The Atlanta skyline loomed before JC and James as they drove into the congested traffic on I-75. When she'd been a little girl, the Atlanta skyline had excited James. It meant trips to Six Flags and White Water and the Zoo. It meant eating at the rotating restaurant on the top of the Sheraton and shopping with her mother at Lenox Square. Now, looking at it, her stomach was tied in knots.  Tomorrow it would be all over and she'd hopefully never have to hear the name Clay Anderson again. She hadn't slept the night before. JC hadn't either and in the middle of the night, he'd whispered, "James?" She'd responded, "Yeah?" And from there, they stayed up the rest of the night talking about what was going to happen in a mere 48 hours.

They'd dropped off Sutton at her parents house early that morning and right away, Mary Jo Ryan sensed they were anxious and tense.

"It will be fine," she'd tried to reassure them. "You know he doesn't want custody. He's never tried to contact you. I think it will be fine." Sutton had run ahead of her grandmother into the house and Mary Jo was able to talk freely with James and JC.

"I know, Mom. I just know what he's capable of. It wouldn't surprise me if he suddenly wanted joint custody just to screw us over," James looked at her mother and Mary Jo immediately enveloped her in a hug. 

"It will be fine, she'd reiterated gently, and kissed James' cheek. She looked over at JC. "Josh, you have to be strong for both of you, okay?"

JC nodded and reached for James' hand. "C'mon, baby. We'd better get on the road." He glanced at Mary Jo and tried to match her reassured smile. It was nearly impossible. He'd been feeling just as anxious as James. He knew that ultimately, even if Clay gained partial custody, he'd still see Sutton more than Clay would. He also knew that Sutton would think of him more as her father than Clay and that her calling him "Daddy" wouldn't ever end. But the adoption meant more than that. She would have his name and in a few months, so would James and they'd finally be a full-fledged family. And Sutton had no idea that all of this was even going on. They'd told her that Mommy and Daddy were going off on a little vacation with Uncle Chad and Uncle Lane but that they'd be back in just two sleeps. Lane had told them if Clay ended up asking for custody, they would have to bring Sutton to Atlanta and go from there in the proceedings. It made both JC and James sick at their stomachs to think of that possibility.

Lane and Chad had followed them up to Atlanta as Chad was going to stay an extra day to finish up the work in the Buckhead pub he was redecorating. But they'd all agreed to stay at the same hotel and meet for dinner that evening at the Atlanta Fish Market, a four-star restaurant near their hotel that Chad and Lane had raved about for months. 

It was nearing 4:00 that afternoon by the time they checked into their hotel. Both James and JC were exhausted and tried to take a nap, but spent the next two hours laying next to each other wide awake. When they met at the restaurant later that evening, Chad shook his head at their disheveled appearances. 

"Have you slept? I mean, at all?" he asked them, as they followed the maitre'd to their table. 

"No," JC replied. He and James had tried to look decent, but the bags under both their eyes had given them away.

"I've got some Tylenol Sleep in the room. I'll give you both one when we get back. You need to be well-rested for tomorrow," Chad sat next to Lane and across from James, who was trying very much to be present with everyone, but her mind was already wandering to what tomorrow would behold. So many "what-ifs." What if Sutton had to go live with her father every other weekend? What if her daughter never forgave her for making her go? But what if everything went just as smoothly as Lane had assured them and in a few months she and JC would be married and of course there would be a baby. She slowly let herself breathe in and out, looked over at JC and gave him a smile he hadn't seen in days.

"What?" he asked, while Chad and Lane were looking over the menu.

"I just, I think it's gonna be okay," she squeezed his thigh. "I do. I think we're all gonna be fine."

JC smiled back at her and leaned over to peck her cheek. "I'm glad. I think we're both getting worked up for nothing. We'll be fine."

Later that evening, Lane gave them a play-by-play of what would most likely happen. They'd meet in a room similar to a conference style meeting room. Lane would sit on one side with James and JC, Clay on the other side with his representation. A judge would sit at the head of the table, listen to both arguments, and make his decision. However, if Clay immediately stated he wished no parental privileges, they'd sign papers and it would be over. "And then, we'll go celebrate because I think that tomorrow Sutton will officially be Sutton Chasez." Lane leaned back in his chair and grinned at them.  "Get some sleep. You're going to need to be awake for tomorrow."

Back at the hotel, James brushed her teeth and pulled the covers back, gratefully crawling under them. JC was watching television but when he saw her get into bed, he put the remote down and pulled her next to him. He kissed her softly and then trailed his hands down to the bottom of her tank top. "I think we should probably relieve some stress. Don't you?"James didn't object and pulled him on top of her, reveling in the ecstasy he gave her. Her pulse raced and she felt his heart beating on top of hers. It was exactly what they both needed. And it was enough to cause them to fall asleep without the aid of sleep meds.

The next morning, both JC and James awoke before the alarm went off. They met Chad and Lane downstairs in the lobby for breakfast, but James could barely keep anything down. It was a mixture of morning sickness and nerves. Meanwhile, JC chugged three cups of coffee and went back to the breakfast buffet multiple times. By the time they were ready to go, JC was on a caffeine high and James was bemoaning the fact that she was both hungry and nauseated. 

"You're not going to puke at this hearing are you?" Chad asked them, as they piled in the backseat of Lane's car.

"If I do, I'll make sure to aim at Clay," James leaned against the backseat and watched as the skyscrapers of Atlanta passed them by. 

The law offices were in a bank building on the twentieth floor. As they rode the elevator, James clutched JC's arm tightly. She knew when the doors opened, she would be facing the one person she had dreaded seeing since the whole ordeal began. JC squeezed her hand and let out a shaky sigh and looked over at his cousin, who'd come along for moral support. Chad winked at JC, trying to be a silent voice of encouragement. The doors opened and the four of them walked into the marble foyer of Moran, Lang, and Jefferson Law Firm. 

Anna was sitting outside of the conference room next to Clay. She looked over and saw who must be James Ryan. Clay had lied yet again. James was beautiful, certainly not the white trash woman who'd been described to Anna. Suddenly, she felt even more intimidated. She hung her head and refused to look up. 

James saw him right away. He hadn't changed, only gained more weight and appeared more smug and cocky than she'd remembered. The woman next to him looked absolutely defeated and broken, not daring to make eye contact.

Anna glanced up quickly to see the handsome man standing with James. She recognized him from the poster that had hung in her college dorm. JC Chasez. The man she used to secretly daydream about and gush to her roommate. And he was standing there, next to the one woman she'd become jealous of in a short amount of time. Because this woman had managed to escape Clay's abuse. And Anna didn't care if James' life had been difficult after they'd broken up. Clearly, she was getting the better end of everything in life.

"Well, it looks like we're all here," a lawyer representing Clay opened the conference room door. "Judge Mahoney is just inside. Ready when you all are."

"We're ready," Lane responded, and waited until Clay and Anna stood. He turned to Chad. "Babe, just wait out here and make sure Mary Jo is posted on anything you might hear." He then turned to JC and James. "Don't be nervous. We got this."

They filed into the conference room and took seats across from Clay and Anna.
"James, so nice to see you," Clay's introduction was fake and everyone in the room could tell. James didn't respond, only turned her attention towards the judge. "So, still the pious little snob you were six years ago? My, my some things never change."

"I have nothing to say to you," James replied, in an icy tone. 

"I think we should begin," the judge cleared his throat and broke the tension. "Now-"

"Your Honor, forgive me, but I think this can be handled in less than five minutes," Anna couldn't believe herself for opening her mouth. She was risking a lot, but she didn't care anymore. "My husband doesn't want children. He never has. And I think the sooner he signs over his rights to Ms. Ryan's fiance, the better."

The room was silent. James could tell that Clay was fuming, but he managed to keep his calm by saying, "I think I'd like to hear who my biological daughter is going to be handed over to before I sign anything." He glared at Anna and whispered something inaudible to everyone else but her. "You'd better shut your mouth. Don't make me embarrass you in front of everyone. And you know I will."

The Judge looked over at JC and James, speaking to Lane, "Without anymore interruption, could your client please verify who he is and how he plans on supporting the child." He turned to the lawyer sitting next to Clay and Anna, "And one more outburst from either of you and I'll have you removed."

JC looked at Lane, who nodded at him to speak. JC cleared his throat, "My name is Joshua Chasez. I recently relocated to Georgia from L.A. I have my own production company and am about to open a talent studio in Grayson, Georgia. Sutton will be provided for in a stable family. James and I have just purchased a home and plan to get married within the year. I love Sutton as though she were my own flesh and blood. She will never lack for anything, but especially she will never lack for love because there is more love in our home than anything else."

James wanted to kiss him in front of the entire room, but only reached for his hand, slipping her fingers through his. They had won. She knew they had, especially after Clay's wife had interrupted the judge in a move that was probably meant for the good of her and JC, but ultimately had backfired. 

"Does your client have anything to refute this?" Judge Mahoney looked at Clay's lawyer, who motioned for Clay to speak.

"Well, my wife is correct. I don't want kids and I don't think I ever will. If my daughter is anything like her mother, I'm sure she's beautiful and charming, but I am not in a place where I want to be responsible for her. I'm ready to sign off or whatever I have to do."

And in five minutes, it was over. JC was granted the legal father of Sutton and in a few weeks, her birth certificate would have a different last name. James couldn't help but cry tears of joy as they all stood  from the table. She hugged Lane tightly and then threw her arms around JC as they both laughed and cried together. She caught Anna looking at her, forlornly. As they filed out of the conference room, Anna tapped her arm gently.

"I hope you know how lucky you are," Anna nearly whispered, then quickly walked ahead of James to catch up to Clay, who was yelling at her to get on the elevator.

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