Author's Chapter Notes:
I should have waited to update this is really short.
Two hours later Lisa had fallen asleep on her father's lap, Nick and JC sat talking as Lena came into the room. When she entered the two men looked at the small brunette who looked tired from the day.

"Hey sorry I didn't call, but I left my book here." she whispered.

JC nodded "hey it's ok." shifting his daughter into a sitting position, he stood and laid her back onto the couch. "what does this book look like, I can find it for you." 

Lena shook her head "don't worry I found it in the kitchen, do you want me to put her to bed?"

JC shook his head "no, I'm going to let her sleep with  me tonight."

Nodding her head Lena watched as JC picked up his daughter and took the sleeping girl upstairs. "he has been through so much" she whispered to herself.

Nick turned to her with confusion "what do you mean?"

Lena sighed "that's really not my place to tell. He is my best friend I would walk through fire for those two, just so they would be safe from the media, life, and whatever else came along."

Nick nodded his head "so what's the deal with you two?" 

Lena blushed "we are just friends."

Nick smiled "yeah sure I'll by that."

Lena glared at Nick "oh you are just as bad as he is." she waved her hand in the direction JC had gone. 

Nick shook his head "maybe you like him, but you just won't let yourself because you two are 'just friends'" he raised his hands to make air quotes.

Blowing out a breath of frustration, Lena groaned "what do you know? You have only been here for what, twenty four hours and now you know everything?" 

Nick sighed "no I dont but everytime he and I would talk, he talked about you and how wonderful you are although I didn't know who he was talking about because he would just describe you and everything about you to me. Its enough to make me want to shoot a cupid arrow into that woman's butt to get her aka you to realize, that my brother is in love with you."

Staring at Nick in shock the only thing Lena could say was "he loves me?"

Nick nodded his head "he didn't come right out and say it, but I'm a guy I know what the signs are." he laughed.

Nodding her head Lena Gave Nick a hug "thanks, he's lucky to have you here. Tell him I'll see him tomorrow, if not I'll text him" with that Lena left.

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Story Tags: daddyjc twins lovetriangle