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But this new person was everything her Justin was not. That person looked like he hadn't showered in days, his expensive clothes looked like they needed a trip through the washing machine and you couldn't even see his once beautiful face becuase the scraggly beard over took his features. His eyes were the same though; that deep blue that felt like they were piercing right through your soul. She would never truly escape from his eyes and everytime his name flashed across her tv or an old picture of him popped up in a magazine, her heart would flutter like a butterflies wings. He was so beautiful back then her breath would literally catch in her throat. It awed her that she was once so in love with a man.

Categories: In Progress Het Stories
Characters: Justin Timberlake
Awards: None
Genres: Angst, Drama, Romance

Series: None
Chapters: 22
Wordcount: 39980 - Hits: 58685
Complete?: No - Published: Apr 13, 2007 - Last Updated: Oct 08, 2008 -
Sadie Kennedy has just graduated from a four-year university and she finds herself back to where she never wanted to be again - home. She's always been insecure mainly due to her chubbyness and her unattractiveness compared to her four older, thin, beautiful sisters - but when she encounters the town failure, Justin, her confidence is slowly and steadily shattered by his cruel ways. This is a story of a woman who finds her inner beauty and the confidence to finally, truly be able to love herself.

Categories: In Progress Het Stories
Characters: Justin Timberlake
Awards: None
Genres: Alternate Universe, Drama, Romance

Series: None
Chapters: 24
Wordcount: 109619 - Hits: 83262
Complete?: No - Published: Apr 14, 2007 - Last Updated: Jun 11, 2010 -
Weathered by Chelsia (PG-13) starstarstarstarhalf-star [Comments - 66]
My name is Emily Baxter but for some reason Justin calls me Chief. He says I have moxie and I'm one of the smartest people he knows. Well that smartness sure didn't stop me from wasting a year of my life with a cheating bastard. Justin says everything, including that, happens for a reason. But what does he know? He thinks the Benefactor should come back for another season and please, what is THAT

Categories: In Progress Het Stories
Characters: Justin Timberlake
Awards: None
Genres: Romance

Series: None
Chapters: 34
Wordcount: 96637 - Hits: 77051
Complete?: Yes - Published: Apr 14, 2007 - Last Updated: Jun 02, 2007 -

Madison is Justin's cure for his insomnia.

Categories: Completed Het Stories
Characters: Justin Timberlake
Awards: None
Genres: General, Romance

Series: I Shall Believe
Chapters: 1
Wordcount: 1889 - Hits: 2177
Complete?: Yes - Published: Apr 14, 2010 - Last Updated: Apr 14, 2010 -

Soleil Landry had moved to LA with her twin sister, having the same hopes and dreams of success as everyone else. Two years later she's landed her first big lead role in a movie and life starts to get crazy. She has her own leading man, but the rollercoaster of their relationship puts Soleil in a confusing situation that will ultimately change things.

Categories: In Progress Het Stories
Characters: JC Chasez
Awards: None
Genres: Drama, General, Romance

Series: None
Chapters: 3
Wordcount: 6723 - Hits: 4279
Complete?: No - Published: Mar 21, 2008 - Last Updated: Mar 23, 2008 -
Justin and Amber have been friends for years, but as they grow older their feelings began to change. No longer able to deny the attraction they feel towards each other, the two find themselves caught between a rock and a hard place. Are they happy with the friendship the way it is or are they willing to risk it all for a chance at true love?

Categories: In Progress Het Stories
Characters: Group, Justin Timberlake
Awards: Season 2
Genres: Drama, Humor, Romance

Series: Love Will Find Away
Chapters: 11
Wordcount: 41521 - Hits: 32135
Complete?: No - Published: Apr 16, 2007 - Last Updated: Jun 16, 2010 -
Living on the streets of New York City, isn't easy just ask 19 year old Justin Timberlake. He left home 3 years ago after being abused by his family and hasn't been back since, but what happeneds when you throw in a girl who has a bigger connection to him then he knows is possible. Journey with him as he fights to survive the harsh streets of the city and possibly find something more.

Categories: In Progress Het Stories
Characters: Justin Timberlake
Awards: None
Genres: Alternate Universe, Angst, Drama, Humor, Romance, Suspense

Series: None
Chapters: 2
Wordcount: 3280 - Hits: 2408
Complete?: No - Published: Apr 16, 2007 - Last Updated: Apr 16, 2007 -
What happens when you're a pop star who's left to care for a your three year old child by yourself. How do you cope with the loss and learn to take care of yourself and your child. When he meets an unexpected stranger she just might be the answer his prayers. So journey with justin as he learns to care for himself an his daughter.

Categories: In Progress Het Stories
Characters: Group, Justin Timberlake
Awards: None
Genres: Angst, Drama, Humor, Romance

Series: None
Chapters: 1
Wordcount: 2270 - Hits: 1419
Complete?: No - Published: Apr 16, 2007 - Last Updated: Apr 16, 2007 -
This story is about my relationship with the one an only Justin Timberlake, i'll tell you all of the ups and downs of being friends with the mega star, and how we slowly began a relationship. So sit back, relax and read along as we explore each others lives, feelings, and everything else that comes with the most powerful word in the whole world. LOVE.

Categories: In Progress Het Stories
Characters: Group, Justin Timberlake
Awards: None
Genres: Drama, Humor, Romance

Series: None
Chapters: 1
Wordcount: 628 - Hits: 1300
Complete?: No - Published: Apr 16, 2007 - Last Updated: Apr 16, 2007 -

Who ever said, “Time heals all wounds,” was either a dumbass or simply did not have the pleasure of experiencing the delicious misery of being in love. I, on the other hand, have been in love and you know what my motto is?

Time doesn’t heal shit.

Categories: In Progress Het Stories
Characters: Justin Timberlake
Awards: None
Genres: Drama, Humor, Romance

Series: None
Chapters: 10
Wordcount: 30543 - Hits: 17584
Complete?: No - Published: Apr 16, 2007 - Last Updated: Apr 18, 2007 -

Two people. One tour.

Welcome to the FutureSex/LoveShow.

Categories: In Progress Het Stories
Characters: Justin Timberlake
Awards: None
Genres: Drama, Humor, Romance

Series: None
Chapters: 13
Wordcount: 28236 - Hits: 36152
Complete?: No - Published: Apr 16, 2007 - Last Updated: Jul 18, 2010 -
Zoe, Kendall, and Tani are three very different girls. Zoe's a no-nonsense kind of gal, Kendall just wants to have a good time, and no matter where she goes Tani just can't seem to escape that drama that follows her. But they all have something in common: Justin Timberlake. Whatever level their relationship is at with him; friend, lover, enemy; the three just can't shake him. So what happens when they put all of their experiences and skills together to "hook" Justin up? Insert Annabelle Speranza. She's just your average twenty-something phsycial therapist working hard and missing her social life. The girls adopt Anna into their entourage and Zoe and Kendall make it their mission to make Justin fall for Anna. Tani, though not usually the skeptical one, isn't sure this girl is all she's cracked up to be. Will Justin fall for Annabelle? Does Anna allow herself to succumb to Justin's charm? Can everything that's happened in the past between Zoe, Kendall, Tani, and Justin stay in the past? Or will the past come back to bite everyone in the butt?

Categories: In Progress Het Stories
Characters: Justin Timberlake
Awards: None
Genres: Drama

Series: None
Chapters: 12
Wordcount: 30298 - Hits: 26969
Complete?: No - Published: Jun 12, 2007 - Last Updated: Jun 29, 2010 -
Running Home by Ambs07 (NC-17) starstarstarstarhalf-star [Comments - 9]

What do you do when you’re life is threatened? Do you run? Or do you stay and fight?

For Rachel-Lynn running is the only option, she finds a friend and gets a make over and a new name--Nikeia to start. Working at an up and coming club Nikeia tries to forget her past troubles. With the rich and hot owner paying special attention to her she starts to believe that she can succeed. Then her not so dead ghosts catch up. She is again fearing for her llife, but this times she’s not alone. Will she take the help that is offered or for one last time face her past?

Categories: In Progress Het Stories
Characters: Justin Timberlake
Awards: None
Genres: Alternate Universe, Angst, Drama, Romance, Suspense

Series: None
Chapters: 4
Wordcount: 14532 - Hits: 7075
Complete?: No - Published: Apr 18, 2007 - Last Updated: Oct 01, 2007 -

Everyone can probably remember a time when they were younger and threw a fit at the doctor. See what happens when Justin takes his son Taylor in for a booster.

Categories: Completed Het Stories
Characters: Justin Timberlake
Awards: None
Genres: Humor

Series: None
Chapters: 1
Wordcount: 2918 - Hits: 1212
Complete?: Yes - Published: Jul 06, 2008 - Last Updated: Jul 06, 2008 -
He was as normal as it got. She was more unusual than he knew. Neither was prepared for what would happen when their worlds became one.

Categories: Completed Het Stories
Characters: Justin Timberlake
Awards: None
Genres: Alternate Universe, Drama, Fantasy, Humor, Romance, Supernatural

Series: None
Chapters: 11
Wordcount: 32881 - Hits: 21960
Complete?: No - Published: May 04, 2007 - Last Updated: Jul 07, 2007 -