Josh and I reached the first venue. I went through the sound checks and things. I had a few hours before we had to get ready for the concert, so I went shopping at a nearby mall. I bought Arabella some squishy toy I knew she would like chewing on. I also got her some other things, mostly teething things. Josh was going to get a few toys of his own, as well as some more books and some DVDs. I got my mother a gift certificate to her favorite store. I was going to send Tyler and Heather signed copies of Baby Blues. I got Karen and Roy some gift certificates to some national chain stores. I figured that was enough for the day and headed back. I wrapped Josh’s gifts and hid them in my suitcase and went off to makeup and wardrobe. Josh was already there. He was going to be my opening act tonight. I was a bit nervous, but knowing that Josh was there for me helped calm my nerves.
Josh sung beautifully. He sang songs from the album that he had been working on. He’s been so secretive about it, I only knew the one song he played for me that one day. When he came off, I went on. He hugged me and wished me luck on my out. I went out there and sang my best songs for about an hour. My encore was having Josh come back out on stage and we sang “Love” together. It seemed to be my biggest hit yet. The crowd went wild when he came back on stage. They knew which song was coming up next.
When the show was over, we headed back to the hotel and slept. We went back on the road the next day and the first few days went by so uneventful, it was completely boring. We were starting to wean Arabella off of the formula and onto ‘adult’ food. She became very cranky, and on that small bus, her mood quickly rubbed off on Josh and myself. One time we went out for Chinese food, and she cried the whole time we were out. She couldn’t be comforted. I took her temperature but she was normal.
“I think she’s starting to teethe.” I tell Josh.
“How long does it last?”
“Way too long.” I said, handing her some crackers to chew on. Finally somewhat satisfied, she chewed on her fingers and the crackers. We were very happy when she finally started to show signs of sleepiness. We rocked her to sleep and fell into the same bed together. The moment our heads hit the pillow, we were wide awake. We wrapped ourselves in each other’s arms and talked for a long time before we drifted off to sleep.

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