December 24th

JC’s day had consisted of running around all of the major shopping malls for about five hours until all of the gift shopping and stocking stuffers had been purchased.  He also purchased a considerable amount of wrapping paper to ensure he was able to get it all done when he arrived home.  He then had to hit the grocery store with a sizeable list to ensure he had all of the ingredients for everything that needed cooking. 

He arrived home to find Parker in bed with Emma, working on a coloring book.  The Weather Channel was on and Parker was focusing on the Winter Weather reporting.  He was determined to see if there was going to be even an ounce of snow in California anywhere near them. 


December 25th

Emma awoke to the stirring of the bed as JC slipped out of the room.  She looked over and saw his handy work – a pile of presents wrapped under the tree.  He had also taken the stockings and hung them over the dresser in lieu of a fireplace.  He came back in with Parker and a tray of mugs of hot cocoa. 

“I found this little hooligan in the kitchen.  Can’t wake him up for school, but when it’s Christmas day he wakes early, no alarm necessary,” he chuckled as he handed Emma a mug.  Parker took in the sight of all the presents in the room and grinned as he studied the tree intently, deciding which present would be his first to open. 

Emma smiled, “Go on, PJ.  You can open them, go nuts!”

He eagerly snatched a box with his name on it and ripped at the paper.  The box contained gloves, a hat and a scarf.  He sighed, “Well, this will be good for later, I guess.”

JC nodded, “Pick out another present to open, champ.”

Parker ripped open another box and found a pair of snow pants.  Emma could tell he was fighting a frown from his muted facial expression.  “Oh, these are nice.”

Emma looked over at JC.  These were not the presents on the shopping list and she was growing concerned that Parker was going to be disappointed since they were not in Maryland to enjoy the snowy weather.  “Josh?”

He looked back at her with a twinkle in his eye and a knowing smile.  Clearly he had a plan up his sleeve.  Maybe he would take Parker snowboarding in the mountains soon. 

“I guess I will open the big one,” Parker said, taking the large box from under the tree and sliding it out so he could get a good grasp around it.  He opened it and made a sighing sound as he pulled out a red sled.  “Um, this is neat.” 

JC ignored his son’s disappointment and turned to Emma.  “Okay, honey, I want you to turn the television to input.”

She looked at him strangely, but did as she was told.  “What is that?  Is that our yard?”  It appeared to be a live-feed of their backyard from a camcorder JC had set up downstairs.  Except that the yard was covered in snow.  “How did you-“

JC pulled an inflatable tube out from the bathroom and pointed to Parker.  “Get your sled, PJ.”

“What are you talking about Dad?”

JC headed out into the hallway and pointed out the window.  “We’re hitting the slopes!”

“It SNOWED?  It SNOWED?  Dad, how did it snow?  How did you do this?” 

JC smiled, “I had a little help from Santa.”

“This is the coolest!  The coolest, Dad!  I wish Mom could see this!”

“I set up a video camera so she can see everything, okay?”

Parker nodded as he ran down the stairs carrying his sled.  They played in the snow for about two hours before returning into the house. 

Emma smiled, “You guys look like you had fun!  JC, this is amazing.  I cannot believe you pulled this off.  How many snow machines did this take?”

He laughed, “More than I would like to admit.  Not sure how long it is going to take to melt, but it should last through today at least.”

“Well, what an amazing surprise,” she smiled, settling back down on the bed. 

“I have another surprise,” he said as he presented her with a roll of papers.

She unrolled it and stared at what appeared to be blueprints.  “What is this?

“This is the blueprint to the office space downstairs I am going to convert into a recording studio,” he said as he pointed along the piece of paper.

“A home studio?” she asked with excitement. 

He nodded, “Yes.  I am going to start working from home a lot more.  Spending this much time with you two over these past few days reminded me how much I love it.  I do not want to miss another moment.”

“JC, this is amazing,” she said, looking over the blueprints in awe.  “It is going to be so much easier for you to set your own hours now.”   

He pressed his lips to her forehead as he ran his hand over her stomach.  “I told you both I would start keeping my promises.” 


Whit1210 is the author of 10 other stories.
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Story Tags: love challenge daddyjc postsync originalcharacter christmas producerjc pregnant