Author's Chapter Notes:
I love you all and I wish there were many many more chapters for me to bring you. Enjoy this. Keep up the feedback, it honestly makes my day better!

It's like I hardly know you

But maybe I never did

It's like every emotion you showed me

You kept well hid

And every true word that you ever spoke

Was really deceiving

Now I'm leaving this time

Cause this is my last goodbye

James Morrison- Last Goodbye


I know, I’m an asshole. I realized that after the first time she looked at me, then the second time when I tried to reach out to her and the third when she looked back at me from the elevator basically showing me that any hopes I had of bringing her back to the hotel room were totally unlikely and preposterous. I just hope she doesn’t realize the full extent of what’s happened.


Flying back, however, was a million times worse. I had diligently tried to get in touch with Trace or anyone that could get me to her and every phone was left unanswered, every text never returned. Upon landing, I sped all the way home, only to find her things gone from the house and she had obviously boxed up my heart and taken that as well.


Trying one last time to find Trace, I headed to his old apartment. Knocking on the door, I was greeted with a familiar face, hair done up in pigtails with Abercrombie sweats on and a college t-shirt.


“What are you doing here?” She questioned coldy.


Looking up, I could still see the hurt apparent in her face from days before. She still looked sleep deprived, though not as bad as she did that horrible night. 


“I uh,” rubbing my hands over my head in a nervous, awkward state, “I was uh, looking for Trace.”


“Trace!” she bellowed through the apartment, “you have company.”


“Look, Di, is there anyway, we could like, talk?” Smooth Timberlake, I’m sure that’s exactly what she wanted to hear.


“No, I’m busy. And i don’t think that now would be the best time, I’ve got to be ready to get to the office,” walking away from the door, she leaves it open for me to come in.


Trace makes is way down the hallway, still with the same disapproving look on his face as he did at the airport.


“Can you explain what the hell is going on?” I question, noticing the boxes across the floor.


“Yeah,” he starts, “I can. You see, she doesn’t want to be around somebody stupid enough to bring their ex girlfriend into a relationship that she was infatuated with. A relationship she had given her all to, only to have somebody give her heartbreak on the biggest day of the year. So, being a good friend, I lent her my apartment, seeing how she won’t be living in your house for a while, and this place is empty.”


“So you’re letting her live here instead of letting her try and work it out at home?” I question.

“The chances of you two working it out in the same house are a fat chance in hell. Your odds are a hell of a lot better if you just give her some time and some space.” He says.


“Yeah, sure. So are you coming back to the house tonight?” I ask.


“Yeah, I guess I’ll be over later.”





Seeing him again so soon tore at me like a thousand knives. I stood in the shower and just cried but I had a job that I had to tend to, things had to be done. When I finally arrived at Jive’s offices, I knew I was in for something big.


“Hi Sam, is he free?” I ask the secretary.


Nodding, she lets me into Clive’s office where I uncomfortably take a seat. 


“Diana, how are you holding up sweetie?” He asks.


“Best as can be expected, Clive. I guess.” I respond.


“Well, we’ve got some business to attend to. It’s not all gonna be pretty, but I’ll do my best to get you out of here as fast as I can.”


Five minutes into the conversation, I notice where this is headed.


“You know how important Justin’s career is to this company, and the breakup, although terribly sad for you, is terribly good news for his public persona. So, this might not seem like the easiest thing to ask of you, but, we’re going to take you off of Justin’s service, actually, we’re going to pretty much put you on a paid probation from Jive.” 


“What?” I stammer, “This can’t be happening.”


“You’ll be paid your salary without doing anything for Justin for a while. The goal is to not be seen with him. Hang out with his friends if you want, but we’re trying to milk this album for all it’s worth. I hope you understand that this is in your best interest and the best interest of the company.”


“Quite frankly, Clive, I don’t understand any of it, but if this is what the company truly needs, than I hope at some point in time that I benefit from this. Thanks for your time, I’ll see you later.”


Stopping in my tracks mid way through the office, I turn around. 


“Clive?” I question.

“Yes Diana?”


“How much is Jessica benefitting from this?”


“I can’t answer that Diana. Business is business, you know that. You should try talking to Justin, though, he’s just as big a part of this as you are. Just don’t make it known that you’re around him in any way.”


I barely make it back to my car until I start to bawl my eyes out again. I knew money was behind this somehow I just didn’t realize that after all these years, the hardest working middle man would be the first one screwed over.

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