
The url is now working under the domain.

What does this mean for you? Well everything is 100% back to normal. :) You can save the url but we plan on keeping the url too since many of you are familiar with it.

But you will need to change any links set to .... as it is now just

We also have a message board! Feel free to stop by and check it out. :)

--Vikki on Aug 25, 2008 11:33 pm 0 Comments
Inaugural Speech

I just wanted to pop in and say hellur to everyone out there and send out a "welcome back" to NsyncFiction! I'm really excited to be taking part in this alongside Brit and encourage you all to let us know if you have any questions, concerns, suggestions, or comments about ANYTHING going on at the site. I know there has been a lot of unnecessary turmoil and grief the past few weeks and I want to apologize if I had anything to do with that right off of the top. As far as merging the archives that was merely an idea. I personally wanted to know if it was possible to merge the two where you guys wouldn't have to do anything but log into one and everything was in one nice tidy spot. The intent wasn't to make you transfer from one place to another, lose your favorite stories, reviews or anything of the such. When we found out that couldn't be done then the idea was scrapped. So apologies to anyone that took that the wrong way but that's the truth from me to you so it's definitely in the past now.

As the wonderful Vikki has already stated we would like to thank Tia for all of the hard work that she has put in to keep this thing together and providing everyone a home when we had none to go to. Despite what has happened we're grateful for all that she's done and glad that she will not be departing the fandom.

To all of the authors and the readers out there, thanks for bearing with us during the transition and thank you for your continued support!

--Nik on Aug 25, 2008 12:55 pm 11 Comments
back in business

I apologize for any worries, frustration, or confusion I may have caused any'ers this past week.

With Tia's help, I've managed a slightly bumpy transfer of the archive over to, your new home. It did take a few days to iron out the kinks, but I hope you all find everything nice and normal.

Please be advised that any stories, updates, reviews or comments posted ON AND AFTER THURSDAY NIGHT (Aug 21st) will not be found because this was after Tia and I had already begun the moving process. Sorry but they will have to be re-posted.

There are also two new skins (more on the way) and new rules and terms of service that all authors/members should be aware of. They are more like guidelines and all admins and mods will be very fair in applying them. :)

I would also like to take this opportunity to thank Tia for her time and dedication to this archive for the past year and a half. I am sure many of the 1,462 members have really appreciated the wonderful job she has done.

And last but not least.... a huge thank you and welcome to your new admins, Nikki & Brittany!

--Vikki on Aug 24, 2008 12:26 am 0 Comments

Short and simple (and official): You guys are NOT going to have to move over to the old archive. That archive will stay as a read-only, and this databasewill be moved over to Vikki's webspace along with a clean install of the current version of the efiction software. This domain name will be changed to point to her server. Your stories/login info/reviews should all be there as they are here.

The ONLY possible change is that instead of typing, you'll be accessing the archive directly through the main domain of

Again, this site will go down briefly while the DNS servers register the change, but that *should* be a short while. Whether that means a couple of minutes, a couple of hours, or up to 24 hours, that I do not know.

Either I, Vikki, or Nikki will post an update on JJB when we're ready to make that final step.

Or things will happen so quickly you won't even notice. *fingers crossed*

--Tia on Aug 21, 2008 10:04 pm 4 Comments
Endings, and new beginnings

 FIRST OF ALL. (again). take a deep breath and READ. I NEVER said that I would be shutting down the archive. I said (and I quote from below):

And NO, this does not mean that if two weeks go by and no one has stepped up, the archive will be deleted. If a month (after those two weeks) has gone by and still nothing, then I will start charging for webspace. 

The reason I had said that I would start charging for webSPACE is because the members had donated for the DOMAIN name. The hosting has been coming out of my pocket, which wasn't a problem, because I wanted to do it. But if the two week deadline had gone by, and then another month after that, and I was still hosting this site that I no longer wanted to run, then yes, I would charge for the webspace. That may be wrong, or selfish, or whatever, but it's the truth.

 Second, to the people who have emailed/commented/IM'd/etc, I do love you. Just because I'm no longer running doesn't mean that I won't be in the fandom.

But, I'm done you guys. I've run this archive for a year and a half, and although I loved it, it's time for me to take a step (or five) back. I gave a couple of reasons to those people that I talked to last night. Believe what you will as to why I have decided to do this, but just know that I do NOT regret any of my decisions or actions.

As for the archive itself, Brittany and Nikki from have offered to take over both hosting and administrating. They both have ample experience running a site, and I have confidence that they will do a great job. If they have any problems or questions, I'm always here if need be.

What that means for all of you: for the moment, nothing. Everything is going to happen behind the scenes.

My webhost (or Brittany's and Nikki's) will create a copy of the current database, which contains all of the stories, reviews, and member information and place it on their webspace.

The domain name will also be transferred over to one of the girls, and set to point at the new space where the database is located, AFTER they get everything set up to their satisfaction.

At the point of transferring of the domain name, it may take up to 24 hours for the DNS servers to readjust to the new location. The archive *may* be down during that period. I will post a warning on JJB before this happens, so that you guys don't freak out. Please know though, the files that are being transferred are a COPY. The original database will still remain on my webspace until I delete it. So IF something happens, then I have a backup copy. BREATHE, people. *lol*

Until I post the warning on JJB, the archive here will continue to run as usual. You will be able to log in to your accounts and update your stories and post reviews.

HOWEVER (there's always a *however*; I think my first news blurb included this warning, so it's fitting that the last one does as well):

BACK UP YOUR STORIES AND REVIEWS!!!! I know a lot of you have learned this lesson already, but just to reiterate again, I make no guarentees that something won't go down (pun intended)!

Also, the 'simply nsync' and the 'boys of summer' skins will be included, but the sophia one will not. (Sorry Kaleena).

As for me, just because I'm no longer the admin doesn't mean I'm disappearing from the fandom. I don't think I'd be allowed to *lol*. You all know how to reach me...just limit it to non-archive related stuff! :-)

For the last time,


--Tia on Aug 17, 2008 11:59 pm 7 Comments
Two weeks notice.

The more I read the responses, the more I just want to wash my hands of this. So, (this is for EVERYONE), this is my TWO WEEK NOTICE.

Since I am apparently "drunk on power" and have abused my authority, I give the reins back to the fandom. You all have two weeks to find someone willing to pay for webspace and figure out how to transfer the files and set up the efiction software ( for instructions.

I want no money from you, since I voluntarily started this archive  a year and a half ago when the first one disappeared.

Today is Saturday, August 16, 2008. By August 31st, 2008, this archive and domain name will be transferred to another webspace. How, who, or where is not my problem.

Someone else take the "power". I no longer want it.


And NO, this does not mean that if two weeks go by and no one has stepped up, the archive will be deleted. If a month (after those two weeks) has gone by and still nothing, then I will start charging for webspace.


--Tia on Aug 16, 2008 07:14 pm 32 Comments

What is Plagiarism

Many people think of plagiarism as copying another's work, or borrowing someone else's original ideas. But terms like "copying" and "borrowing" can disguise the seriousness of the offense:

According to the Merriam-Webster Online Dictionary, to "plagiarize" means
  1. to steal and pass off (the ideas or words of another) as one's own
  2. to use (another's production) without crediting the source
  3. to commit literary theft
  4. to present as new and original an idea or product derived from an existing source.

In other words, plagiarism is an act of fraud. It involves both stealing someone else's work and lying about it afterward.

All of the following are considered plagiarism:
  • turning in someone else's work as your own
  • copying words or ideas from someone else without giving credit
  • failing to put a quotation in quotation marks
  • giving incorrect information about the source of a quotation
  • changing words but copying the sentence structure of a source without giving credit
  • copying so many words or ideas from a source that it makes up the majority of your work, whether you give credit or not (see our section on "fair use" rules)

Now read through the examples again:

There are instances where she both took sections out of the story word for word, AND followed VERY closely to the plotline.

For the person who said that the entire archive should be shut down, the difference between this particular instance and the archive in general is that this is a specific instance. I am well aware that people are inspired by movies, music, professional authors, and television shows. BUT they usually take the general plot or theme and modify it to make it their own, and if they use song lyrics, they give credit to the author. Smrkks did neither with FictionLyn, AND she copied straight from the original story.

Second issue: This was brought to my attention last weekend by one of the readers of 'Three Wishes'. I looked into it, and I got a second opinion. The evidence that you see is what was compiled. THEN, since most of you seem to be assuming that I accused smrkks unjustly and out of the blue, I contacted her with the evidence and told her to take the CHAPTER DOWN (not the entire story) and rewrite it in here own words by Wednesday, or I would take it down for her.

Wednesday night, I saw that she had replied to reviews to that chapter, but had ignored my emailed warning. I was aware that she had had internet issues, which is why I gave her from Saturday until Wednesday. The reviews showed that she was indeed online. There was no reply to my email from her, and there was nothing stating that the email had bounced back to me, and since I sent it through this website and have done so previously with other emails before that and after, I had no reason to assume that she did not get my email.

I took it public for two reasons: I was not getting through to her privately, and I felt that I needed to take a strong stance on this to cut anyone off at the pass who might attempt something similar. And yes, I was also angry and insulted that someone would try to do this, no matter what their reasons or level of writing beforehand.

 Whether I was wrong to do so or not, is your personal opinion, but I did my best to assess the entire situation and react accordingly.

I also never said that smrkks had to leave; IF I had, I would have simply banned her. My issue was never with her; it was with ONE chapter of ONE story.

Smrkks is welcome back, if she decides to do so. That's up to her. I don't know what she told you, nor do I particularly care. I took what I had in front of me, and dealt with it how I saw fit.

If you choose to take your stories down because of this one situation, then that is also your choice. I'm sure Vikki would love to open the archive on back up and some of you can volunteer to run that, since she won't have the time.

If someone would like to reimburse me for this past month's webhosting of $10, plus the original domain purchase also of$10 and set up their own site, I would be more than happy to see about transferring the database and domain to them. I suggest for hosting packages.

Or, if you have an alternate solution, feel free to email me as well.

Until then, the archive will still be here, and so will I. For better or for worse.

--Tia on Aug 16, 2008 06:18 pm 1 Comments

I am honestly amazed at the audacity of people in general who dare to copy other people's hard work and ideas. I am appalled, dismayed, and insulted that a fellow author could blatantly copy both ideas and outright paragraphs from one of the most well known stories in *NSYNC Fiction.

Many of you may have noticed that 'Three Wishes' by smrkks has been deleted and changed. For those who are not following that particular story, please click here:

Usually I would not call out an author so publically, but this is a unique case. I would also like to reiterate, in case you aren't getting the point, that I DO NOT TOLORATE PLAGIARISM. If you are caught, you will be dealt with accordingly. Do not try to call either my, or the fandom's, bluff. The NF fandom is NOT that big, and if you try to copy another author's ideas, you will be found out one way or another, sooner or later.

Just don't do it. Please.

--Tia on Aug 13, 2008 07:32 pm 19 Comments
nsyncfiction.NET (old archive!)

In case you guys haven't read the post by Vikki on JJB, she has bought the domain name and restored the old archive, so thank you to her for that.

SO, those of you who had emailed me in the past asking about stories lost, this is your chance to go find them and SAVE THEM IN A WORD DOCUMENT. :lol I would also recommend posting them here as well for additional archival purposes (and to receive new reviews). Although, if you're like me, you may not want to claim some of those previous stories....

NF.NET will remain open as an archive only, while will remain as the active site archive. For you new members, this does not affect you either way except that now you have another place to read those older stories that friends may have mentioned/recommended previously.

In other news (not necessarily as exciting), Happy Birthday to JC!

--Tia on Aug 08, 2008 07:20 pm 1 Comments

THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU. has now officially been renewed for the next 2 years, which is a HUGE relief off of my mind (and all of yours, I'm sure!)

MANY Mucho Grachias to:

Traci, Sarah, Cheryl, and Jessica for your generous donations. If there's any thing you four need (well, graphics wise), please don't hesitate to ask.


--Tia on Jul 28, 2008 07:20 pm 18 Comments
Domain Renewal (donations)

**EDIT: Donation button is at the bottom of the screen, in the footer of the Sophia, Boys of Summer and Simply *NSYNC layouts.** 

I usually would not do this, but since it affects all of you, I figured it couldn't hurt to ask.

The domain name is up for renewal on August 5th. I do not, at the moment, have the funds to spare for even the $10 it would take to renew it for a year, much less the $20 it would take for two years.

 SO, I've set up a paypal account, and any donations you want to put towards the renewal would be GREATLY appreciated. If it's less than $10 by Aug 4th, then I will put it towards the 1 year renewal. If it's more than $10, than I will put it towards the $10 renewal. I will take down the paypal button either when we reach one of these two goals or on Aug 4th, which ever comes first.

--Tia on Jul 27, 2008 07:44 pm 4 Comments
Free Plots section

Just some clarification----For the claimed plots section, do not move your suggested plot to that category; the actual STORY itself that is the result of the suggestion is what needs to be in the 'claimed plots' section instead.

 The original suggestion needs to be edited to say: CLAIMED with a link to the story, once it is started. (please put this in both the summary and the body of the plot suggestion).

 Overall though, I'm pleased that people are using the sections, and interested in seeing the results!

--Tia on Jul 14, 2008 06:45 pm 5 Comments
We are NSYNC ( and NSYNC ( we shall stay!
Okay, so between the comments here and the couple of emails and input from my fellow MOD, things are going to stay as they are for now. I appreciate everyone's input though, and will definitely keep it in mind for future. :D

--Tia on Jun 29, 2008 09:49 pm 0 Comments
Because I'm bored...

Question: Would you guys be interested if I were to add an "other fandoms" category? Meaning, all non-nsync related fan fiction? Intially, it would stick to other musicians and actors (Christina, Britney, Kelly Clarkson, Channing Tatum, Paul Walker, etc. are a few categories that come to mind), but if there is more interest, then it would be expanded to include other fandoms completely, like say, Harry Potter. By suggestion only though, and there would have to be at least three stories submitted in each non-musician category or else it would be taken down.


 would you also be interested if I were to add an "original fiction" category? Meaning NO nsync members (you can use their physical descriptions, but everything else--names, celeb status, etc is not allowed).

Please leave a comment or two stating your opinion if you have one. I'm not planning on this happening immediately, but if there's a big enough respose that could of course change.

To the people who have sent me buttons after I complained last update, I sincerely apologize for not getting them up yet. Summer cold + allergies = NOT happy Tia. I haven't forgotten, I promise.

--Tia on Jun 29, 2008 12:51 am 8 Comments
Award sites; nsync member related sites

So I'm getting REALLY tired of looking at those last plain white buttons! For those of you who have fanfic award sites, please send me a button so I can help get the word out here as well! If you don't have the program or know-how to make a button, simply send me the picture and link and I will take care of the rest. :D This also goes for anyone with nsync related or individual member related sites!

Come on ladies (and guys, if there are any out there)--I know I'm not the only one who's tired of looking at those buttons!

--Tia on Jun 22, 2008 08:52 pm 2 Comments