Penname: Sarah04 [Contact]
Real name: Sarah
Member Since: 03/27/04

About the author:
I'm an 18 year old female who lives in MA

Beta-reader: No
Membership status: Member

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Drunken Kid by Sarah04  starstarstarstarstar   [Reviews - 1]
Summary: Justin gets drunk and his friends defend him as best they can to their parents. Oh, and he's only 17 years old in this story.
Characters: Justin Timberlake
Category: Short Stories
Genre: Drama, Alternate Universe
Story Type:
Rating: PG-13
Warnings: adult language, drug/alcohol abuse
Published: 04/17/04
Updated: 04/17/04
Completed? Yes
Story Statistics
Chapters 1
Word Count 1311 words

Dying Love by Sarah04    [Reviews - 0]
Summary: His girlfriend decides that she no longer loves him and flees during the night before their wedding
Characters: Unknown
Category: Short Stories
Genre: Drama
Story Type:
Rating: PG
Warnings: None
Published: 04/17/04
Updated: 04/17/04
Completed? Yes
Story Statistics
Chapters 1
Word Count 401 words

He Remembered by Sarah04    [Reviews - 0]
Summary: This story pertains to Justin's reaction to losing a loved one. It's an award-winning story.
Characters: Justin Timberlake
Category: Short Stories
Genre: Drama, Alternate Universe
Story Type:
Rating: PG-13
Warnings: violence/death
Published: 04/17/04
Updated: 04/17/04
Completed? Yes
Story Statistics
Chapters 1
Word Count 888 words

Heartbroken by Sarah04    [Reviews - 0]
Summary: He's heartbroken when one of his best friends gets with his ex-girlfriend.
Characters: Unknown
Category: Short Stories
Genre: Drama, Alternate Universe
Story Type:
Rating: PG-13
Warnings: None
Published: 04/17/04
Updated: 04/17/04
Completed? Yes
Story Statistics
Chapters 1
Word Count 472 words

I Should Have by Sarah04    [Reviews - 0]
Summary: Justin regrets something that he could have prevented
Characters: Justin Timberlake
Category: Short Stories
Genre: Drama
Story Type:
Rating: PG-13
Warnings: violence/death
Published: 04/17/04
Updated: 04/17/04
Completed? Yes
Story Statistics
Chapters 1
Word Count 479 words

I'm Sorry by Sarah04    [Reviews - 0]
Summary: He loses his best friend in an accident, and he's the one to blame.
Characters: Unknown
Category: Short Stories
Genre: Drama
Story Type:
Rating: PG-13
Warnings: violence/death
Published: 04/17/04
Updated: 04/17/04
Completed? Yes
Story Statistics
Chapters 1
Word Count 610 words

Perfection by Sarah04  starstarstarstarstar   [Reviews - 1]
Summary: A sick and twisted woman plots death against her ex-boyfriend
Characters: Justin Timberlake
Category: Short Stories
Genre: Angst
Story Type:
Rating: NC-17
Warnings: violence/death, adult language
Published: 04/17/04
Updated: 04/17/04
Completed? Yes
Story Statistics
Chapters 1
Word Count 2035 words

Truth or Dare by Sarah04  starstarstarstarhalf-star   [Reviews - 3]
Summary: The guys are bored on the bus one day, and decide to play a little game of Truth or Dare
Characters: Group
Category: Short Stories
Genre: Drama
Story Type:
Rating: PG-13
Warnings: sexual situations
Published: 04/17/04
Updated: 04/17/04
Completed? Yes
Story Statistics
Chapters 1
Word Count 1985 words

Twenty-First by Sarah04  starstarstarstarstar   [Reviews - 1]
Summary: Justin goes out and parties on his twenty-first birthday, but the night ends with tragedy.
Characters: Justin Timberlake
Category: Short Stories
Genre: Drama, Angst
Story Type:
Rating: NC-17
Warnings: violence/death, adult language, sexual situations, drug/alcohol abuse
Published: 04/17/04
Updated: 04/17/04
Completed? Yes
Story Statistics
Chapters 1
Word Count 835 words

War of Tears by Sarah04    [Reviews - 0]
Summary: Justin cherishes the last night he has with his wife before he goes back to war. This takes place in 1918.
Characters: Justin Timberlake
Category: Short Stories
Genre: Drama, Romance
Story Type:
Rating: PG-13
Warnings: violence/death
Published: 04/17/04
Updated: 04/17/04
Completed? Yes
Story Statistics
Chapters 1
Word Count 915 words

Wicked Game by Sarah04    [Reviews - 0]
Summary: Justin finds 'the girl of his dreams' but later finds out that she's not all she's cracked up to be.
Characters: Justin Timberlake
Category: Short Stories
Genre: Drama, Horror, Alternate Universe, Angst
Story Type:
Rating: NC-17
Warnings: violence/death, adult language
Published: 04/17/04
Updated: 04/17/04
Completed? Yes
Story Statistics
Chapters 1
Word Count 816 words

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This site is not affiliated with NSync, Jive, WEG ... etc. No stories on the site represent any actual events. Webmasters and authors do not know NSync or any other celebrities mentioned. Any fictional characters are copyrighted to that author. Plagiarism is bad!!
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