Author's Chapter Notes:
You might want to get a box of tissues. Just to warn you.
JC's laughter filled the car, as he smoothly eased the car into his driveway "here we are, you better call Ted and Jo." he said as he parked the car in the garage.

Nodding her head Dana reached to find her phone, but realized that she left it at her house "um JC?" she asked as she followed him into the house, JC turned his head at his name. "Can I use your phone I left mine at home."

JC handed his phone to Dana "Yeah, do you want anything to drink?"

Dana shook her head as she dialed her parents number "no, but thanks." She then began talking to her brother. 

After JC got a drink from the kitchen, he went into the tv room where Dana sat on a couch ending her conversation. 

"Ok Ben if anything happens I'll call you or I'll have JC call you." she smiled in JC's direction "alright see ya." with that she hung up the phone and gave the phone back to JC. 

"Everything ok?" he asked as he placed the phone back into his jeans pocket.

Nodding her head Dana giggled "that was Ben, he is so jealous I got to ride in your car."

JC smiled "so, you said you wanted to talk?" he asked with a raise of his eyebrows.

Biting her lip Dana sighed "yeah."

JC nodded as he made himself comfortable in his favorite recliner "what do you want to talk about?"

"I want to know everything you can tell me about before you let mom and dad take me in." Dana suggested.

JC understood where Dana was coming from, he sighed as he began his story "I met Val, your mom when I first moved to Orlando, she was friends with Joey. We hung out and we started to feel more than friends so we started dating. I took her to homecoming when I was" he paused as a memory came to his mind "we were juniors in high school and that was the night things changed between her and I." His eyes glistened with tears.

Dana watched as her father spoke with sadness and remorse "you had sex with her."

Pursing his lips JC nodded as his jaw clenched and unclenched "we told eachother that we loved eachother, we had never said that to one another." he smiled "we were inseparable after that. Then one day I come home to find her in my parents kitchen, my mom hugging her and my dad pacing." shaking his head JC closed his eyes "when I walked in my parents told me that her parents had kicked her out." 

Dana's eyes grew wide "what?! How could they just do that?"

With a light chuckle JC continued "that's exactly what I said, that's when everything hit the fan." he rubbed his face "Val asked if she could talk to me alone, which both scared me and confused me. I agreed then we went to my room where she told me that she was two months pregnant and I was the father."

Dana could sense the emotions her father had felt "what did you do?"

Licking his lips JC looked to the ground "I laughed and told her that she was lying." he lifted his eyes to meet Dana's "but she just sat there and cried, that's when I freaked. I grabbed my keys and my jacket and left, I needed to think and let this sink in."

Nodding her head Dana watched as JC sunk deep into his chair "I don't blame you, that's a lot to deal with." she said to try and let him know she wasn't mad.

Sighing JC continued "I sat in the driveway for twenty minutes, I cried, I yelled, and I just thought." he grinned "my dad came out and knocked on the window which scared the daylights out of me. I remember him telling me to get back into the house so that we all could work this out. He practically dragged me out of the car and back into the house." he laughed "if you get your grand dad angry, watch out it's not pretty." 

Giggling at the image of JC being man handled by his father "oh that's how Ben is, it's scary. So what happened next?" she got more comfortable on the couch.

JC thought a moment "I went back in and basically begged your mom to forgive me. We decided that your mom would move in with us. I remember half way through her pregnancy she woke me up to tell me that she felt you kick." his eyes glistened with tears.

"I couldn't believe it. In a few short months we were going to be parents." he sighed "a month before you were born, she started to pull away from me. She had stopped saying I love you and it scared me." tears began to pour freely from his eyes "then one night we had a huge fight, I told her I wanted this to work and that I loved her." he bit his lip "I will never forget the look in her eyes, she told me that she didn't love me anymore and as soon as you were born she would move out without you." that's when JC began to openly cry.

Dana couldn't believe that anyone wouldn't love this man sitting in front of her "JC" she stood and placed her hand to his shoulder. 

JC lifted his eyes to his daughter, he then stood and wrapped his arms around the girl "I swore I would never hurt you, I would do anything to keep you safe, and I would love you more than life itself." he said into her hair which he had buried his nose into.

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