Penname: Hollie [Contact] Real name: Hollie
Member Since: Apr 30, 2007
Membership status: Member

Umm... blonde (and naturally so), little bit off my head, and still far too attached to *NSYNC *lol*


Used to be webmistress of Insomniac Dreams but sadly had to close that, so I guess that makes my stories an NF exclusive lol

Beta-reader: No
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Comments by Hollie

The last time we saw Lauren Walters, she was working as personal assistant for one of the most arrogant men in the entertainment industry. She never would have guessed falling in love with her boss was in the stars. Now Lauren is girlfriend to none other than Justin Timberlake and she couldn’t be happier.

But good things never last very long and Lauren just might have to learn the hard way in this sequel to Deranged Delusions. Can she save the good things without ruining her life and those she loves in the process? Or will deception and distrust destroy her perfect life as she knows it?

Categories: In Progress Het Stories
Characters: Justin Timberlake
Awards: Season 4
Genres: Drama, General, Humor, Romance

Series: Damaged Destiny
Chapters: 25
Wordcount: 129731 - Hits: 92172
Complete?: Yes - Published: May 30, 2007 - Last Updated: Sep 17, 2008 -
Reviewer: Hollie Signed
Date: Jun 04, 2007 Title: Chapter 3: 'Hi, Ho!'

See? What did I say about getting it on with children in the next room? It only ever leads to badness, even if it's fun in the short term.

Author's Response: Yeah but they can look back on it now and laugh hysterically. So what if Lauren's image is further tainted in the eyes of his family? Don't tell me you wouldn't do that if you had the chance! - Amanda

Reviewer: Hollie Signed
Date: Jun 10, 2007 Title: Chapter 4: A P.A. Is Out There

Ex boss? wow, mommy's in De Nile, that river in Egypt....

Author's Response: Yup. Mummy is a bit left of center. You'll meet her soon enough. Much love to you Hollie now go update Lovelight! - Amanda

Reviewer: Hollie Signed
Date: Jun 13, 2007 Title: Chapter 5: You Can Fly

Hmm.Intriguing. Not sure whether Lauren playing Miss rescuer for the new assistant was a good idea. Hmm. More soon

Author's Response: It might turn out to be a freaking awesome idea. But then again, maybe not. More is on the way! 

Reviewer: Hollie Signed
Date: Jun 15, 2007 Title: Chapter 6: Be Our Guest

That's one dedicated paparazzo, right there. The skating was cute, justin's a klutz. Have I mentioned that I need more?

Author's Response: Have I mentioned that I'm obsessed with Lovelight and I demand that you go update right now? *lol* And yeah, Justin seems to turn into a klutz whenever he's around Wyoming. Must be something in the water. As always, Hollie, your reviews leave me breathless ;) - Amanda

Reviewer: Hollie Signed
Date: Jun 20, 2007 Title: Chapter 7: The Walters Company

Yup, there she blows…and I’m not just thinking about Lauren. That was filthy. That really cracked me up. Anyway, I'm almost as amazed as Justin that he was so altruistic... but who the heck adopts a kid for four years and neglects to mention it to their actual child? That's just weird *lol8

Author's Response: For some odd reason Hollie, I tend to channel guys whenever I write Justin. And they didn't really adopt Theodore per se, they just kind of picked him up and he was their assistant and taught him the ropes and they grew to love him has a son. And Lauren's parents are pretty freaking crazy and they forget things all the time. lol. GO UPDATE LOVELIGHT! :P - Amanda

Reviewer: Hollie Signed
Date: Oct 07, 2007 Title: Chapter 17: Sing Sweet Nightingale

What the heck was the sex thing? That was weird. Why on Earth did they sit there having bad sex? Huh? At any rate, excellent chapter.

Reviewer: Hollie Signed
Date: Sep 01, 2007 Title: Chapter 9: It's Not Easy

hahahahahahahaha... men. I love it!

Author's Response: Yeah I find myself shaking my head everytime Justin does something idiotic....which is a lot. Hollie you're awesome and thank you for the reviews and constant support. You're the best sister ever! - Amanda

Reviewer: Hollie Signed
Date: Sep 12, 2007 Title: Chapter 10: What's This?

Hahahahah... Mario and Princess Toadstool, you rock. Methinks Maura is purposely ignoring some of the fairly obvious ire coming from lauren on this one, though whether it's because she enjoys being a threat or is just ignoring it in hopes it'll go away I don't know. More soon!

Author's Response: Hollie, I kind of love you. Mario and Princess Toadstool makes me want to go bust out some old school NES. And the mystery of Maura might be revealed in a future chapter, or it might not. You'll just have to wait and see! Much love Holls! - Amanda

Reviewer: Hollie Signed
Date: Sep 14, 2007 Title: Chapter 11: So this is Love?

OOOHHHHH, grooviness!!! And again, I LOVE LOVE LOVE your turn of phrase woman. I don;t know anybody else who writes like you. "colder than a witch’s tit in an iron bra"? RPG? I just adore you

Author's Response: And I adore you! I've been bad and haven't been keeping up with Lovelight (excuse me as I kill my university!) but I'm hoping I can take a day to read the whole thing and really enjoy it! And yes, I love that mom says it all the time whenever we get thrown into cold weather. UPdate is coming soon! - Amanda

Reviewer: Hollie Signed
Date: Sep 16, 2007 Title: Chapter 12: Chapter 12

John lennon references do not have to be apologised for *lol*

Author's Response: Ha. Yeah, the man is legend and probably the most amazing musician in the history of music (sorry Justin). I adore him. I'm actually listening to Imagine right now. Such a beautiful song and so poignant to today. Love you girl! Update is on the way....go get Lovelight updated now! - Amanda

Reviewer: Hollie Signed
Date: Sep 17, 2007 Title: Chapter 12: Chapter 12

Just an extra review to say I'm glad I'm not the only one who picked up on the "was it Maura's doing or did she swipe credit that wasn't hers" thing.

Author's Response: Yeah glad some people picked up on that. Granted I'm not going to say anyting about it right now lol so you'll just have to wait until later for it to be explained! Love you Hollie babe! - Amanda

Reviewer: Hollie Signed
Date: Sep 18, 2007 Title: Chapter 13: World's Greatest Criminal Mind

I would dearly love to know how she moved all the stuff in that time.

Author's Response: Hmm isn't that the million dollar question lol. I can't reveal that without giving something else up. Sorry Hollie, can't do it! But I still love you. Now go update Lovelight! lol -Amanda

Reviewer: Hollie Signed
Date: Sep 22, 2007 Title: Chapter 14: Hero to Zero

I'm still at a loss as to how Maura managed to not only move all that stuff but plant something on Theo, unless you're totally setting Maura up and there's another culprit altogether. Hmm. This is far too taxing for my brain on a Saturday morning.

Author's Response: I never meant for your brain to be taxed. And I won't say anything about the moving of the stuff and the Theo thing. Like I said, that will come in due course and yes. Thanks for the love, Hollie, and thank you for Lovelight. No, seriously. Update it soon! - Amanda

Reviewer: Hollie Signed
Date: Sep 28, 2007 Title: Chapter 15: In a World of My Own

Oh yes, I knew Maura wasn;t going to have any trouble accepting that break up or urging Justin to move on. she screamed bunny boiler even before she started stealing shit. Also, Justin is a dumb ass.

Author's Response: I so love the Fatal Attraction reference you just pulled Hollie. are awesome. Go update Lovelight, huh? I am not liking me some Ken and Sophie right now lol - Amanda

Reviewer: Hollie Signed
Date: Sep 30, 2007 Title: Chapter 16: Why Should I Worry?

Oohhh, can she kick Maura's ass while she's there? And if Justin was just drunk and confused and that wasn't Birmingham, i was at that birmingham show and I will totally help her kick Maura's ass. because I'm like that *lol*

Author's Response: No that was Birmingham! I'm trying to make this as real time as possible so I looked up all his old tour dates and shit. So you could very well go kick Maura's ass...I can just see the headlines lol! Love you girl, go update Lovelight now! - Amanda