Penname: Liz [Contact] Real name:
Member Since: Apr 21, 2007
Membership status: Member

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Comments by Liz

Lauren Walters is Personal Assistant and Party Planner Extraoridinaire to one of the hottest musicians on the planet. Too bad this hot musician is the most egotisitical and self-centered person she has ever had the misfortune of working for. Not only does she have to deal with a demanding boss who commands that she carry out his every whim, but she has to deal with his other Personal Assistant who doesn't do anything and plan spur of the moment parties for hundreds of guests.

Join Lauren as she tries to make it through the trials and tribulations of working for a crazy singer who could quite possibly be the death of her. Will Lauren manage to stay true to herself while in an industry where being yourself is frowned upon? And will she manage to convince her boss that money, sex, and rock n' roll is not the only thing you need in life?

Categories: Completed Het Stories
Characters: JC Chasez, Justin Timberlake
Awards: None
Genres: Celebrity/Celebrity, Drama, General, Humor, Romance

Series: Damaged Destiny
Chapters: 24
Wordcount: 134656 - Hits: 90534
Complete?: Yes - Published: May 01, 2007 - Last Updated: May 01, 2007 -
Reviewer: Liz Signed starstarstarstarstar
Date: May 07, 2007 Title: Chapter 1: 1. Just Around the Java Bend

I just sat here and read the entire story! Fantastic job, I loveeee what an asshole he is and how well she was able to set his ass straight! :) Amazing story I love it!

Author's Response: Thanks Liz! I'm so glad you liked it :) Props to you for sitting there and going through the whole thing. I tried doing that and yeah...I had to take breaks and such. Thank you for reading and thanks for the review! -Amanda

The last time we saw Lauren Walters, she was working as personal assistant for one of the most arrogant men in the entertainment industry. She never would have guessed falling in love with her boss was in the stars. Now Lauren is girlfriend to none other than Justin Timberlake and she couldn’t be happier.

But good things never last very long and Lauren just might have to learn the hard way in this sequel to Deranged Delusions. Can she save the good things without ruining her life and those she loves in the process? Or will deception and distrust destroy her perfect life as she knows it?

Categories: In Progress Het Stories
Characters: Justin Timberlake
Awards: Season 4
Genres: Drama, General, Humor, Romance

Series: Damaged Destiny
Chapters: 25
Wordcount: 129731 - Hits: 92447
Complete?: Yes - Published: May 30, 2007 - Last Updated: Sep 17, 2008 -
Reviewer: Liz Signed
Date: Sep 18, 2007 Title: Chapter 13: World's Greatest Criminal Mind

OMG I am in LOVE with the story- the first one was amazing and this one just keeps getting better andbetter. I really can't stand Maura and I want to Bitch slap justin for how he was talking to her- she's had his back thru how much shit before?

 Wow- Sorry I'm getting way to into this story!


Update SOON! :)

Author's Response: I'm glad you're liking the story and I'm glad that it continues to be better for you! That's what I was aiming for with this piece. And yes, I'm thinking general consensus is that Justin is an idiot. Update is coming soon! - Amanda

Reviewer: Liz Signed
Date: Sep 22, 2007 Title: Chapter 14: Hero to Zero

Holy SHIT. You know it's an amazing story when it kept popping up in my head all day and i'd get annoyed cause I want Lauren to go back- Justin to fire that stupid ass whore- and the two of them to make babies and live happily ever after.

Author's Response: Thank you so much Liz for thinking it's an amazing story. I'm sorry if it annoyed you, but yeah my character can get annoying at times. Maura La Whora...gotta love the homewrecker lol. And Lauren and Justin baybays....hmmm interesting. And the happily ever after thing...could be a possibility, but I kind of like the drama of them being apart don't you? I'm sorry, I'm just messing...maybe :P Thanks for the review and an update is coming soon. I apologize for my's close to 2 AM, Justin is on my television screen, and I am delerious with exhaustion. - Amanda

Reviewer: Liz Signed
Date: Sep 29, 2007 Title: Chapter 15: In a World of My Own

Honestly if he slept with her I'd jump into your story, Bitch Slap him and then bitch slap her! Oh my goood, I can't believe him- well I mean I can but UGH.

 I love how coherent I am when it comes to this story- It's impressive I know.

 Anyway- You need to tell your drama peeps that they aren't allowed to take up all your time cause you need to update this ASAP.

AMAZING. As usual!

Author's Response: I hope my drama peeps didn't take up too much time. I try to get the updates out as soon as possible so yeah...thanks for the love and I have a feeling Justin and Maura would be very beaten if I allowed everyone who wants to beat them up into my story to do so. Ha. - Amanda

Reviewer: Liz Signed
Date: Oct 01, 2007 Title: Chapter 1: Something There

Sooo, you'll be updating later today right? Cause I really don't think I can wait more than 24 hours to see how their little reunion goes!! No joke if Justin fucks this up i'm really going to jump in and pummel his ass.....

As always- AMAZING..

Hurry up and forget whatever plans you had for the rest of the day- your chained to your computer and this story!

Reviewer: Liz Signed
Date: Oct 18, 2007 Title: Chapter 19: Pink Elephants on Parade


Number one I apologize for the curses but really- bitch just got her punk ass beat and thank GOD she did.

And now all we have left to do is hope that Lauren will forgive Justin for not believing her in the first place b/c he better be kicking Maura's lying ass out of the door asap.

 Right, I think you know what i'm going to say- INCREDIBLE chapter, can't WAIT for the next one! :)

Author's Response: Thanks Liz! And I'm not making any promises on what Lauren or Justin will do. And don't apologize for the you can tell, DD2 isn't exactly a swear free piece of work lol. Thanks for the review, update is coming soon! - Amanda

Reviewer: Liz Signed
Date: Oct 21, 2007 Title: Chapter 20: She's a Tramp

Right so a few chapters ago I kind of hated him and now I just feel bad for him. Trace should kidnap lauren right off the plane and bring her back to justin and lock the two in the room together until they're a couple again....


fantastic plan, get on that will you :)

Reviewer: Liz Signed
Date: Nov 14, 2007 Title: Chapter 1: Something There

I think I'm going insane not knowing what happens! Update sooon please :)

Reviewer: Liz Signed
Date: Sep 15, 2008 Title: Chapter 1: Something There

Oh man! I can't wait to find out what happens next!!!! 

Past Featured Story Two stars, two assistants, four people, growing up, getting over, starting new and seeing clearer.

Categories: In Progress Het Stories
Characters: Justin Timberlake
Awards: Season 5
Genres: Drama, Romance

Series: None
Chapters: 52
Wordcount: 342210 - Hits: 202402
Complete?: Yes - Published: Jul 18, 2007 - Last Updated: Feb 11, 2009 -
Reviewer: Liz Signed
Date: Mar 20, 2008 Title: Chapter 1: Chapter 1

seriously. I LOVE it.

Reviewer: Liz Signed
Date: Jul 31, 2007 Title: Chapter 1: Chapter 1

No really. I am in love with this story, hurry up your fooling about and get back to writing BIA!

Reviewer: Liz Signed
Date: Dec 07, 2008 Title: Chapter 49: Chapter 48

Plus, you know how she gets with Megan.  She’ll probably call me up at midnight telling me to get a sleeping bag and bring it to Megan’s ‘cause they’re having a sleep over with a theme or some shit.



 I LOVE it!! hahaha- I mean honestly, as usual incredible chapter! I really am glad that all the dirty laundry is for the most part out and done with! Angie is a bitch- and i won't go into details about certain other characters I'm not found of (you know who) but we'll discuss this over AIM. AND hellloo <3 Lyric!!! 

10:45 every morning he strolls in, hot as hell, craving a Reese's cup and making her want him so bad her whole entire body aches.  He's a flirt.  And she knows that, but what she doesn't know is that he wants her just as bad.  They are the highlights of each other's day.  Will they ever finally give into each other?  Or will they keep torturing themselves, wasting away in retail hell?

Categories: In Progress Het Stories
Characters: Justin Timberlake
Awards: Season 4
Genres: Alternate Universe, Romance

Series: None
Chapters: 19
Wordcount: 92150 - Hits: 89678
Complete?: Yes - Published: Aug 02, 2007 - Last Updated: Feb 11, 2008 -
Reviewer: Liz Signed
Date: Aug 03, 2007 Title: Chapter 1: The Candyman

Oh my little Bodunk- You need to update like, yesterday..

Reviewer: Liz Signed
Date: Feb 11, 2008 Title: Chapter 19: The Stock Room (part two)

KICK ASS. That's all I have to say about that- KICK go write LYW! GO!

What she thought was just a one night stand with Jc Chasez, turns into a life she had forgotten she had. What's Rachel to do when she discovers not only has she forgot about her life with Jc, but also her five year old son Logan?

Categories: In Progress Het Stories
Characters: JC Chasez
Awards: None
Genres: Drama, General, Humor, Romance, Suspense

Series: None
Chapters: 8
Wordcount: 11184 - Hits: 13776
Complete?: Yes - Published: Jan 23, 2008 - Last Updated: Nov 01, 2008 -
Reviewer: Liz Signed
Date: Jan 23, 2008 Title: Chapter 1: One night stand?

I'm really interested in this story! Awesome start! Please post more soon!