"...and this will be your room, Sutton," James and JC had taken Sutton to see their new home, which had officially become theirs just hours before when JC signed the dotted line at the realtor's office. Sutton looked around the empty room. It was smaller than the one she had at Chad's, but she liked the little window seat beneath the dormer window, which overlooked the front yard.

"I can put my tea set here, Mommy," Sutton walked over to the window seat and placed her hand on the window seat, turning to smile at James. She climbed up to look out at the front yard and then hopped down again. "I love it!" she walked back over to James and JC.

"Good! It's right across the hall from your playroom," JC was taking Sutton's hand, not noticing the pale expression on James' face. 

She'd felt yet another wave of nausea hit her and refused to believe she was getting sick. She took a breath and followed them out of the bedroom and to the other room that faced the backyard and the pool. She wiped a few beads of sweat away from her forehead and swallowed, making the nausea subside for a little while. It seemed to only grow stronger and soon, James muttered something about the bathroom. She'd barely made it to the bathroom that would be Sutton's before she threw her head over the toilet and softly moaned in agony. 

"Baby? Where are you?" she heard JC calling for her, and slowly knelt back on her feet, bracing herself and flushing the toilet. She rinsed out her mouth, still somewhat shaking from being sick. When she walked out of the bathroom, JC knew right away what had happened. "Oh, no. You threw up, babe. We need to get you home."

James shook her head. The talent show tryouts were in an hour and she had to be at Brewster's helping Madison and Kaylie with the lines that were sure to be forming outside. "No. I'm better," she lied, although she could sense the nausea had subsided since she'd let everything out. "I'll be fine." She looked at JC as reassuringly as she could, but he wouldn't buy it.

"You need to go home. I'll call Chad. Maybe he can help-"

"No!" James cut him off. "I'm fine. I promise!" JC eyed her suspiciously and they walked back downstairs, Sutton in front of them, occasionally glancing back at her mother. When they reached the bottom of the landing, JC put his arm around the small of James' back.

"If you start feeling sick again, will you please let me know," he said softly. "Really, don't kill yourself over this, James."

"Josh. I'm fine!"James repeated, and started to feel slightly annoyed. He could sense it and backed off, opening the door for her and Sutton. James breathed in the fresh summer air and let out a sigh, feeling much better just by being outside. 

By the time they reached Brewster's, a line had formed a block and a half down main street. James figured the entire town had showed up. She had heard Kaylie telling Madison that there might be people from neighboring towns like Waycross or Brunswick that would come and try out just to see JC Chasez in person. And these were just the auditions, not even the real show, James thought to herself and she, JC, and Sutton made their way into the shop. Chad met them there, ready to collect Sutton and take her home, but Sutton was begging to stay and watch. She was still too shy to do anything on her own and was going to be a part of the intermission portion of the night with her ballet school.

"You look terrible," Chad looked at James and went over to brush a few strands of hair from her eyes. 

"And you're an ass," James shot back and Chad knew she was in no mood to be teased.

"I'm sorry, doll, but you look like you need to lie down. Are you feeling okay?" Chad pressed his palm to her forehead. 

"Mommy threw up, Uncle Chad," Sutton informed him, and James sighed and shook her head. "Yeah, you did, Mommy. Me and Daddy heard you. And then Daddy was all worried about you and-"

Chad was amused at all of it. "Can't do or say anything around this kid. I hope you know that," he reminded James, as if she wasn't being reminded enough at the moment. "Ok, fine. But if you need to go, I can stay instead."

"Already said that," JC muttered and shook his head. "No point in arguing. I guess we'd better get started." He walked over to where Kaylie and Madison had made a temporary judges table. He chuckled to himself at how much they'd tried to fashion the small space after the stage on America's Best Dance Crew. He sat down and pulled his iPad from his messenger bag. He could feel a part of him awaken that hadn't been awakened in months now. 

"Okay," he heard James turn away from him. "Kaylie and Madison, we need to bring them in by groups of five..."

By the end of the day, JC was exhausted. He'd heard more awful song renditions, seen atrocious dance routines, and a few times listened to a few wanna-be pop groups. His head ached but he'd narrowed it down to twenty people and he'd told each contestant the list would be posted on the window of Brewster's by the next morning. He heard James shuffling over towards him and she sat down next to him, placing a hot cup of coffee on the table in front o fhim.

"Thanks," he rubbed his eyes and leaned back in his chair, letting out a yawn. "That was tiring for sure."

"I know. I was wondering how you were forcing yourself to stay awake at the end," James replied. She looked at her watch and saw it was almost nine at night. Her stomach flip flopped, but she ignored it and rested her hand on top of JC's. "Are you ready to go?"

JC shook his head. "No. Listen," he whispered.

James strained her ears for whatever he'd heard. "Um, what am I listening for?"

"Nothing," JC pulled her chair closer to his. "It's so quiet. Let's just sit here for a while and enjoy it. No music. No singing. Just peace." 

James lasted another minute before she felt her stomach lurch and she quickly ran to the bathroom. When she emerged, JC was frowning at her. "Hope you told Lesly to cover for you tomorrow," JC told her as he slowly stood and collected his things. "Because you're not coming in."

"Josh, I-"

"Stop arguing and just listen for once. You're sick. We're going home and you're going to bed," he interrupted her protests. "We'll stop at the drug store on the way home unless you know for sure there's Pepto Bismol in the house."

James had never had a man protect her like this before. She wasn't used to it and she was having trouble deciphering whether or not she liked it. But by the time they got to the car, she felt so disgusting that she was grateful that he cared so much. When they returned home, James climbed the stairs and after changing into her pajamas, fell on top of the covers. When she awoke the next morning, she was nestled under the covers and JC was resting silently next to her. She smiled, rolled over, and fell asleep again, ignoring the nausea that was yet again rolling over her.

The week of July 4th was the most stressful week James had experienced in her life, or so it felt. She and JC were moving the same day his parents were arriving in town, the Talent Show was just days away, Main Street was hard to access because of the annual parade route the city was preparing for, and on top of it all, James still couldn't shake her stomach bug. 

"You don't think you could be pregnant do you?" Chad asked her, as they unpacked boxes in the dining room at the new house. James was sitting cross-legged in front of a huge box filled with her grandmother's china and nearly dropped the plate in her hand when Chad made his suggestion. Of course it had crossed her mind, but she and JC were careful every time. She had asked around the shop if anyone else was feeling sick and the only person who had even felt the slightest bit so was Kaylie, but that had turned out to be nerves when Kirby Smith, her latest crush, had spent most of the day in Brewster's talking to her. 

"Well, I've thought it, yes," James finally replied, placing the china plate in a stack next to her. She looked at Chad. "Don't say anything to Josh. I'm not 100% sure and his parents come in town today. I'm going to wait until next week to take the test."

"You are insane," Chad shook his head and continued pulling out crystal wine goblets from the box next to him. "How are you going to wait that long? And why shouldn't you go ahead and take it today?"

"Because that's not exactly the way I want to meet Josh's parents. 'Hi Mr. and Mrs. Chasez. I'm James, Josh's girlfriend and also the one he knocked up'!" James refused to look at her best friend, but knew he was boring holes through her anyway.

"It's hardly knocked up, James. This is different than last time, you know. You and Josh are committed to each other and you love each other. I kind of feel like it's the next thing that should happen anyway," Chad told her, trying to be reassuring. "I figured it was going to come, really, at any minute. Lord knows you two do it enough!"

James cracked a smile and then started laughing. She sighed, "I know. I guess I just wanted my second child to be born after I was married. That's all."

Chad bit his tongue. He'd gone with JC just the week before to look at rings. And before the big family dinner that night, he knew that JC was going to talk to James' father about asking for her hand. He simply smiled back. "Well, you never know. Everything else has happened before you thought it would. We'll just have to wait and see what's next, right?"

JC paced the living room nervously as James was upstairs getting Sutton ready. By all accounts, James was still an old fashioned girl at heart. She wanted the man she was going to marry to talk to her father. He knew that just from what Chad had mentioned when they had looked at rings. He'd picked one out. It was a simple, platinum, antique design with a cushioned 2 carat diamond in the middle. Chad had raved about how much she would love it and how gorgeous it would look on her finger. JC hadn't purchased it just yet. He needed to talk to Mr. Ryan first and that would be tonight before dinner. He'd already called Mr. Ryan and told him there was something he wanted to discuss and Mr. Ryan had wholeheartedly agreed that they would definitely do so that evening.

He was extremely quiet on the way to Chad's parents house, where the family dinner was being held. When James had questioned him, he'd just told her he was tired from moving all day, which she believed as she was just as exhausted. She'd managed to only throw up once that day and JC had been outside pulling boxes from the moving truck and hadn't heard her. Chad had been right. There would be no waiting until next week. She planned on going tomorrow to the drug store.

When they arrived at the Chasez's home, Chad and Lane came out to greet them, both with solemn expressions on their faces. "Dad decided to go on his homo rant as usual," Chad told them, as they got out of the car. James opened the back door for Sutton, who ran past them and up to the front door, eagerly waiting to see James' parents. "Can't even have a decent family night without him bringing it up. Oh well, I guess I should be grateful he spoke to me."

"Yes, me too," Lane said, as the four of them walked towards the front door. "He normally doesn't acknowledge my existence, but this time I got a nod from him when I came in."

"Thankfully, your mom broke the ice," Chad told JC. "By the way," he looked over at James, "She can't wait to meet you."

James took a breath to calm herself. She and Chad were the only ones who knew she might be pregnant and she wanted to keep it that way for now. She'd been nervous enough to meet JC's parents and the fact that she might be carrying his child without a ring on her finger could pose a problem right away and put their relationship in a negative light. She ignored the feeling of doubt, and smiled back at Chad and Lane and then at JC. "I'm excited, too." 

Upon entering the house, Sutton raced before them calling for her grandparents. Everyone was sitting in the living room. Chad's parents were on the couch and James' parents were sitting on the love seat opposite them. James saw two middle-aged people in the two sitting chairs by the couch and knew right away those were JC's mother and father. They smiled at her and stood, first to hug their son, and then to hug her.

"It's so good to meet you. I've heard nothing but wonderful things," Karen Chasez wrapped James in a warm hug after they'd made the formal introductions. "And I take it that's Sutton over there?" Karen pointed to Sutton who was bouncing up and down on James' father's lap and giggling.

"Yes," James nodded. "Hey, Sutton, come over here for a minute. I want you to meet-"

"Are those Daddy's mommy and daddy?!" Sutton didn't wait for James to finish, as she hopped off Mr. Ryan's lap and came over to where her mother was standing. "I'm Sutton! Are you my daddy's mommy?"

Karen smiled down at her and then looked over at JC. "You didn't tell me you were officially her dad now," she mused and JC grinned at his mother. She looked down at Sutton and knelt to face her. "I am. My name is Karen, but I guess we should probably think of a better name for you to call me, huh?"

Sutton nodded excitedly and then looked over at Roy. "And you're Daddy's daddy? Right?"

Roy chuckled. "That's right," he bent down to hug Sutton and then everyone finally sat down together in a crowded huddle in the Chasez's small living room. Everyone began to talk at once about different things and James found herself taking everything in as she leaned against JC and watched Sutton telling Roy and Karen all about her ballet class. 

"Josh," Mr. Ryan came over to where James and JC were sitting on the floor. "Can you come with me for a minute?"

JC kissed James' cheek before he stood and told her he'd be right back. His heart was pounding so hard that he was sure James' dad could hear it. He tried to remember a situation where he was this nervous and anxious and the only time he could really think of was performing for the first time with Nsync. But this was different. He couldn't screw up the speech he'd been practicing now for days. He followed Mr. Ryan down the hall and into a spare bedroom that he knew used to be Chad's but was now redone as an office and guest bedroom. It was a strange feeling to feel this nervous in his own cousin's home.

Before he could speak, Mr. Ryan said, "I think I know what this is about. My granddaughter calls you her father, my daughter is crazy about you, and you two have just moved in together. Son, if you aren't asking me to marry her, I might get a little irritated." JC gulped but saw the gleam in Mr. Ryan's eye and knew he was teasing. Somewhat. 

"Yes, actually," JC cleared his throat. "That's exactly what I was going to ask you. I want to marry James." He stated it pure and simple, no hoopla, not the speech he had practiced, but of course he'd been interrupted. "Please."

Mr. Ryan slapped him on the back with a firm hand. "Welcome to the family, Joshua," and JC grimaced at the use of his full name, which he'd only heard from his mother when he was in trouble as a child. "We'd be thrilled if you married James."  JC felt as though a weight had been lifted off of him. As though he could fly out of the room and back to where James was still sitting. "When are you asking her?"

"Next week," JC replied, without hesitation. The talent show would be over, they'd be more settled into their home, and maybe by then, she'd be over this flu she'd seemed to not be able to rid. 

Mr. Ryan nodded his approval. "Wonderful. Mary Jo will be thrilled." JC knew Mr. and Mrs. Ryan hadn't been so keen on the pair moving in together, but this was certain to change their minds. 

When they returned to the living room, JC winked slyly at Chad, who gave a small thumbs up without being detected by James. JC resumed his position next to her and she turned to him almost immediately and asked, "What was that all about?"Before he could respond, Chad's mother stood and announced that dinner was ready and everyone filed into the dining room. 

James stared at the rows of pregnancy tests at the drug store the next day. She picked up the cheapest one and bit on her lower lip, wondering if anyone would see her purchasing it. News spread like wildfire in Grayson and the last thing she wanted was people congratulating her before she had even taken the damn test. She looked at the pharmacy counter and saw someone she didn't recognize. Without thinking, she quickly walked over and made the purchase, stuffing the test in the bottom of her purse.

She texted Chad as soon as she was in her car:
Test purchased. Need a clever way to tell Josh. Ideas?

Her phone rang immediately after with Chad whooping and hollering on the other end. "This is wonderful, doll! He's going to be so excited!"

"I haven't even taken it," James responded, starting her car.  "I have to go into work for a few hours and was gonna take it when I get home."

"You should just grab him and start madly going at it when you see him at home. You know, throw him against the wall and-"

"Got the latest book in the 50 Shades series I take it?"

"Can't put it down,"

"Nice. Listen, I can't do any of that. There's a five-year-old that lives with us, remember? Maybe I should just take it and then tell him. Or if it's negative, it won't even be worth repeating,"

"Stop that. You'd better tell him you bought the test. If you want a night alone, I can get little diva. Or, you always have two sets of grandparents right now to choose from,"

"Perfect. You keep reading your little porn book and I'll see if she can go off with Karen and Roy tonight,"

"I'm telling you, James, you would l-o-v-e this book!"

"I'll think about it, okay? I'll talk to you later,"

Karen and Roy had wholeheartedly agreed to take Sutton for the evening and had even planned a dinner with James' parents at the Main Street Diner, with a trip to Morrie's afterwards. Sutton would be in hog heaven with four people doting on her, which James knew without question would happen. She got home before JC, who had opted to stay a little longer at Brewster's to get the final touches done for the Talent Show, which was in three days. James changed out of her jeans and Brewster's t-shirt and put on a pair of JC's boxers and a tank top. He'd once told her that was the sexiest thing she could wear and she'd kept that in mind.

At five, she heard the front door opening and quickly placed herself on their bed, propping herself on her side and leaning on her palm and elbow. She felt a little ridiculous, but her heart was racing and she couldn't wait to put all of it into action. 

"James? I'm home. Where are you?" she heard him call from the bottom of the stairs.

"In our bedroom!" she called back. "Come up here!"

She heard the stairs creak as JC climbed them and soon he was opening their bedroom door. His eyes nearly bulged out of his head when he saw her lying like she was in his favorite pair of boxers. He sauntered over to her and without saying a word, toppled over her and began to passionately kiss her. She playfully bit his neck and JC jumped a little and pulled away. "What's gotten into you?"

James giggled and kissed him again, "Sutton is gone. We have all night," she whispered in his ear. "And we might be celebrating something."

JC kissed her neck and pulled her closer to him. Between kisses he mumbled, "What's that?"

James pulled away from him and reached over, opening her dresser drawer and pulling out the pregnancy test. She flashed it before him and JC's eyes grew wide. "Really?!" he was grinning like she'd never seen him before. "Are you? Do you think you might be?"

James nodded and smiled at him as she threw her arms around his neck. "I haven't taken it yet. But I was just as sick with Sutton when I was pregnant with her. And I wanted you to be here when I took this."

"What are you waiting for?" JC pulled her up from their bed. "Let's do this now. And then we can really celebrate."

James went into the bathroom and when she came out, placed the stick on the edge of the sink. "We have to wait five minutes," she told him. "Are you sure you're all right with this?"

"Mmhm," JC reached for her and they began to kiss, ignoring the timer that was now going off on James' phone. He sighed. "You'd better check that, babe."

James gently pushed him away and went over to the sink in the bathroom. She looked down at the stick and then up at JC.

"I'm pregnant,"

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Story Tags: court daddyjc abusiveex boyfriendjc