They Grow Up So Fast by lroberts

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Justin. Hug? I'm wiggling. Give me a hug! No, don't leave again. No! I'll cry. I will. Don't make me cry


There. I cried...why haven't you come back? No, Mommy. I want Justin!

This is degrading. Goo goo?

Why's he always leave? Who's more important than me? Am I not cool enough? Baby make you lose all your street cred? Yeah, I know what that is. Johnny leaves MTV on all the time.


Left foot. Right foot. Left foot...left foot again?


I'm drooling. Someone wipe up my drool. Justin, you're not doing anything. Thank you, Cameron. Take lessons from her you lazy bum.


Look! Look! A tooth! Justin, look! Or don't. That's okay. I'm sure you're busy. I'll show you later.


I fell off my tricycle, Justin. Can you get me a bandaid? It's not bleeding, no. But it still hurts.

Are you sure? Won't it get in...infle...infetcha...sick?

I just want a bandaid!

I'm sorry. I'm not supposed to use my outside voice.

If you're sure...


Justin, I need help with my homework. What's 9 minus 6?

It is not! I like math!

Oh yeah? Well, I think singing is stupid, so there!

I hate you!


That's a foul, Justin!




I quit.


Mom, will you take me to BU next weekend? It's one of my college choices.

Justin's busy.

How should I know what he's doing?

Look, would you just take me?

I don't want to talk about it.


Hey, mom. What's up?

Woah, woah. Slow down. What happened?

An accident?

Is he okay?


The 17th? Ooh, mom! I have a huge meeting that day. I can't make it. I'm sorry.

What if I write a speech and you read it?

Look, I said I was sorry! What else do you want from me? It's not like Justin was that great of a brother anyway!

Have you ever been ignored all your life? By your big brother? I have.

I have.

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