“What do you mean Lance didn’t get home last night?” I asked Mom.
“Well, when Cassie didn’t make it back by four, I got a bit worried. I know she’s not related to me, but she’s so young. Anyways, I went and drove by where the party was and his car was the only one there, but nobody was around. So I drove by his house, thinking that he might have taken a cab home, but his neighbor was kind enough to tell me that Lance had been gone for hours.” She said.
“Why is that so worrisome? They might have gone to a hotel.” Even as I said it I knew it was ridiculous. Lance wouldn’t take Cassie to a hotel on their first date, or any date for that matter.
“Cassie didn’t want to say anything, but Todd, Ethan’s father came by the other day. I guess she ended their relationship and that it was bad. He was looking for Cassie, said he wanted to get back together. Luckily Cassie was out at the time, but it just seemed to piss him off even more.” Mom said. The phone rang. Mom picked it up and was quiet for a moment.
“Oh hon, I’m so glad you’re alright. What? Surgery? Todd did what? Oh hon. Melody’s here. Do you want to talk to her? No? Alright. Bye.” Mom hung up and looked at me.
“That was Cassie.” she said. I nodded.
“She’s alright, but they had to take Lance into surgery. He and Todd had a fist fight and Todd broke Lance’s nose. Cassie needs someone to be with her.” Mom said.
“I guess you’ll get to hang out with Bella for a bit longer. I’m going to the hospital.” I got up and left.
I pulled into the parking lot of the hospital and asked the nurse where Lance would be. She pointed me down a few hallways and told me where the waiting room was. I hurried to it and saw Cassie sitting alone in the room, crying.
“Oh, Cass.” I said, rushing to her. She looked up at me.
“Melody! I’m so happy to see you!” she said as she stood up. I hugged her.
“Tell me what happened.” I said as I sat down next to her.
“Well, after you and Jc left, Lance and I stayed for a bit longer, and then decided to go somewhere more quiet and talk, to get to know each other better. On our way to his car, Todd came out of the shadows. He called Lance a ‘girlfriend stealing SOB’ and wound up to punch him. I tried to stop them, but he pushed me into a car.” She stopped and showed me her arms, where a line of bruises were starting to form.
“After he pushed me away, Todd punched Lance really hard in the face, and Lance fell down. Todd started kicking him, and I did the only thing I could think of, and I screamed. Todd turned to me and started beating me and calling me every name in the book.” Cassie took a moment to collect herself.
“When I thought he was going to kill me, he was pulled off of me. I looked and saw Lance punch him in the eye. Todd must have given up because then he left, telling me to have a nice life in a really nasty voice. Lance asked me if I was ok before he fainted. I found his cell phone and called for an ambulance and waited with him until they came.” she was interrupted by Josh walking into the room.
“Honey, how’d you find me?” I asked him as he came over and sat on the other side of Cassie.
“When I woke up and you weren’t there, I headed to your mom’s house and she told me what happened and I rushed over here.” he said. A doctor came in and asked if we were waiting for Lance.
“He’s going to be fine. His nose was so broken up, we gave him a new one. He also lost a lot of blood, and that was a concern, but he will pull through with flying colors. You can go in and see him soon.” he said before he left.
When we could finally go in and see him, he looked worse than he was. He had a large bandage wrapped around his head and they were still giving him blood. Cassie burst into tears when she saw him. I could tell she felt so guilty that he was here. I pat her on her shoulder reassuringly. She reached for Lance’s hand and held it. The three of us stayed as long as we could before we had to leave. As we left the hospital, I told Josh to go home. I took Cassie to my mom’s house and picked up Bella.

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