feel so inspired right now too.” he said, breaking the silence.
“Oh honey, that’s fabulous! I love you.” I said.
“I love you too, my Melody.”
We finished our dinner, and I handed him his presents from Arabella and me. He loved them. The rest of our honeymoon seemed to fly by twice as fast as it did before his birthday.

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