Lance told me later about the following incident....

He'd walked into rehearsal about a week after Jen, Brooke, and Kaitlyn left to go on their tour. He had promised me that he wouldn't try and start anything with JC, but I had been more worried that JC might do the opposite and start a fight with Lance. All I could do was hope for the best.

While Lance was setting his things down, JC approached him. Lance noticed that he was calm and collected and not agitated like he'd been in months past.

"Just tell me how she is," was all JC said.

"She's fine," Lance looked up at JC after zipping his gym bag. He stood up and they faced each other. "She's fine." he repeated.

JC only nodded, looked at his feet, and then back at Lance. "So she's still...pregnant?"

Lance didn't say anything, but his silence gave JC the answer he'd been waiting for.

JC let out a soft groan and shook his head, then made eye contact with Lance. "I just want to see her, man. Can you just tell her I want to see her?"

Lance was silent for a few seconds, then spoke. "I can tell her that. But I don't think she'll want to see you,"

"She's pregnant with my baby,"

"A baby you wanted to abort,"

"I wasn't in the right frame of mind!" JC raised his voice and Chris and Justin looked over from the other side of the rehearsal hall. JC sighed and lowered his voice. "I wasn't right, dude. You know that wasn't me on tour!"

"JC, you can say what you want, but you took it too far. You have no excuse except that you snapped and you know it," Lance went to walk away from him, but JC stopped him.

"Yeah, I snapped. I got put in jail and then got help. She should at least know that she owes me one visit. I just want to see her, Lance. I just want to apologize,"

"I can tell her," Lance replied, as they both walked towards Justin, Chris, and Joey, who were watching them as if they were getting ready to watch a boxing match. "But I don't know what good it will do."

"Oh, so I get to stand back and watch you raise my kid?!" JC was nearly shouting now and Joey walked over to him and touched his arm. JC shoved it off and turned to face Lance. "Look, I paid my dues. I sat in jail for a week, I got counseling and help, and I'm on meds now. What more does she want?!"

Lance looked at him incredulously. He shook his head at JC and clucked his tongue. "You're really serious? What more does she want from you?! JC, do you remember anything that went down between the two of you? You were possessive and abusive, not to mention you raped her twice. Do you honestly think she wants to see you ever again?!"

JC's hands balled into fists and he took a deep breath and slowly let it out, as if he were counting to ten in his head. He closed his eyes and then opened them, facing Lance. "She's having my child. And she can't keep it away from me forever. And neither can you, Lance. So you tell her we have to talk. You tell her she should drop that restraining order. Because you and I both know it's the right thing to do. I have a right to my child."

"I told you," Lance replied, as calmly as he could manage at that point. "I will tell her everything you've just told me. But I don't think it will do any good. She's made up her mind about you. As far as the baby goes, I guess that'll have to be decided after it's born, right?"

JC glared at him and shook his head. "I'm not going to stand by and just let this happen, Lance," he huffed. "So don't think that I'm going to be fine with this -" he pointed to Lance and back to himself - "little arrangement. You think that I won't eventually see this kid? And does she really think she can hide it from me? We live in the same damn city and we're friends with the same people!"

"I don't know, JC," Lance still remained calm and shrugged at him. "I just think that for right now, it has to be the way it is. She's not going to remove the restraining order. She's pretty scared of you."

"She wouldn't be scared if you'd tell her I changed!" JC was shouting at him and Lance backed away, putting up both hands in surrender.

"Okay, okay," Lance nodded. "JC, I'll tell her for you. I'll tell her everything you just told me."

"No," was my response after Lance had reiterated the conversation to me later that evening. "No, Lance. I don't want to see him and I don't want him near this baby!" I shook my head vehemently. "You know he hasn't really changed. You know he'd try to control me if he could or god knows what else!"

"Shh," Lance took me in his arms and kissed my cheek. "I know, Addie. You don't have to see him. I promise" He pulled away and I looked up at him. "Are you sure you don't want to go to Mississippi?"

I pondered the question for a few seconds. I didn't want to leave Orlando. As crazy as the last year had been, especially the last six months, I didn't want to leave Jen or Brooke. They were like my sisters now. My family. And since my own family had practically disowned me, it was nice to be near them, even if they'd soon be gone more often than not throughout the year. And even though I didn't know them as well, Joey and Chris and Justin were like brothers. Leaving all of those people would crush me. Of course I knew I'd be safe near Lance's family when he was gone, but I also knew what I would be leaving there in Orlando and I wasn't ready to do it just yet.

"I'm sure," I softly answered and rested my head against him. "I don't want to leave people here."

Lance was quiet and just held me close to him. I knew he didn't agree with me but he wasn't going to say anything because he knew what was important to me right now.

A few days later, I was home alone. Lance had run out to meet up with Joey for a nine-hole round of golf and promised me he'd be back before dinner. I hadn't slept well the night before and had woken up once more throwing up. I made myself comfortable and cozy on the couch in the living room and before he'd left, Lance had made me a bowl of chicken soup and made sure I'd had Sprite and crackers nearby. I knew that it was only morning sickness, but I also knew that Lance always took extra precaution when it came to me and the baby. I kept my cell phone on the coffee table and Lance made me promise to call him if I started to feel more sick. By the middle of the afternoon, I felt fine but I still enjoyed the excuse to stay in my pajamas, curled up on the couch watching an Audrey Hepburn movie marathon with a cup of herbal tea. It was a relaxed afternoon and I wasn't planning on doing anything else until Lance got home.

There was a knock on the door and I was irritated because it was right in the middle of  My Fair Lady, which was one of my favorite musicals. I sighed and got up, walking to the door, and unlocking it. I gasped when I opened it and saw JC on the other side.

"No!" I slammed the door in his face, but he pushed back and easily moved inside of the room. I felt myself shaking and the phone was all the way over by the couch. "Go away! You're not supposed to be near me!" I don't know where I'd found the nerve to yell at him, but I had and he was even surprised by it.

"Addie, stop being stupid," he walked over to me. "I'm not going to do anything."
"JC, I have a fucking restraining order against you!" I moved behind the bar that separated the kitchen from the living room. "Don't come near me!"

"Addie," he continued walking towards me. "Look at you. You still take my breath away. How many months are you?"

I didn't answer, just watched him like a hawk and stayed glued behind the bar of the kitchen. I looked down and saw I was standing in front of a set of knives and my first thought was that I could just start throwing them at him if he even dared to start something. 

"You can't get away with this, you know," he was on the other side of the counter from me, facing me with a smirk on his face. "You're having my baby, Addie. And it doesn't matter that you're with Lance. That's my child. Mine. Not Lance's. Mine."
"I don't care, JC. You lost any rights to this child when you wanted me to abort it. You lost everything when you raped me. So don't try to manipulate this. I'm not the little girl you controlled a few months ago,"

JC didn't say anything, he just watched me, eyeing my stomach and then looking back at me. "What are we having? A boy or a girl?"

"It's none of your business," I retorted, not bothering to tell him that I wasn't finding out until the following week what the sex of the baby was going to be.
"It is my business," he nearly gritted his teeth as he said that. He came around from behind the other side of the bar and into the kitchen. "Addie, you have to make up with me and then you're going to give me the paternal rights that I'm supposed to have. I'll take you to court if you don't."

"Go. Away!" I wanted to push past him but I was frozen. He didn't make a move, just watched me.

"Can I at least touch your stomach? Feel our baby?" he inched forward and I backed away, shaking my head slowly.

"No. JC, you have to go. Leave!" I was now pressed against the refrigerator and I knew if he made any other moves, I was done. I didn't have the strength to fight him and he was stronger than me. He'd obviously proved that before. My breathing became heavier and I thought my heart would leap out of my chest. I looked over at the clock on the microwave. Lance would be home any minute. 

Let him get home before JC leaves. Please, God, let him get here! 

"Addie," he sauntered over to me and I gasped as his hand touched my belly. He began to rub it and I stood there, frozen, not wanting to move but also wanting to get the hell away from him. "That's our baby, Addie. That's our child. You and me." I could feel tears of fear starting to run down my cheeks. I bit my lip and prayed once more that he'd turn around and leave. He looked right into my eyes and wiped the tears off with his thumb. He left it on my cheek and began to softly stroke it. I was still shaking, still crying, and had no where to turn. "You're beautiful. God, Addie, I can't believe you left me." He leaned into me, his body pressing into mine, his skin touching mine. I was frozen. "Come back to me. Let's raise our baby together."

"No," it escaped from my lips before I had a chance to stop it. 

He let a loud sigh escape and shook his head. He let me go and I saw his hands clench into a fist. I winced but he released his fingers and glared at me. "I only did what I thought was necessary. I loved you, Addie. Why didn't you love me back?"

"No, you didn't," I replied, still frozen against the refrigerator. "If you loved me, you wouldn't have treated me the way you did. You abused me, JC."

"I wanted you to be with me," he stood there and watched me. "You can't take this baby away from me."

"You're not getting anywhere near it," I snapped and bravely pushed past him and went back into the living room. "You need to go now, JC. You had your chance. Maybe if you'd waited, maybe if you hadn't yelled at Lance the other day, I might've changed my mind."

At that minute, Lance walked in and stood in the doorway, shocked to see JC standing across from me. 

"Get out," he told JC calmly. "You're not supposed to be anywhere near her and you know it."

"Fine," JC stomped towards the door. "Addie, I just wanted to see you. I just wanted to -"

"You should've done it later, JC," was all I could say. I felt myself relax now that Lance was standing there between us. "Go. Get out. And I don't want to see you ever again."

"You can't keep my kid from me, Addie. You'll be hearing from me before too long," he slammed the door as he left and I jumped. 

Lance came over to me and grabbed me gently, pulling me in his arms. I let out a shaky sigh and let him hold me for a few minutes before either of us spoke. "I think," I began, "that I need to go to Mississippi."

"You don't have to give up Orlando completely," he said softly. "You'd just go long enough to give yourself space from all of this." 

"Yeah," I let out another sigh. 

"Are you going to report him?"

"No. I don't know. He's going to report me because I'm not letting him see our baby,"

Lance was didn't say anything for a minute Then, "Just don't worry about it, Addie. We'll just go to Mississippi and worry about it later, okay?"

That night, I went online and emailed Jen and Brooke letting them know that I was going away to Jackson for at least two months, maybe longer. I sat there and looked at the email after I'd sent it, realizing that I was about to leave the only place I'd lived in and leave people who'd become like family. But I had to do it. For the sake and the health of my baby and for me, I needed to leave. Today had only proven that JC could've given a crap about the restraining order. As long as he was anywhere near me, he thought he had control. 

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Story Tags: firsttime court triangles drunksex daddyjc abusiveex lance